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Thread: Cutting steroids?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Cutting steroids?

    Hey I'm going to embark on the Atkin diet, and a tthe same time run Clen/ECA/T3 stack to accelerate fat loss.

    I'm going to do weight training 3 times a week and couple of cardio sessions!

    I was wondering which is the best oral roid to take which is gona help me stay lean whilst dieting n training, and give me a cut up defintion

  2. #2
    weighing in at 122 you shouldn't be touching anything but natural foods - even if it is for weight loss.

    weights & cardio 3 times a week isn't going to do much either.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic
    For starters the atkins diet will cause you to lose mostly muscle. A diet that tells you to eat all the fat you want to is not high on my list. The low calories that comes from low carbo intake results in weight reduction but your body has to get those calories from muscle. You're too busy burning the fat you eat to burn the fat on your body. Your heart muscle in particular will sufer. Try cutting out the fat you eat as well as the sugars. Complex carbs are not the evil fat builder that quack says it is.

    The best oral roids for dieting and burning fat while keeping the muscle are anavar and primobolan. You will need alot of fat burning power if you're doing the atkins diet. Alot.

    At least you're not getting liposuction.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    there are no cutting steroids, but you knew that, try searching there is so much info on this site, I just searched preserve muscle diet and 28 threads popped up, no flame at all but ill humor you, pretty much any juice will save your muscle like test prop, winny, anavar, even fina those would serve your porpoise. buuuut you want orals hmmm why? winny or var then.
    Last edited by BOB HAD BITCH TITS; 01-05-2003 at 07:22 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    In a cold dark hole in total isolation.

    Re: Cutting steroids?

    Originally posted by NAS
    Hey I'm going to embark on the Atkin diet, and a tthe same time run Clen/ECA/T3 stack to accelerate fat loss.

    I'm going to do weight training 3 times a week and couple of cardio sessions!

    I was wondering which is the best oral roid to take which is gona help me stay lean whilst dieting n training, and give me a cut up defintion
    clen/eca/t3..............sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen!

    how about clen/Eq/winny

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