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Thread: Equipose only as a first cycle (not mine)

  1. #1
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    Equipose only as a first cycle (not mine)

    do not post links here


    ^^^^^ link to a guy that's doing it now, interesting read for anyone considering using it. This guy has never used AAS before and is running a long EQ cycle, at about 8 weeks or so he included HCG. Hasn't updated since then and hopefully he will

    Unfortunately it appears his diet and regimen are not oriented for building, but rather strength and endurance. This still leave a lot of unanswered questions about it's use on its own as a bodybuilder, but gives some insight from practical experience as opposed to theory

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by thenextcutler View Post
    ^^^^^ link to a guy doing it now, interesting read for anyone considering using it. This guy has never used AAS before and is running a long EQ cycle, at about 8 weeks or so he included HCG. Hasn't updated since then and hopefully he will

    Unfortunately it appears his diet and regimen are not oriented for building, but rather strength and endurance. This still leave a lot of unanswered questions about it's use on its own as a bodybuilder, but gives some insight from practical experience as opposed to theory
    Yeah it pretty much confirms what everyone already agree's on..... It'll be ok for endurance but the jury is out on weight gain.

    We know it increases the red blood cell count..... which in-turn can increase appetite, endurance, and vascularity..... I'd like to see someone run an EQ only bulker.....

    Last edited by Hazard; 10-30-2009 at 06:13 PM.

  3. #3
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    Eq gives similar results as primo so I would think it can be used as a "look god for the summer cycle".

  4. #4
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    ^^ Eq and Primo doesnt have the same results at all.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    ^^ Eq and Primo doesnt have the same results at all.
    lol i agree

    why would u compare eq to primo?

    i would be interested to find out his results

    i use EQ along with test and either deca or tren

    but never notice much from the EQ at all even at doses of 1g per week

    i use it purely for increased appetite
    i would assume gains would be pretty slim with this compound on its own

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force View Post
    lol i agree

    why would u compare eq to primo?

    i would be interested to find out his results

    i use EQ along with test and either deca or tren

    but never notice much from the EQ at all even at doses of 1g per week

    i use it purely for increased appetite
    i would assume gains would be pretty slim with this compound on its own
    ^^^ Exactly what i do as well, it does increase my appetite quite heftly, and thats about all i get out of it also at around 1g/week. There are wayyy better orals than Equi only cycle IMO, and the Eq is no cheap oil either. Tren + Test is my greatest stack.
    Primo also used to be my fav compound.

  7. #7
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    We really aren't supposed to post links to other forums. In any event I personally don't care for EQ and I definitely don't see the comparison between EQ and primo. Now I'll wait for spooledup to come post how fantastic EQ is.

  8. #8
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    ^^^ I wanted to add that spooledup would comment very soon, in my previous post.... lol

  9. #9
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    Given the mild nature of boldenone, one should not expect dramatic gains. One may compare the gains from boldenone to that of methenolone (primobolan) for example, in that the gains are slow and steady, however generally quite retainable post-cycle. As there is little aromatisation, little water weight will be put on, so many may be disheartened at the beginning of a cycle when compared to an AS such as testosterone.

    This is what I meant. I am sure that the eq cycle is different from a primo cycle in many ways.

  10. #10
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    I've used both and dont rate any of them to be honest

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    I've used both and dont rate any of them to be honest
    "Rate any of them"...What do you mean by that?.

  12. #12
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    Meaning both are weak!

  13. #13
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    [QUOTE=urbanbody;4926753]Meaning both are weak![/QUOT


  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    EQ as been beaten to death here, if your interested in building muscle tissue there are far better compounds out there what will achieve this then risking using something like EQ whats got a reputation from experienced BB's of doing nothing.

  15. #15
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    Ahh ok. I stay away from eq for now.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    We really aren't supposed to post links to other forums. In any event I personally don't care for EQ and I definitely don't see the comparison between EQ and primo. Now I'll wait for spooledup to come post how fantastic EQ is.
    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    ^^^ I wanted to add that spooledup would comment very soon, in my previous post.... lol
    What's wrong with saying that I like it and telling people about the good results I have gotten using it?

