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Thread: Test with SSRI's?

  1. #1

    Exclamation Test with SSRI's?

    Im 28 years old and have been lifting for 12 years. I currently weigh 210, and am 6'1". I take pride in the neuromuscular strength and nice muscle mass i put on. I like the way i look, and i know i can look better. Im facinated with steroids and always wanted to try them. I read up for about a year and finally decided to go pick up some test-e. im very healthy right now with the exception of depression and former substance abuse/addictions. yea- depression bothered me my whole life. I take two medications because of it.

    Im debating wether I should start the test-e. Im not afraid of all the other effects like gyno since i know i can treat them if i run into those problems. My problem is my mental health, im afraid that:

    a) the mixture of test-e and my meds-> an unnamed ssri & welbutrin will have disasterous effects on my mental health/depression. i know ill feel great while on my cycle, but i anticipate post cycle blues will hit me super hard.

    b) in order to combat the post cycle blues ill just wind up taking more test again, and again, and again, till i cant stop. I really only wanted to do 4-6 cycles, and attempt to keep at least 15 pounds.

    c) ill just have a really bad reaction, between the meds i take, and the test-e, and fall into possibly a mania, paranoia, major depression that takes years to recover from.

    Im not a pro bb, im not involved in serious sports anymore being out of college 5 years, but i do enjoy good muscle pumps and putting on mass. i enjoy tearing it up on the bench always trying to gain more mass and get stronger for my own personal worth. that is my reason to start a few cycles.

    If anyone knows wether i can mix the meds with the test, or knows somebody that does, or thinks that i am just plain foolish to play russian roulette let me know.

    In all seriousness i am thinking about throwing the stuff in the garbage unless i know it wont affect my mental health.

    Thnx - Joe

  2. #2
    I would worry about prolactin build up and issues that can arise with AAS in your system. Depression wise you will be ok on cycle, but as you know PCT might be a little harsh. You need to assess your own mental strength and see if you can get through that period.

    Look up if increased prolactin is a side effect of your SSRI for starters.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    The meds seem to be ok while on cycle, but the issue becomes after.

    For myself,(from being on similar meds), it hit after pct was done.

    I don't have the substance abuse history you have, or a history of depression.

    I would say, judging from your post, Consider not running gear at all.

    You sound like the gym is your mental outlet, and your happy there.

    It's a confusing thing sometimes, but I would stay away until you research alot more.

    Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors are always subject to changes in your body chemistry.

    There is no manual on each individual case on this.



  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I take lexapro... and i am currently 1 week into pct... I have had no problems yet..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    plus... I used to abuse alcohol for about 15 years. I have been off it for 8 years.

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