I am confused about this!
Will I have to use a liver protectant with injectibles such as test, nandro n primo depot?
Is Now Foods Dr Liver Detoxifier and Regenerator any good?
Wat about Anabolic Xtreme Perfect Cycle?
I am confused about this!
Will I have to use a liver protectant with injectibles such as test, nandro n primo depot?
Is Now Foods Dr Liver Detoxifier and Regenerator any good?
Wat about Anabolic Xtreme Perfect Cycle?
run your liver support after cycle
unless say u run dbol (or some other orals) 1st 4 weeks, run it after the dbol during cycle for a few weeks
no idea on the other Qs you re asking
what are they?
you can start the liver protectant right after the end of your cycle for a few weeks. during, after pct. whatever works for u and what u prefer
whats your pct regimine gonna look like?
what are your stats?
I was goin 2 use clomid n nolva maybe hcg but i foun out dat clomid causes eye problems n nolva causes liver peliosis n can limit gains by reducin IGF-1 n hcg cause gyno n acne!
I am tinkin of usin a natural one eg SAN NUTRITION Estrodex (it has 3 anti-es: resveratrol, DIM n another one) or Anabolic Innovations one!
It will be my 1st cycle in jan!
I am not scared at all because i have done my reseach!
cycle exp
cmon man, u gota know ur weight. i dont now anyone into training that cant tell me their weight
ok a few things....
1st cycle should be test only (a few exceptions here, wont get into that at this time), maybe an oral at the beginning to kickstart. i dont like to see 1st timers using deca. that my opinion. it has a lot of potential sides. u need to see how your body reacts to test only 1st!
2nd, if you re willing to put AAS into your body, then u MUST be willing to put the proper ancilliaries in as well. ie nolvadex clomid adex aromasin etc. sorry but there is no exception to these. i just dont see the compounds u mentioned above suffice
unless u can provide some studies to prove it
good that u know a little on polactin and cortisol. id highly recommend u dropping the deca and maybe the primo for now
I have read that beginners should onlu use test!
I have also read that Deca has LITTLE side mainly increased blood clotting time due to increased bp and slight acne (rare)!
There are many studies on DIM that have been carried out on humans in clinical trials!
The reason I included Deca is that takes part in the formation on tendons and ligaments while test hinders that!
Primo also does take part in the process!
I will find studies bout those anti-es!
Do you anything about cyclofenil?
Primo can also lessen the sides of other AAS!
Winnie, Anadrol, Halo, Methyltrienolone, Miribolone are VERY LIVER TOXIC and also screw up HDL/LDL ratio, triglycerides and Total cholesteral!
I am not sure about Proviron's liver effect and effect on cholesterol!
Also I will increase intake of esential fatty acids and take saw pametto to deal with BPH and Male Pattern Baldness!
Does Saw Palmetto do a similar job to Finesteride?
There is natural staff for acne (burdock root, evening primrose oil, vit B5), oily skin( the same) and high blood pressure (Taraxacum Officinae (dandelion) by itself or in a diuretic supplement such as Cytodyne Taraxatone)!
I am willin to use clomid but I havev read it makes grown men cry!
Search on google for resveratrol and diindolylmethane!
Last edited by GREAKWESSNIPES; 11-09-2009 at 03:09 PM.
I have printed out clinical trial studies about Diindolylmethane and Resveratrol!
Do u want to know bf% n bmi?
I have measured them!
I know about other cortisol blockers eg Cytadren and I know about other prolactin control such as Bromocriptin and Caberglobulin (Dostinex, Cabaser)!
What do you know about guggulsterones, coleus forskohlii and synthelesen?
What is the safest fat burner?
wow, i am slightly overwhelmed haha. hey great job on doing your homework though man
as for guggulsterones, coleus forskohlii and synthelesen, no idea... hopefully someone else can help u out on that
so what is your bf%?
safest fat burner? thats a tough one... meaning over the counter?
Liver protections are for orals only. You know, like dbol and stuff.
I commend you for your research although I will just say that the clinical studies have been done on individuals that are not YOU. That is why I would still only run Test only for your first cycle, If you introduce Primo, Test, and Deca, what if you get a bad reaction? It will be difficult to tell if it from all three, a combination of 2, or a dosage of one of these.