    Once again (and I don't know why this is so difficult to understand), but just because you don't get anything from a particular AAS does not mean that everyone will have the same experience. There are a lot of documented cases on this board where people like the results they get with EQ. I had great results with it.

    And the reason I'm responding so late is because my account was apparently suspended. It looks like someone went and cried to the admins that I was challenging their stance on eq and had it done. Weak.

    The person just can't handle the fact that he is incorrect about EQ being worthless to people.
    Last edited by sp00ledup; 11-09-2009 at 06:08 PM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by sp00ledup View Post
    What's wrong with saying that I like it and telling people about the good results I have gotten using it?

    Once again (and I don't know why this is so difficult to understand), but just because you don't get anything from a particular AAS does not mean that everyone with have the same experience. There are a lot of documented cases on this board where people like the results they get with EQ. I had great results with it.

    And the reason I'm responding so late is because my account was apparently suspended. It looks like someone went and cried to the admins that I was challenging their stance on eq and had it done. Weak.
    my response was joking, I had no idea you were suspended. if you review my past posts on EQ, I typically state that although i don't care for it many others do, and it's a matter of finding out what works best for you.

  18. #18
    That is a fair position that I can respect.

    But, implying that it's useless to everyone and making comments like "I wouldn't oil my bicycle chain with it", or, "it's worthless", are unfair.

    There are people that could potentially benefit from the compound that are being strongly detered from using it.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by sp00ledup View Post
    That is a fair position that I can respect.

    But, implying that it's useless to everyone and making comments like "I wouldn't oil my bicycle chain with it", or, "it's worthless", are unfair.

    There are people that could potentially benefit from the compound that are being strongly detered from using it.
    check my response in his previous thread:

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    check my response in his previous thread:
    I like your response very much. Very open-minded and open-ended. Notice how the typical people are bashing him all over the place?

    He is doing the same cycle as my first except mine went 14 weeks and I started at 600mg/wk (but my blood pressure went too high so I went to 400mg/wk). It more than satisfied my goals of a first cycle.

    I do understand that my gains of 17lbs and dropping a waist are not very typical, even my source said he hadn't seen someone do that well with EQ.

    Quote Originally Posted by thenextcutler View Post
    This board is way too strict on staying uniform to one cookie cutter set of ideals. I'll have you all know that many other boards support use of none test cycles such as this, do you think I just came up with this cycle all on my own? Just because this boards attitude against mild compound cycles is jaded, none of you speaking from personal experience, doesn't mean you all have to flame me for trying something new.

    I want a mild compound with mild sides and mild increase from natural gains, that's eq, that's going to fit my lifestyle and short term goals. Unless you have actually tried it you can shut your mouths and save the "I told you so's" for after pct.
    I can relate to this quote.

    Also, you have to look closely at someones goals prior to advocating their first cycle. Just to ask for stats and say "Test 500mg/wk for 12 weeks" is not always the correct approach. Not everyone wants to get as absolutely big as possible with dbol and test.
    Last edited by sp00ledup; 11-09-2009 at 06:30 PM.

  21. #21
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    ^^^HaHa!.. Same here spooled up, i like the compound but only if Ran with Test alongside it, otherwise running it solo doesnt do much for me, my quote above wasnt intended to be sarcastic in any way mate.... I just mentioned it coz of the way u reacted when Marcus once posted that it was a waste of oil.. No hard feeling bud

  22. #22


  23. #23
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    Maybe I shouldn't be asking but why was he banned? We didn't see eye to eye on some stuff but I respected his opinions.....


  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post

    Maybe I shouldn't be asking but why was he banned? We didn't see eye to eye on some stuff but I respected his opinions.....

    seems to be some bannings happening again...Higherdesire has been banned also.

  25. #25
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    prb scamming

  26. #26
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    ah well.....nuff said about that..... don't think I wanna know anymore.....


  27. #27
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    Yeah i agree on the fact that eq doesnt compare to primo at all.

    I would compare EQ to Creatine instead.

    I have included in many of my cycles and even stayed on after cycle since price is so damn cheap.

    I also noticed close to nothign while on EQ. Well maybe it bumped up my hunger a little.

    I have absolutely no problems eating as it is, and consider it a waste of a pin in my opinion.

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