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  1. #1
    Exilus is offline Banned
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    Dianabol and Test-E cycle. Dont see much of a difference..

    I started a test e (500mg/w)+ dianabol (50mg/day) cycle. In the first week i took about 10 lbs and i got psychological effects such as more energy, power feeling, more confidence and such. But since then i didn't increase. my weight's been at 166 for the last 5 days, i workout daily, eat way more than enough....what's wrong?

    ive started my first CC 16 days ago.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    What are your full stats?

    What does your diet look like?

    Whats does your training routine look like?

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jesus, your 18yrs old, dont you take advice?
    How long does it take for injection's effects to manifest?

  4. #4
    Exilus is offline Banned
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    Well 19 now. But we've already been thru this discussion :S...Back on topic.


    Age: 19
    Height: 5 10 "
    Weight: 167 (157 when started)
    BF%: bout 12% i guess
    Cycle Exp: First cycle
    PCT Knowledge: Gonna do nolvadex and clomid
    Training Exp: 3 years


    7 AM: Protein shake, 2 fruits, brown bread toasts with peanut butter
    10 AM: 3 Eggs and potatoes
    1 PM: Workout (2 hours)
    3 PM: Shake, orange juice, tuna and turkey
    5 PM: Cheese, bread milk and occasionally a mixed salad
    8-10 PM: beef, rice and a banana

    Training routine:
    4x6 Bench
    3x8 incline dumbells
    3x8 decline dumbells
    3x8 fly

    3x10 triceps dumbell
    4x8 close grip bench
    3x8 pulley triceps

    4x10 shoulder dumbells
    4x8 elevation under jaw
    4x12 rotators
    4x8 shoulder elevations

    4 biceps exercizes, variates a lot.
    3x fore-arm exercices

    3x8 seated vertical tractions on the pulley
    3x10 seated horizontal tractions on the pulley
    3x12 dumbells for the back
    3x10 (3 other exercices i dont have time to describe)

    Abs, pushups, cardio and lower back
    Last edited by Exilus; 11-01-2009 at 01:09 PM.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You have no idea what your doing,
    Your 18yrs old and will cause damage to yourself,
    Your eating like a girl just out of school,
    You have no natural base,
    Come off gear and build a base for the next 5 yrs,
    Stay in the diet section and do alot of research,
    I doubt you will get advice when you have been told over and over again not to cycle.

  6. #6
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Your gear is bunk stop taking it ASAP and DON'T EVEN THINK OF TOUCHING ASS FOR ANOTHER 7 YEARS!!!! WTF is wrong with you????

  7. #7
    Exilus is offline Banned
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    Well i dont see whats wrong with my diet. I get my 250g protein daily, 800 CH and quite a lot of fats. Vitamins and calories aren't a problem either.

    Im not concerned about long-term damage. i asked a specific question and want to know if theres a delay before the effect of the steroids "kicks in". Stop judging me and just answer my question. So far it was worth it just for the psychological effects but it seems no better than antidepressants so i'd like the anabolic effects to come.

  8. #8
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exilus View Post
    I started a test e (500mg/w)+ dianabol (50mg/day) cycle. In the first week i took about 10 lbs and i got psychological effects such as more energy, power feeling, more confidence and such. But since then i didn't increase. my weight's been at 166 for the last 5 days, i workout daily, eat way more than enough....what's wrong?

    ive started my first CC 16 days ago.
    I beg to differ..... you'd blow a gasket if you ate what I eat.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  9. #9
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    How have you been lifting for 3 years and only weigh in at 157 at 5'10?

    Something is wrong bro, gear ain't the answer.

    But I don't care its your life do what you want to do. You will learn sooner or later, some people just have to learn the hard way to learn their lesson, I had to.

  10. #10
    nombie is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exilus View Post
    Well 19 now. But we've already been thru this discussion :S...Back on topic.


    Age: 19
    Height: 5 10 "
    Weight: 167 (157 when started)
    BF%: bout 12% i guess
    Cycle Exp: First cycle
    PCT Knowledge: Gonna do nolvadex and clomid
    Training Exp: 3 years


    7 AM: Protein shake, 2 fruits, brown bread toasts with peanut butter
    10 AM: 3 Eggs and potatoes
    1 PM: Workout (2 hours)
    3 PM: Shake, orange juice, tuna and turkey
    5 PM: Cheese, bread milk and occasionally a mixed salad
    8-10 PM: beef, rice and a banana
    This Diet is a FU<KING joke!!!!! You actually think your getting 250g of protein per day????

