Hey guys just about to start a new cycle and it is a little bit random.. reason for doing it is the stuff im thinking about using is 100% real and i know this.. because where i live it is very difficult to get real stuff. im going to use 2 ml of max pro 197 ( not the actual stuff but snapped 4ml sus 3ml deca 250 and 3 ml tren 75 into a vial ) that works out to be 150mg deca/ 50 tren and 200 sus. and then im going to add 2 mls of enanthate 200 ontop of it.. grand total of 800mg per week.
i have used a course of pure test before and one of dbol before that. im far from a training novice used to be elite gymnast and now im a competative body builder. Im not asking if this would be the best mixture of compounds for me to use because i know its not. but im asking would it be ok? because this is all i can really get my hands on. i would run it for 12 weeks.. PCT is not an issue. Thank you and i appreciate your input