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Thread: First timer

  1. #1
    ausassault is offline New Member
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    First timer

    I am about to embark on my first course of Stanazol. I am 6' 2 and 100 kg but do not want to lose my speed around the football field. I want to put on a bit of size but I really want to get rid of my belly. I am tubby. What is the best way to be a good size but very lean in regards to work outs, eating etc... Also I hear you cannot drink alcohol. Is this true? appreciate any tips

  2. #2
    xephonics is offline Associate Member
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    First off getting your diet in check is gonna be what most ppl will tell you, as the drugs are not magical. They can only help build if you have the fuel to build with. Plus high bf will just make it more likely to get the bad side effects.

    And drinking is usually discouraged since it inhibits protein synthesis - which kind of defeats the point of roids.

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    body fat%?
    planned pct?
    winny only is an awful cycle.

  4. #4
    ausassault is offline New Member
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    28 and 27% all on my belly. I want 13% body fat. What do you mean awful cycle?

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    well, I mean it's an awful cycle, that's pretty much self-explanatory. winny is suppressive and most don't like using suppressive compounds without testosterone .
    I don't recommend winny for anyone over 10%bf.
    in any event, you need proper diet and cardio, not steroids .

  6. #6
    ausassault is offline New Member
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    in regards to side effects?

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    what is your diet, in detail? post it up and we'll help you tweak it.

  8. #8
    ausassault is offline New Member
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    Cereal for breakfast, low fat milk and weet bix
    Big salad for lunch, with a muesli bar, and a handful of crisps or rice crackers.
    Dinners range from chicken, steak or pork. Sometimes pastas and a fair bit of rice. Idon't eat much fruit but I EAT A FAIR BIT OF VEGETABLES

  9. #9
    ausassault is offline New Member
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    Can you explain "suppressive"?

  10. #10
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    winny will suppress your natural testosterone production, pretty much all steroids will. test is what makes us men, typically when men get old and their test production drops the symptoms range from lethargy and tiredness, decreased or eliminated sex drive, a general unwell felling, etc. when we use suppressive compounds, we also use test so we don't experience those sides. in any event, aside from popular belief winny does not burn fat. winny adds a hardening effect to the muscles, but if the muscles are hidden by fat you will never see those effects.
    additionally, we recommend getting to 15%bf or below naturally before using any steroids. cycles at higher bf% can lead to increased chances of gyno (bitch tits), heart problems, blood pressure issues, etc.

  11. #11
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Quote Originally Posted by ausassault;492***4
    Cereal for breakfast, low fat milk and weet bix
    Big salad for lunch, with a muesli bar, and a handful of crisps or rice crackers.
    Dinners range from chicken, steak or pork. Sometimes pastas and a fair bit of rice. Idon't eat much fruit but I EAT A FAIR BIT OF VEGETABLES
    you should head over to the diet forum and start a thread,

    we'll get you sorted out with a much, much better diet

  12. #12
    ausassault is offline New Member
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    Oct 2009
    Thanks heaps. I will start hammering the cardio first and see what happens after that. Would love any imput on eating patterns or anything that will help me progress to slim down

  13. #13
    sigman roid's Avatar
    sigman roid is offline Ar's cockney geezer Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by ausassault View Post
    Thanks heaps. I will start hammering the cardio first and see what happens after that. Would love any imput on eating patterns or anything that will help me progress to slim down
    Head over to the diet forum post your stats
    then post your diet and let them boys help you to put together a diet that will help you reach your goals

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