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Thread: hard lump on injection site

  1. #1

    hard lump on injection site

    hi guys im on my 10th jab of test e only cycle doing 1/2ml twice a week in each glute starting to get hard lumps on injection site they do go down in time for next jab just wondered want they were , the lumps arent painful had a slight rash on one side little itchy , any help would be grateful.

  2. #2
    any1 ????

  3. #3
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Mar 2009
    They sound like they could be infections.

    I would get them checked out.

    I've seen people with allergies to the carrier the test is in.

    Keep in mind that this is not to say that is what is going on with you, I'm just saying.

    Are they warm?

    You have done 10 injections, are they all doing the same thing?

    Are you injecting in a new spot each time?

    Everything sterile?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I just did my 11th injection of Test prop on my left delt. did 1.5mL and i got the same thing going on. i don't know what to do.

    injection site is a bit more sore than usual and there's what looks and feels like a bump or lump on my delt.

    ..and when i jabbed at first my muscle started twitching, but i just continued with injection. i did go a bit faster than usual this time, maybe that's it.

    never had any probs in the past. and sorry to hijack. hoping that massaging will help it go down some.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    It sounds to me like the BA is giving you an inflamed injection site. If it is inflamed, red, hot, and you have a fever..... it very well could be an infection..... If not..... i'd say it's the BA in the gear.

    The twitching you had on your last injection was because you hit a nerve.....


  6. #6
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    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    It sounds to me like the BA is giving you an inflamed injection site. If it is inflamed, red, hot, and you have a fever..... it very well could be an infection..... If not..... i'd say it's the BA in the gear.

    The twitching you had on your last injection was because you hit a nerve.....

    Ah I see. thanks man. it hurt a bit more when i did the inject... i thought it may be a nerve... it stung inside like i was piercing through my muscle or something.

    think this has something to do with the inflamation? so far the gear has treated me well! everything sterile.

  7. #7
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    Bumps and lumps are just part of the game .. You are only injecting your glutes ?? You need to use more injection sites or you will end up building up lots of scar tissue ..

    Now ( like Haz said) if you have swelling , redness ( splotchy ) , alot of pain , fever and/or the inject site is warm to the touch .. You could possible have a infection ( which it sounds like you dont.. or it wont go down for your next inject .. as you said above that it does )..


  8. #8
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    In The Q & A
    Make sure you try to keep your hand steady as possible when doing the inject ( moving the needle around a lot can make it more sore )....


  9. #9
    What size pin are you using?
    this a ugl?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    thanks guys.

    i dont think mines infected either cause it's only slightly warm and i don't think it's red or splotchy (tough to tell cause i got a tattoo on my delt). but i feel fine, just weird having a lump there.

    i rotate 4 injection spots, delts and glutes. this enough for prop? i would do quads but i heard some peeps stay away from quads. also can you inject with 23g 1.5" in quads?

    i use 25g 5/8" for delts and 23g 1.5" for glutes.

    yeah it's a ugl but this is my first cycle and the prop is very painless.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    They sound like they could be infections.

    I would get them checked out.

    I've seen people with allergies to the carrier the test is in.

    Keep in mind that this is not to say that is what is going on with you, I'm just saying.

    Are they warm?

    You have done 10 injections, are they all doing the same thing?

    Are you injecting in a new spot each time?

    Everything sterile?
    thanks for reply its only happened a few times the lump has gone down a bit now dont think its an infection cause i asume it would be painful, before i inject i shower clean surface im using to put equipment on im a bit more paranoid as my mate got an infection 3 weeks ago he had a lump size of a cricket ball and he couldnt sit down . i inject around the same spot each time . my next 1 is tuesday and there no lump on this glute but feels hard around the site should i change site?

  12. #12
    is it me or did i get my thread high jacked??????

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    lol sorry bro

  14. #14
    no worrys pal same problem sounds like ,think im going to try my quads can i use same needle? 23g?

  15. #15
    you need to rub that shit down.. it will help move the oil around and you wont get a lump. I have used test in doses of 500mg per ml.. which often left rock hard lumps... but if you take your fist and really grind on your glute for a minute or two it wont happen.

  16. #16
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigboydan111 View Post
    thanks for reply its only happened a few times the lump has gone down a bit now dont think its an infection cause i asume it would be painful, before i inject i shower clean surface im using to put equipment on im a bit more paranoid as my mate got an infection 3 weeks ago he had a lump size of a cricket ball and he couldnt sit down . i inject around the same spot each time . my next 1 is tuesday and there no lump on this glute but feels hard around the site should i change site?
    Yes, it sounds like the carrier, (oil), that's bothering you.

    Just change sites, and keep an eye on things.



  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Also make sure you inject slowly, and rub the injection site for a min or two.

    Lumps happen

  18. #18
    cheers guys for info il change to quad , 23g needle ok ?

  19. #19
    o and what is ment by BA ???

  20. #20
    bump any1?

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