Ive done a few cycles over the last few years but kept them simple, and never really wanted to gain much size, more cutting cycles tbh.
My question now is, Im interested in using some real stuff like including Tren and what ever other things you all deem as great stuff for size, and stripping fat. Hard to explain this?!
Anyway, Im worried, esp with the use of Tren, as to hair loss. Ive used Deca, sus, test, var, and not had any hair loss. Im just worried if I use some stronger gear, things may go that way!
Honestly, compared to what Ive used, how much worse are the likes of Tern for hair loss? If anyone also has a great cycle for me to gain some size, and rip down to more that my current 10-11% BF that would be great.
Im 27yr old, 5'9", 182lbs, 28" waist, 44" chest, 17" arms (All approx) training for 10yrs and writing this very quickly as Im running late now!!
Thanks, and any more info needed, please ask!!