    1) Where is the carbs in morning? unless your eating 10 slices of whole grain toast!

    2) 3 eggs WTF??

    3) Why are you having shake the same time as tuna & turkey post workout??

    4) Where are the carbs post workout????

    5) Where is pre bed meal? You need slow digesting protein!!

    You need to research diet and workout!! Your diet has less calories than my cutting diet! You need Way more calories to grow with or without AAS!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Exilus View Post

    Im not concerned about long-term damage.
    You’re not concerned about shutting your growth plates prematurely?? You not concerned about the high risk of you not recovering your natural testosterone levels to where they should be for a teen and then having to do HRT by the time your 30 y.o (WHICH REQUIRES YOU TO SHOOT TEST EVERYDAY BECAUSE YOUR TEST LEVELS ARE LOW)!!! You think you may be making good gains on the gear now but I’m afraid there is a high risk that these will be the only gains you can make!

  11. #11
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    could you post a pic so we can see what base you're working with?

  12. #12
    RANA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You have no idea what your doing,
    Your 18yrs old and will cause damage to yourself,
    Your eating like a girl just out of school, Exactly how much is that?
    You have no natural base,
    Come off gear and build a base for the next 5 yrs,
    Stay in the diet section and do alot of research,
    I doubt you will get advice when you have been told over and over again not to cycle.
    Quote Originally Posted by Exilus View Post
    Well i dont see whats wrong with my diet. I get my 250g protein daily, 800 CH and quite a lot of fats. Vitamins and calories aren't a problem either.

    Im not concerned about long-term damage. i asked a specific question and want to know if theres a delay before the effect of the steroids "kicks in". Stop judging me and just answer my question. So far it was worth it just for the psychological effects but it seems no better than antidepressants so i'd like the anabolic effects to come.
    Good answer!

  13. #13
    johnCash is offline Associate Member
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    your diet sucks! theres no way you get enough cals. per day

  14. #14
    SunHangDo is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exilus View Post
    Im not concerned about long-term damage.
    I may be new, but I gotta say that this is the stupidest thing I have ever read on here. You may THINK you're invincible at 19, but you aren't.

    Listen, over the past month of researching about AAS, I have read more than a dozen stories about teens who did exactly what you are doing, and permanently damaged their bodies. Ruined sex drive, inability to perform, a life time of hormone replacement, and serious chronic health issues are all things you are BEGGING to have happen to you with your attitude of wilful ignorance.


    And remember this old proverb:

    "A fool says that he is wise, but a wise man accepts instruction."

    Think of it like this:

    Right now, you're a trainee on a demolition crew. The senior demolition experts are trying to teach you how far back from the explosion to stand so you won't get hurt. But all YOU care about is blowing up the building. What you refuse to understand is that to make a career out of demolitions, you first need to learn proper safety protocol, otherwise you'll die In an explosion. Sure, the building will still be demolished, and in record time too. But you won't be around to collect the contract fee.

    Now, ask yourself this: if you were a demolitions expert, and a brand new employee was refusing to take the safety course, would you let him wire the bomb? Or would you fire him?
    Last edited by SunHangDo; 11-01-2009 at 05:07 PM.

  15. #15
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exilus View Post
    Well 19 now. But we've already been thru this discussion :S...Back on topic.


    Age: 19
    Height: 5 10 "
    Weight: 167 (157 when started)
    BF%: bout 12% i guess
    Cycle Exp: First cycle
    PCT Knowledge: Gonna do nolvadex and clomid
    Training Exp: 3 years


    7 AM: Protein shake, 2 fruits, brown bread toasts with peanut butter
    10 AM: 3 Eggs and potatoes
    1 PM: Workout (2 hours)
    3 PM: Shake, orange juice, tuna and turkey
    5 PM: Cheese, bread milk and occasionally a mixed salad
    8-10 PM: beef, rice and a banana

    Training routine:
    4x6 Bench
    3x8 incline dumbells
    3x8 decline dumbells
    3x8 fly

    3x10 triceps dumbell
    4x8 close grip bench
    3x8 pulley triceps

    4x10 shoulder dumbells
    4x8 elevation under jaw
    4x12 rotators
    4x8 shoulder elevations

    4 biceps exercizes, variates a lot.
    3x fore-arm exercices

    3x8 seated vertical tractions on the pulley
    3x10 seated horizontal tractions on the pulley
    3x12 dumbells for the back
    3x10 (3 other exercices i dont have time to describe)

    Abs, pushups, cardio and lower back
    That says it all!

