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Thread: cycle advice

  1. #1
    jardell is offline New Member
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    cycle advice

    Hi Guys
    Im planning to start a new cycle and was needing input/comments
    Im 29,80kg and have been training for a good number of years.Last cycle was last year which included sustenon250 and deca .

    What do you think of the following
    Test C (depo test) 200mg per week
    Equi 200mg per week
    Dbol 30mg per week
    Duration 8-10weeks followed by Clomid and pregnyl for PCT

    My concerns are the following
    Is dosage correct?
    Is duration correct?
    Is Equi good enough for the duration or should I revert back to a deca stack?

    Also can I take the test shot on a monday and equi on a thursday or better to do both on one day?

    Await your responses

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    yur mom's house
    Quote Originally Posted by jardell View Post
    Hi Guys
    Im planning to start a new cycle and was needing input/comments
    Im 29,80kg and have been training for a good number of years.Last cycle was last year which included sustenon250 and deca .

    What do you think of the following
    Test C (depo test) 200mg per week
    Equi 200mg per week
    Dbol 30mg per week
    Duration 8-10weeks followed by Clomid and pregnyl for PCT

    My concerns are the following
    Is dosage correct?
    Is duration correct?
    Is Equi good enough for the duration or should I revert back to a deca stack?

    Also can I take the test shot on a monday and equi on a thursday or better to do both on one day?

    Await your responses
    test needs to be higher to maintain blood levels, equi needs to be higher to be effective, dbol is ED not EW.

  3. #3
    CMonkey's Avatar
    CMonkey is offline Associate Member
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    How tall are you?

    As it was said before, the test and EQ dosages are off and dbol is everyday.

    Your PCT needs work.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    If thats your planned cycle what was your previous ones like and what were the gains?

    Test is to low,
    EQ is useless especially at that does,
    dbol at 30mgs per wk isnt worth taking,

  5. #5
    jardell is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the responses.
    Had a typo error for the dbol . I was meant to say 30mg per day.
    Btw I'm 1.85m tall.
    What would be the correct doses for the test and equi be for the week.
    Also as asked before,beter to do both on same day or separate days.
    The gear I have is dosed at 100mg per mil. I suppose that's too low.
    You said that pct needs work on,what should I add besides the clomid and hcg ?

  6. #6
    Sfla80's Avatar
    Sfla80 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jardell View Post
    Thanks for the responses.
    Had a typo error for the dbol . I was meant to say 30mg per day.
    Btw I'm 1.85m tall.
    What would be the correct doses for the test and equi be for the week.Test 400mg/wk and EQ 400-600
    Also as asked before,beter to do both on same day or separate days. combined same pin
    The gear I have is dosed at 100mg per mil. I suppose that's too low.just use 2cc each time
    You said that pct needs work on,what should I add besides the clomid and hcg ? You also need nlova...clomid 100/50/50/50 nolva 40/20/20/20
    I am pretty new to this but i was thinking about the same cycle, so i have been doing alot of reading. This is what i have found.

    My only question would be if running EQ for 14-16, do you also need to run the test for 14-16wk??

    Hope this helps, and sorry to ask a question on your thread op.

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