you can call me ROokie extra im basically here to educate my self from more experinced people i have a few question to ask
after my First cycle ( Test E & eq) when my cycle was Done i did my PCT (HCG CLOMID NOLVA)
but i noticed my nipples are a TINY bit puffy But if my nipples are hard you cant see the puff, and when i pinch my nipple behind it is a tiny lump the szie of a Dime if not alittle bit Smaller , iv been asked does my chest Hang no it doesnt,
my question is SHould i be Worried?
Should i do surgery to get it removed?
and will it get worse when i do my next cycle in May
btw my first cycle i was shooting 600 Test 600 Eq a week then after 2 months i bumped up the test 2 900. did this happen because i bumped up the Test?
for my post cycle i was shooting 2000 units every other day for 2 weeks 40 mg of novidex a day for 2 weeks then 1 a day till bottle is done and 100 of clomid a day
did i do this correctly or in correctly?