I myself like it alot, loads of test. Well price is around 60-110 is about pricing just wanted to let you guys know .
I myself like it alot, loads of test. Well price is around 60-110 is about pricing just wanted to let you guys know .
i just ran across some t-400. i was hoping to take t-200 again but cant find it locally. how will the t-400 compare? i will take 1/2 a cc twice a week mixed in with 1cc (200mg) of eq each time. i heard it hurts pretty bad. how quick did you see results in size and strength? did it bloat you? did you get acne? (i also heard that it is dirty stuff) any input would be appreciated.
It does hurt but will build a tolarance for it, but mixing t-200 no It already has enth, in it that would be a waiste. Also it is kind of dirty so I would take 3ml week all at once It is max you can take at once but trust me you dont want to be sore in 3 diffent spots every week. I had best result this way. It is like all test , result will see in 2-3 weeks depends on what you have already done in the past know what i meen. thx tommy
T400 is the most painful aas i have ever injected. It is debilitating for a few days after the injection, to a degree. Its because of the amount of BA in it. If all i had was t400, i would just be small because i wont ever inject that garbage again. Forget t400. JM 2.0
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