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Thread: tren ace/test p cycling diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    tren ace/test p cycling diet

    so i been on tren and test today was the 13th day, my goal is to get shredded to bits but i wasnt really counting on the juice for that just added help. I only had 1800 calories today and i ran 4 miles straight (minor 10 second pauses) i was literally drenched every where when i was done this is the 7th day ive done this.... is this good enough? btw is it smart to drink protein after workout than do cardio or drink it after workout and cardio. ive been drinking i complete the cardio

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Sounds like you got a good workout regiment going. Its only enough if you are getting the results that you want. Getting cut to ribbons is more about diet than cardiovascular exercise.

    I dont drink protein shakes anymore, and I dont know if you should either if youre looking to get cut up. Id stick to a lighter diet of real food, chicken, fish, some lean red met and vegetables. Avoid sugar and any kind of junk food and make sure youre drinking a lot of water.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    i eat all that cept the fish. Yeah just have 2 shakes one in morning 1 post workout cant be too bad can it? haha most my diet is protein hardly any carbs either...3 peices of bread a day and 2 bannanes is my carbs

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    You need to work on your diet, you should post it in the diet section. On my tren/prop cycle I was on a great diet and the results were amazing. Diet is everything while cycling.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    can you give me a sample of what ur diet looked like?

    Breakfast 6 eggs (2 whole) 2 peices whole wheat bread 1 100% on Shake

    lunch 2 wheat tortillas w/ chicken

    Meal 3 2 servings of skinless chicken

    meal 4 2 servings of skinless chicken w/ fruit

    meal 5 pre workout - 2 bannans

    meal 6 post workout 100% on shake

    Before bed 1 serving 100% fat free plain yogurt (casein)

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