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  1. #1
    FinaKat is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2009

    Exclamation Hair Loss & Future Cycles HELP

    I am currently 21 and have taken only three cycles. Winstrol Depot I.M., for 40 days, then two years later, Trenbolone Acetate around 300mg/wk for 9 weeks, and then one month later, I made trenbolone acetate from finaplix -h pellets and took 20 shots of it at 75/mg mL for 30 days. I just noticed my hairline is receding and I am thinning out in places on the top and back

    My family has no history of balding or any of this; it must be from the tren . I am taking liquid tamoxifen at 20mg day, and need advice on what to do now. I had no other sides, but I want to know what HCG and Clomid can do for my hair if they restart my natural test.

    Finally, does this mean my cycling days are over if i dont want to lose any more hair? I have a prescription for propecia. So far people are telling me never to cycle again, unless I use a pro-hormone, or certainly HGH will not bother my hair/test at all, and thats it. I've also heard HGH can help me grow my hairline back. I matured early, and have not grown since I was 15 been the same size. Am I too young to be messing with HGH?

  2. #2
    RANA's Avatar
    RANA is offline 100% American Beef
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    You're too young to be messing with steriods to include the lack of knowledge related to cycling. I would be less concerned with hair loss because you might have screwed up your libido.
    Did you take any test with those cycles? What about PCT with those cycles. Propecia takes time to work. I have been on it for a few years and the results have worked extremely well for me

  3. #3
    FinaKat is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2009
    No PCT with the winstrol , no pct with the first cycle of tren and didnt stack it with any test, only nolvadex now. I didnt want to take test on top of tren I wanted the benefits of running it alone, kept proviron on hand in case of any fina dick. Trying to figure out what to do now and with any future cycles

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