    Look, you are eating and working-out incorrectly. This is what I would tell you if you were here to remain natural.

    But since you want to use aas, actually you already started, I want to tell you to stop NOW.

    Listen to me, ask the vets here how to start a proper pct suddenly to save your inner glands.
    In the mean while, get on the diet section, the work-out section and LEARN!

    If you want a mate to talk to and understand the reasons that brought you to decide doing such a bad thing to your organism, you can pm me.
    I'll be happy to help you out without judging you, after all I were 18 too!

  16. #16
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    You know what the hardest thing about building muscle is? Its not training, although that would seem like it, its not trying to find a legit AAS source. None of that. IT IS EATING!

    You have to do that last one 7 days a week 365 days a year. Multiple times per day. Eating tasteless chicken. Knocking back olive oil that leaves the bad taste in your mouth. Precooking meals. Hauling food with you to work, vacation, everywhere. I even bring meals when I go see **** buddies. It is dedication. It is hard work. When you are bulking you will be so sick of eating. You will want to vomit. The digestion system has had enough. Keep going.

    Do not give me the I eat enough bullshit. You have to eat til you are sick sometimes. It is hard ****ing work. You are young, you have a fast metabolism ,that means it is going to be even harder!! you will have to pile on the calories.

  17. #17
    big_k's Avatar
    big_k is offline Associate Member
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    One of the worst routines I've seen on here..

    No legs, no Deadlifts

  18. #18
    Lil_bodybuilder's Avatar
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    Wow. Im about your height. And i weigh 170pounds now. I was 165 about 4weeks ago. . . . . No jokes here. If you had to eat what i eat for the day. You will pop your eyeballs and collapse after the second meal. Your training routine sucks big time. You aint even working legs there. What you wana look like. A tree. Big upper body and legs like pool cues. 19 and taking gear. Damn i feel sorry for your gf in the next couple years. That thing between your legs would only be good to use as a door stopper when you done with your cycle.
    Damn man get you diet in check and work on you routine. Stop the juice while you got time. I dont care if you swear me. Cos i aint the one whos going to mess my life up.

  19. #19
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Never be too proud to change your workout or diet. Most of the people here have 'been there and done that'. EVERYBODY can learn something here. If everybody is telling you the same thing, then there must be some truth to it. Spend the money for aas on diet. With better diet comes better health, energy, strength, size and fat loss. I am 25 and I finally decided to get nutrition advice. I wish I would have done it much earlier

  20. #20
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    We can all expect to read his new post in a few months saying I have ED issues and in another year how he has other issues and a few years from now how he has low natural test levels and needs to go on HRT.

  21. #21
    Exilus is offline Banned
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    Most sexual disfunctionnements does not scare me. I am physiologically and psychologically unable to have attirance and/or sex.

    And HRT is nothing beside prescribed steroids . So if im diagnostised with HRT (and thats quite a big IF), ill just go on roids for life. Shouldn't be that much of a problem.

    Its ok now for the question. After 18 days the effects seem to have kicked in. Took a sudden 5 lbs and got 20% more powerful in gym.

  22. #22
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Your diet is terrible. You have no base. You are too young. And you are stubborn. Do you realize starting TRT at 21 or so means injections for maybe 60 years.

    Finally i just wanna ask how is 10 pounds gain in a little over 2 weeks nothing

  23. #23
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exilus View Post
    Most sexual disfunctionnements does not scare me. I am physiologically and psychologically unable to have attirance and/or sex.

    And HRT is nothing beside prescribed steroids . So if im diagnostised with HRT (and thats quite a big IF), ill just go on roids for life. Shouldn't be that much of a problem.

    Its ok now for the question. After 18 days the effects seem to have kicked in. Took a sudden 5 lbs and got 20% more powerful in gym.
    Use your brain...
    You are still on time.
    Ask the vets the pct to take in your situation and go for it.

  24. #24
    Isley's Avatar
    Isley is offline New Member
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    All you people saying he's to young, how young were you on your first cycle? No lies!

    All people i've met that have done AAS in their lives, 99% did their first cycle between 18-20 years old. 99% of all people whining on 18-20 years old people on AAS are in the most of the cases also one of them done their first AAS cycle in ages between 18-20. There is alot hypocrit about this age thing.

  25. #25
    vatochingon is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isley View Post
    All you people saying he's to young, how young were you on your first cycle? No lies!

