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Thread: Advice on Test/Deca/Winny Cycle

  1. #1

    Advice on Test/Deca/Winny Cycle

    Hey bro's wanted some advice on my next cycle. This will be my 3rd cycle under my belt but wanted to know how this sounds.

    My stats are:
    Chest-41 1/2

    I'm going to run a 14 week cycle as followed:
    Weeks 1-12 Test QV enanthate-500mg/week
    Weeks 1-8 Deca QV-400mg/week
    Weeks 8-14 Winny 50mg/eod
    Clomids-50mg/ed, one week after Winny
    and Nolvadex but not sure when to run this and how much. Any help you could give me would be great.

  2. #2
    Guys help me out here 20 people looked at this and no one has an opinion or advice. I know you guys have done plently of cycles and just want to know what works best.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Well dude im doing the exact same cycle as you in like 2 weeks. But you can see how im running it Under this paragraph, if i were you , id run the deca for 10 weeks. Everything else looks fine except the clomid you are starting way too late, wait 3 weeks after last deca shot. So start clomid week 11. run nolva @ 20mg/ed.
    Last edited by Decoder; 02-09-2003 at 04:30 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    IVe done this cycle before gained 30 pounds last time. At lower dosages.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town

    Re: Advice on Test/Deca/Winny Cycle

    Originally posted by Juice89
    Hey bro's wanted some advice on my next cycle. This will be my 3rd cycle under my belt but wanted to know how this sounds.

    My stats are:
    Chest-41 1/2

    I'm going to run a 14 week cycle as followed:
    Weeks 1-12 Test QV enanthate-500mg/week
    Weeks 1-8 Deca QV-400mg/week
    Weeks 8-14 Winny 50mg/eod
    Clomids-50mg/ed, one week after Winny
    and Nolvadex but not sure when to run this and how much. Any help you could give me would be great.
    this is how i would run it since it's you 3rd cycle..decoders idea was pretty close opinion is that if your going to run the test 12 then run the deca 12...might as well since shit's in your system anyways...Madmax

    test 500mg (1-12)
    deca 400mg (1-12)
    winny 50mg ed (10-15)
    clomid 2 days after winny is how long i wait raise the dose though
    nolva 20mg ed as long as you want even during clomid treatment
    Last edited by Madmax; 02-09-2003 at 05:12 PM.

  6. #6
    Thanks guys for your input. I'm now in my 6th week of the cycle and am blowing up. I put on 15 pounds so far up to 175 but its all muscle not bloating or nothing, no acne either. As far as my dosages I'm running the deca to week 10 as of right now I'm still thinking of running it to week 12 though. As far as the clomids decoder I'm waiting 1 day after the winstrol because I'm taking test which stops on week 12. Your supposed to wait 3 weeks after last test injection before taking clomids, which brings me to week 15 when I finish my winstrol. And as for the clomid dosage I'm going to start at a higher dosage 150mgs and lower it evenly over the 2 weeks. Thanks for your input guys advice taken

  7. #7
    Also decoder you said you gained 30 pounds what kind of protein were you on and how many calories and grams of protein did you take in a day. What are your stats?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    well i was taking over 200 grams of protien of EAS WHEY PROTIEN with BCAA'S in them. It's sold at 24hrfitness its a white and purple tub. I was around 3500-4000 cals a day, and i started that cycle at 6"1 196 pounds finished off at 6"1 232. I worked out soo hardcore though busted my ass. I dropped down to 228 and maintaind that for a long ass time. THen i got sick in november ended up in the hospital the entire month of december, didnt even walk for weeks got my food threw iv's. I got a an alcer tottaly non related to AS, anyways, i start my next cycle this monday pretty much the same but higher dosages i natrually worked my ass up to 220 pounds i was released from the hospital at 200 pounds, i plan to hit 240+ with this cycle.
    Last edited by Decoder; 02-11-2003 at 02:51 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    yah didn't see when you finish off test my bad, 3 weeks after test not deca.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    man i cant wait to start!@#@

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I am thinking about doing the same cycle but adding Dbol. Maybe 25mg p/d the first 3 weeks then going up to 35mg for the next 2 then 25mg per day for the last 3... I wold only do a 6-8 week cycle with D bol because after 6 weeks it slows down rapidly....

    But I am looking for some good cycle tips also....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    6-8 weeks is too long for dbol, after 3-4 weeks you could get liver damage at the most i recomend 2 weeks of dbol 50mg a day to kick start your cycle. Most people gain about 10 pounds off that 2 weeks.

  13. #13
    Yeah Decoders right no more than 4 weeks. Decoder sorry to hear about the problems bro keep lifting and busting your ass and you'll hit 240 in no time. I'm the same way hit the weights hard 30-45 seconds rest between each set don't talk to no one. As far as my protein I was taking nitro tech as of this week but dont like the results since trying to bulk up not enough calories or carbs. Changed back over to Nlarge cause I've had good results with it in the past. I've got my protein up to 250-260 grams and my calories at 4000-4500 a day. I think that should get me some good size.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    yup watch that scale go up bro.

  15. #15
    Hopefully I'm get excited. What week did you really notice your cycle kicking in and did you put on alot more weight towards the end of your cycle or in the beginning.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    4th week i started to blow up, then after that it was like 3-4 pounds a week.

  17. #17
    Its working I've put on 5 pounds in the past two days alone I love it. Decoder did you work on your abs or do any cardio while bulking. I haven't been working on my abs but I'm planning on hitting them don't want to start getting a gut. As far a the cardio goes I'm planning to wait till after my bulking cycle ends I dont want to hinder any or my mass gains

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    i hit abs everyday, i didn't do any cardio because i noticed my pulse was fast and really strong on that cycle.

  19. #19
    Thanks bro I started hitting abs today I going to stay away from the cardio though.

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