Sup ya'll,
I'll be starting my Sustanon/Winny cycle in February. Now, my cycle will run for about 14 weeks, which equals about 100 days. Now my question is this, I have 70 (seventy) NOLVADEX pills left from my LAST cycle. And I do NOT want them to expire or go back, so...since I have 70 Nolvadex pills and my cycle is gonna go for 100 days, is it a good idea to just take the Nolvadex starting after 3 weeks and running it for the next 70 days until the end of my cycle? Even BEFORE seeing any signed of gyno? Is this okay?
My cycle will look like this:
Weeks 1-10/11 = Sustanon @ 700mg/week
Weeks 9-14 = Winny @ 50-75mg/day
Weeks 3-end = Nolvadex @ 20mg/day
How does that look? Also, is it not good to inject 75mg of Winny? Do you think that's too much?
Thnx for the help,