Hi fellas
hope all you guys are doing great im here to update you guys on my progress as well as have 1 question
first off im 5'9 23 years 8% bf and started my cycle at 160lbs and just started my second week on Tuesday October 27th and happy to say my weight is now 174-175 when i first wake up in the morning. Im taking 450mg of TEST and 250mg of DECA a week all is well and life is great strength is up like crazy and like i said life is AWESOME lol.
The question i have is has anyone experienced any shoulder pain? my right should hurts me at time ONLY while im working out. I first felt it about a week ago after throwing a football around for about an hour (my first time in 2 years throwing a football around). Now when i do chest or shoulders my right shoulder bothers me, it hurts, its not pain that's unbearable but just a tad bit enough to mess up my work out. 1 time i battled through the pain and worked out but needless to say my workout sucked due to my shoulder. Anyone ever experience this? and if so what can i do about it? im planning on not working out my should for a good 3-5 days then try it again. what do you guys think??
Thanks for the help fellas