    All people i've met that have done AAS in their lives, 99% did their first cycle between 18-20 years old. 99% of all people whining on 18-20 years old people on AAS are in the most of the cases also one of them done their first AAS cycle in ages between 18-20. There is alot hypocrit about this age thing.
    ask those guys about their hrt treatment, but then again your right also, guys start using gear very young and never suffer an ill effect in essense some do some dont but the ones that do have told me how bad it sucks!!!!! and is it worth taking that chance???

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by vatochingon View Post
    ask those guys about their hrt treatment, but then again your right also, guys start using gear very young and never suffer an ill effect in essense some do some dont but the ones that do have told me how bad it sucks!!!!! and is it worth taking that chance???
    For some it is. Like the ones who have been skinny all their lifes and truly fights for weight gain. Them who already are so unpleased with their bodys they get ashamed every time they look in mirror! For some there is worth taking the risks.

    But then all AAS users, young or old, them all take that risk.

    Im pretty sure this guy, is pretty well known about his age and what people think about using AAS in his age, and there is no one going to get him get off. Therefor i think its unnecessary to only complain about this and give no help to make the best possible of his cycle.

    You have only been 16 days on testo E, thats around 2 weeks, I hope you'd know it can take atleast 5 weeks for it to kick in? You expected to gain 10 kg on two weeks? Uou have already gained around 10 lbs (5 kg) on 2 weeks of the Dianabola, this is good!

    I dont know what you are whining about. Maybe to had a little (much) to high expectations on your cycle (on AAS).

  27. #27
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isley View Post
    All you people saying he's to young, how young were you on your first cycle? No lies!

    All people i've met that have done AAS in their lives, 99% did their first cycle between 18-20 years old. 99% of all people whining on 18-20 years old people on AAS are in the most of the cases also one of them done their first AAS cycle in ages between 18-20. There is alot hypocrit about this age thing.
    Sorry broseph, but you do not know 99% of the people on this site. If people here that have been in the aas game for a while give advice...... then they probally know what they are talking about. And if people fight all their life and can't gain weight, then they are doing it wrong. It seems like you all say that you are special and cannot gain weight. Bullshit. You are just not doing it right. If you have a 500ft tapeworm, then maybe

  28. #28
    Lil_bodybuilder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isley View Post
    All you people saying he's to young, how young were you on your first cycle? No lies!

    All people i've met that have done AAS in their lives, 99% did their first cycle between 18-20 years old. 99% of all people whining on 18-20 years old people on AAS are in the most of the cases also one of them done their first AAS cycle in ages between 18-20. There is alot hypocrit about this age thing.
    i admit. I had a run in with sust and dbol last year. I was 21. But i stopped that cycle 4weeks in. And since then got my diet on par. You know. What is the point of getting from 160pound to 175pound using juice. Then cos of a shit diet. Loose it all in a month? Right now i have been gaining a pound every week. Eating right training hard. Dedication to do what i have to do. . . . I will use steroids in the future. When i am not growing naturaly any more. I also taught i couldn gain weight. No matter what i ate in the past i wouldn gain. But once i fixed my diet. Im growing at good rate. So whats the excuse? Juice early and take the easy way out. Or grow through hard work and be happy with what you accomplished. No one is tell him never to juice. We telling him hold on a couple years.

  29. #29
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Juicing early really is not taking the easy way out. It is a shortcut to failure

  30. #30
    vatochingon is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lil_bodybuilder View Post
    i admit. I had a run in with sust and dbol last year. I was 21. But i stopped that cycle 4weeks in. And since then got my diet on par. You know. What is the point of getting from 160pound to 175pound using juice. Then cos of a shit diet. Loose it all in a month? Right now i have been gaining a pound every week. Eating right training hard. Dedication to do what i have to do. . . . I will use steroids in the future. When i am not growing naturaly any more. I also taught i couldn gain weight. No matter what i ate in the past i wouldn gain. But once i fixed my diet. Im growing at good rate. So whats the excuse? Juice early and take the easy way out. Or grow through hard work and be happy with what you accomplished. No one is tell him never to juice. We telling him hold on a couple years.
    GOOD STUFF! i got to admit my diet is still sub par the diet has been the hardest part for me but its getting there, i lack consistency

  31. #31
    Lil_bodybuilder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    Juicing early really is not taking the easy way out. It is a shortcut to failure
    and that to

  32. #32
    Lil_bodybuilder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vatochingon View Post
    GOOD STUFF! i got to admit my diet is still sub par the diet has been the hardest part for me but its getting there, i lack consistency
    getting used to the diet was hard for me. And at times still is. Consuming that amount of done daily is not easy when for so many years i only ate 1 third of what i eat now, per day. . . But the feeling i get when my bench goes up. When i squat and people look at me. When people i know come up to me and say. Damn you getting big. Keeps me motivated to continue pushing hard. Eating big and growing huge. I admit. Im still small. But from what i was just a couple months ago. Tiny. Thin. Like a twig. And to what im becoming. I have no doubt in my mind to say. Diet first. Juice later.

