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  1. #1
    Wayacrucis is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2009

    How does my cycle look?

    Hello, I had a cycle planned previous to this one, but unfortunately I couldn't get the goods at the time. Starting first cycle this monday, this is the plan:

    Test E: 500mgs per week for a total of 10 weeks. (Two 250mgs injections a week)
    Danabol: 20mgs a day for a total of 6 weeks.

    I know 12 weeks of test is better, but I cant get the gear atm. A couple of questions. What can I take during my CYCLE to reduce gyno (excluding arimidex ), I already have a mild case of gyno, so I know that I am fairly prone to it (. As for PCT I have Nolva planned.

    Got my measurements last night. Currently I'm 6'0, 203lbs, 15% BF. Goal is to attain 220lbs at the end of cycle, while maintain 15% BF. Been trainning naturally for two years and diet is in check. Is my goal realistic?

  2. #2
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jan 2009
    why do u already have a mild case of gyno?
    why cant u use arimidex ?

    your bf% is a little high and might worsen your gyno problem

  3. #3
    Wayacrucis is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by CHUCKYthentic View Post
    why do u already have a mild case of gyno?
    why cant u use arimidex ?

    your bf% is a little high and might worsen your gyno problem
    Genetics I'm guessing. I never realized I had it before, noticed it as pecs started to get bigger. Can't get arimidex atm, any alternatives?

  4. #4
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    aromasin is an alternative to adex in terms of pct, but i dont know how i feel about running it on cycle. might inhibit too much estrogen

    how do u know its gyno and just not a little fat build up?

  5. #5
    Wayacrucis is offline Associate Member
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    Any input on the cycle itself?

  6. #6
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    cycle looks good.

    id up to the dbol to 30 or 40mgs for 4-5weeks, then some milk thistle after the dbol

    try to get some adex for on cycle. pct needs some clomid

  7. #7
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I've been using Liquidex from AR-R since week 3 of my cycle with great results. I started getting Gyno symptoms at week 3 and took Nolva for a few days until it went away and continued the cycle with the Liquidex without any signs of Gyno since.

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