11-04-2009, 01:15 AM #1
First Cycle - EQ - public log or no?
Ok so after a but of extra research after some wise words against my ideas from the mods I've decided to run my cycle as I originally planned.
22 yrs old, 6', 205 lbs very lean (clear 6 pack, some shoulder striations when flexed) serious BB since 19 all natural
EQ 400 ew weeks 1-12
proviron ed weeks 1-10, taken to combat some of the sides encountered when not using test
I'm cycling to bulk, yes you read that correctly
nolva/clomid/clen for 3 weeks starting week 15
I've no concern with my cycle, training, diet... And I'm not asking your opinion if I should be cycling. All I want to know is if you want me to keep a public log about it as EQ only is very contreversial but noone who disputes it has actually tried it. I would give a breakdown of past gains history so variables are limited for the reader. What I don't want is to start a log and have the old "yur too young" x100 ruining the thread. I can just as easily keep an offline journal if that is the attitude I will receive... Is anyone interested in this or would it be a waste of my time?
11-04-2009, 01:26 AM #2
i hope you can take some constructive criticism
you need test man cmon!
how does not being able to obtain an erection sound to you? this could not only be for the time you re on but for a long time when you have completed your cycle.
proviron will NOT help enough
dont do it, have some sense
11-04-2009, 01:33 AM #3
EQ @ 400MG/week is pointless even if it was supplemented with 500mg of test!
ya go ahead and keep a log, im sure gonna keep an eye on it. u better be honest in it too man. you re gonna catch a lot of flack, especially when you encounter problems
best of luck, you need a lot of it
you would probably be better off with over the counter supplements, seriously
11-04-2009, 01:50 AM #4
HaHaHaHa!... lets see what happens. I only get results when running atleast 1g of Equi.
Atleast 1g.Keep a log and lets see
11-04-2009, 01:52 AM #5
ya and he isnt running any test, in case u missed that part
11-04-2009, 01:54 AM #6Anabolic Member
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Run a log on whatever you do. It will allow everybody to follow you along the way and offer advice. Logs can also be used for a learning tool for beginners. Who knows, your log may become a sticky
11-04-2009, 01:55 AM #7
11-04-2009, 01:57 AM #8
i see this ending up the way the log did of the guy that ran a deca only cycle earlier this year
i just hope for his health though he makes some changes and makes some right decisions
id like to see him not even run a cycle at all
11-04-2009, 01:58 AM #9
11-04-2009, 02:12 AM #10
You ask questions and go against the advice,
You have been told not to cycle at your age,
You shouldnt be using such a weak worthless compound,
Why ask for advice when you dont follow any of it?
All because you bought the stuff doesnt mean you have to use it,
Pointless even trying anymore when there are tunnel visioned kids around like you,
one born everyday!!
11-04-2009, 06:45 AM #11
11-04-2009, 06:46 AM #12
Eat......sleep....... Train
11-04-2009, 07:05 AM #13
if you do keep a log,, keep it flippin simple and to the point,, dont do that long crap one about anavar that bjj is doin. No one wants to read a novel every morning
11-04-2009, 07:08 AM #14
^^ BJJ's log is great and very informed.
11-04-2009, 07:13 AM #15
really have you tried reading it from beg to end? Sorry theres just to much other info not related to his results that i dont wanna follow. I rather him just keep it simple but thats just me.
11-04-2009, 07:15 AM #16
^^^ Reason why he done it like that is because it was an Anavar only cycle and since no one ever done it that way do i think its very informed. Just my opinion
11-04-2009, 07:25 AM #17
11-04-2009, 08:14 AM #18
i totally agree I hate opening a log to follow progress and having to read through 5 pages of diary... I'm thinking I will make one and guarranteed it will be short and on point.
just waiting for my pins to arrive, got an email saying they were sent yesterday... then I'll start in on a new thread. hopefull all the nay-sayers will get their .02 in on this thread and the log will be clean
11-05-2009, 12:55 AM #19
Wow, Ive been reading steriod .com for 5 years or so...Today I finally had to register just so I could say.....People do some research before you post I have researched for more than 5 years and still have not cycled....I am going to start soon and if I post what my cycle is every vet on here would say, that I really must of put a lot of time in my research....I think sometimes the vets get tired of all the dumb questions.....Think People......By the way I know this should be in AR lounge
11-05-2009, 01:00 AM #20
i am starting a multivitamin and fish oil stack log if anyone is interested in following. looking to bulk.
11-05-2009, 01:02 AM #21
11-05-2009, 03:15 AM #22
I could have ran my first cycle as being test e 500 mgs with nolva clomid pct and evryone would have thought I was sooooo responsilbe for researching... This board is way too strict on staying uniform to one cookie cutter set of ideals. I'll have you all know that many other boards support use of none test cycles such as this, do you think I just came up with this cycle all on my own? Just because this boards attitude against mild compound cycles is jaded, none of you speaking from personal experience, doesn't mean you all have to flame me for trying something new.
I want a mild compound with mild sides and mild increase from natural gains, that's eq, that's going to fit my lifestyle and short term goals. Unless you have actually tried it you can shut your mouths and save the "I told you so's" for after pct.