  33. #33
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isley View Post
    All you people saying he's to young, how young were you on your first cycle? No lies!

    All people i've met that have done AAS in their lives, 99% did their first cycle between 18-20 years old. 99% of all people whining on 18-20 years old people on AAS are in the most of the cases also one of them done their first AAS cycle in ages between 18-20. There is alot hypocrit about this age thing.
    Then I must be a real fool, since I started at 36!

  34. #34
    BJJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    Juicing early really is not taking the easy way out. It is a shortcut to failure

  35. #35
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Then I must be a real fool, since I started at 36!
    Count me in, I was a fool because I started at 45.

    What a little moron saying HRT it snothing more than being on steroids for life like it's a good thing. Yeah having to pin every week to be NORMAL LOL

    That's like it's a good thing to be on dialysis as long as you feel normal.

  36. #36
    PistolPete33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    Juicing early really is not taking the easy way out. It is a shortcut to failure
    Well Said....

    This is the worst post I have seen since being a member here. This guy is totally immature and doesn't even care about his future AT ALL... He's going to screw up his life and regret it when he gets older. His immaturity shines thru when he is saying he doesn't care about the future. Then why the hell are you in bodybuilding???? This is a LONG TERM lifestyle and if you don't have the patience to do things the right way you will ultimately fail.

    Wouldn't it be funny if the OP gains a ton of weight on cycle then never gets his natural test levels back and quits bodybuilding to be a fat slob with no sex drive that has to shoot up everyday for the rest of his life??? Actually, it wouldn't be funny but it is a HUGE possiblity.

  37. #37
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    lol this post should be a sticky to all the young ppl who have done little research

    im 21 and have done 1 cycle (fingers crossed my HPTA survives it) and with this post and many others getting into me before, it has sunk in and i shall do my diet and build my base up for prob the next 4-5 years naturally.

    I believe its definately the age with Exilus, he needs a good kick up the butt to wake up to himself, but i was once 19 so i can't talk.

    Keep up the good work fellas, the inspiriation and knowledge is sinking in.
    At least i can say it about myself.

  38. #38
    nombie is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isley View Post
    All you people saying he's to young, how young were you on your first cycle? No lies!

    All people i've met that have done AAS in their lives, 99% did their first cycle between 18-20 years old. 99% of all people whining on 18-20 years old people on AAS are in the most of the cases also one of them done their first AAS cycle in ages between 18-20. There is alot hypocrit about this age thing.
    Great 6th post you ****ing dusche!!!!!!!

  39. #39
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isley View Post
    All you people saying he's to young, how young were you on your first cycle? No lies!

    All people i've met that have done AAS in their lives, 99% did their first cycle between 18-20 years old. 99% of all people whining on 18-20 years old people on AAS are in the most of the cases also one of them done their first AAS cycle in ages between 18-20. There is alot hypocrit about this age thing.
    When you do find someone who has used steroids between 18-22 they will most likely tell you that they wish they didn't.....

    Listen...... People don't tell you ignorant lazy kids to stay natural until 24/25 to keep you down. It's not a big conspiracy to keep the world small while we get bigger...... IT'S FOR YOUR OWN FVCKING HEALTH!

    If you don't like the answer then goto another board..... let someone there tell you that it's ok..... run your cycle..... and then find out down the road that you need to be on HRT and your insurance wont pay for the $250 bottle of testosterone , the $180 HCG , or the $150 clomid. It'll serve you right.....

    and remember..... because you didn't take the advice of someone who knew better..... you're stuck with paying those high costs for the rest of your life. If you can't afford it..... guess what..... low testosterone until you CAN afford it..... hope it's worth it.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  40. #40
    jcosley is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You have no idea what your doing,
    Your 18yrs old and will cause damage to yourself,
    Your eating like a girl just out of school,
    You have no natural base,
    Come off gear and build a base for the next 5 yrs,
    Stay in the diet section and do alot of research,
    I doubt you will get advice when you have been told over and over again not to cycle.'s pretty pointless to start gear if you haven't been in the game for awhile. I started lifting when I was 16 and didnt start AAS until 28...and i'm glad i waited that long because I worked by butt off naturally until learn alot about your body, nurition, etc in that time.

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