Btw only the first part was intended toward the person bi
11-05-2009, 03:19 AM #23
...being quoted"
posting from iPhone, can't type that many characters
11-05-2009, 03:21 AM #24
...being quoted, the rest is for everybody"
posting from iPhone, can't type that many characters
11-05-2009, 06:09 AM #25
Marcus, I have great respect for you. However, I never once asked for opinions on whether I should cycle, nor did I ask for my cycle to be critiqued. I started a thread to see if my oddly packaged gear was legit and I received all kinds of unsolicited advice. I have not gone against any advice of which I asked to receive. Perhaps it was my fault, in the other thread I shouldn't have asked if I would be safe to run the gear and should have rephrased my question. As it stands it may have appeared I was asking for cycle advice but as later stated in the thread this was not the case.
Perhaps I am tunnel visioned, I know I am stubborn, but I've got nothing to lose buy dignity and money. Money is no object in this case and I am fairly humble.
11-05-2009, 07:39 AM #26
I completely agree.
I wish I used various compounds on there own to see which sides each yielded. I wish I didnt do Test Enan as a first cycle. Then I wouldnt have ended up with scars all over my shoulders, chest and back and a small case of gyno.
Your cycle of EQ alone isnt optimal and most users state EQ is best used to enhance performance, not LBM.
Cycling is about what works for YOU.
At 22 years old your still a little young IMHO. But EQ is a fairly mild compound that aromotases at around half the rate of testosterone . I think your choice of compounds for a "bulk" is poor. You'de be better with Tbol/Test Prop, Dbol /Test Prop, Dbol alone, Test Prop alone IMHO. If you decide on non-test cycle (which is ok IMHO), be sure to combine it with Proviron for labdio.
11-05-2009, 08:48 AM #27
11-05-2009, 09:12 AM #28
This is a classic case of what we call ignorarse, if you do a search for the definition of ignorarse you will discover it means a stupid young ignorant arsehole who is to immature to understand what's good for him, as you can see that was quite a mouth full so the shortened version is far better.
Dont worry I wont be opening any other threads by you because its pointless.
11-05-2009, 09:29 AM #29
Although I don't personally care for EQ, some do, and some have had the results they desired from it. I think keeping a log on somewhat controversial subjects is more valuable than keeping a log on the mainstream compounds. I mean let's take test e for example, although all input is nice, do we really need another log on a test e only cycle at 500mg/week? I like the logs of var only or in this case EQ only. My only request it that you be completely honest in the log, if you're thrilled with the results or completely disappointed, or anywhere in between log it accordingly so that others can learn from it.
11-05-2009, 09:47 AM #30
11-05-2009, 10:19 AM #31
It will be 100% honest, I'll leave one last post here when I begin the log in the appropriate forum (members results i'm thinking)
11-05-2009, 12:17 PM #32
Thank you, you understood the real meaning.
I just saw this, how could I have missed it?
1. I am not writing a novel every morning but only things that happen to me while cycling which could be informative for people who are interested in running an oxandrolone only cycle, especially those on a very first cycle.
2. I did, did you? If there is something not related to my thread is because "some people" just jumped to bother and trying to jeopardize my efforts; forcing me to reply everytime to explain!
Regarding the studies posted, they are all related to the drugs I have been using on cycle and think/thought I could use on PCT, so: oxandrolone, mesterolone, tamoxifen and clomiphene citrate.
There should be more seriousness around here by some and mostly, RESPECT.
I apologize to the OP for this intervention, which was due IMO.
I will not bug your thread anymore but I would like you to run a public log (the way you like it) if you decide to run that cycle, simply because other young people may see your mistakes and so at least they could learn.
Hope you got my point.
11-05-2009, 12:39 PM #33
i apologize the first post was disrespectful.
11-05-2009, 01:08 PM #34
11-05-2009, 02:24 PM #35
To the OP make the log as said by Big keep it simple and honest. I'll be watching it for sure. Good luck.
11-05-2009, 06:09 PM #36Member
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i was on 600 mg of test e and 600mg of eq my last cycle. the test helped me grow and the eq helped me eat thats it. its a great compound for what it does but isnt like deca like so many people compare it to.
if your going to throw money away then pay off my car payment.
all 400 mg of eq is going to do is shrink you balls and make you last longer in bed if only you could get a boner.
the reason some many people advise to run it with test is because eq will shut you down.
obviously we have test for a reason. completely shutting it down will cause you a world of pain. how are you going to lift and grow if you dont have any motavation to get out of bed in the morning??
i guess i just dont under stand why you are so adverse to running test. i like test more than o like other non test based gear.
sorry to be so rude but when you completely **** up your body it just adds one more person to the list that the media can use to say that AAS are bad. so instead of conforming to the this cookie cutter cycle idea that is safe and proven to work you are conforming to the usual uneducated AAS user then ends up on hrt for the rest of your life.
either way you will end up taking a shot of test, if you like it or not.
11-05-2009, 07:07 PM #37
11-06-2009, 12:17 AM #38
there she is, pinned today
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