And as for your recommended PCT, I have no idea about alternative PCT but I will stick with what has been working for myself (and others for over 30+ years).
I am sure a vet can come in here and perhaps comment on your proposed PCT.
guggulsterones impact thyroid activity(boost it), I have seen them in a lot of Fat Burners.
As for safest Fat Burners, anything OTC you can buy is usually "safe" if you want something more extreme, There is ECA (Ephedrine, Caffeine, Aspirin), and if you're going crazy Clen, T3, and DNP
I know what you mean!
I will run a month of test prop or sust then later I will gradually add Deca and Primo!
What dose of clomid is needed for the sides to start?
Do you know anything about Evista (Raloxifene), Cyclofenil or Tomerifene (Fareston)?
How safe are these compounds?
Do I know my AAS info?
I know guuglestrones stimulate the thyroid!
Are they good fat burners?
Thanks for the info!
You might know enough to run a test e only cycle or something. Like everyone here said give youself a try with one thing at a time not a huge stack. You definitly need clomid or nolva for pct no exceptions, no over the counter stuff will suffice ,for example can you get the test otc not witout a prescription.
Anyways is all i am trying to say is the guys on here know alot about all of these compounds and you should always follow there advice,they will not steer you wrong.Oh yeah and i just got thru with my cycle and used clomid for pct the sides were only bad the first 3 days no bluring of vision , a little bit of acne and a bit of sadness ,i think i got like 7 or 8 pimples from it ,just take it at night and you ll surpass most sidestake care friend
If your bf is 28% you DO NOT need steroids but cardio and diet. At 28% your sides like high blood pressure are going to put you at high risk.
b mit
I just wanted to run 1 AAS at first anyway!
I liked Deca because of the low sides but low dose test will not have many sides aswell!
Athletes like Deca because of the low sides and descent gains!
Linford Christie and the late Chris Bennoit took nandrolone!
What dose should I run the test?
Do you know what EU countries have week AAS laws n what ones have the chaepest?
Is cheaper to import them or bring them in from abroard rather than buy from a local dealler?
I will start of with test prop or sust for a few weeks to see what it is like and how my body will react to it!
Then month by month I will add the other two later most probs Deca then Primo!
I think it is called a step cycle!
I like Clomid and Nolva - they have not got many sides and do not affect the liver much!
My blood pressure and cholesterol are fine!
I do swimming, walking and soon kickboxing for cardio!
What sports are good for cardio?
Are board sports like mountain boarding good?
I am looking for a descent fat burner!
That is why I asked about guggul and coleus forkohlii!
Running gives me lower back pain and I hate using treadmills and exercise bikes, crosstrainer is okay!
My blood pressure and cholesterol are fine!
I do swimming, walking and soon kickboxing for cardio!
What sports are good for cardio?
Are board sports like mountain boarding good?
I am looking for a descent fat burner!
That is why I asked about guggul and coleus forkohlii!
Running gives me lower back pain and I hate using treadmills and exercise bikes, crosstrainer is okay!
Liver protectors are to protect one's liver from meds that are liver toxic. Testosterone pills are liver toxic; however, injectable Testosterone is not liver toxic, as it is not broken down by the liver. Testosterone pills are liver toxic because they are broken down by the liver. But do not misunderstand, not all substances broken down by the liver are toxic. So do your research.
Therefore, Check to see toxicity before you take something and make sure to inquire properly, ie. test injectable or test pills, one is liver toxic and the other is not. So do not just research the substance, research the specific form of the substance, ie pills, injectable, ect. One form of the same substance may be liver toxic and the other form may not be.
If you are taking dbol, test tablets, tomox, etc. which are liver toxic you should take a protectant. I like milk thistle.
Last edited by wenis piggler; 11-12-2009 at 02:41 PM.
I have been going to the gym on and off for a few years now and I know how to train and lift!
But I know I train at home 5 days a week with dumbells!
Three days a week I do arms and the other two I do legs!
I am planning to get some descent heavy dumbells for home or will join a bodybuilding gym!
I just get bored after a months if I have nothing to help me get gains!
I usually go three times a week!
How much should I lower my BF to?
Last edited by GREAKWESSNIPES; 11-13-2009 at 09:27 AM.
Do you think I should join a gym?
The reason why I am working on my arms and legs is because they have the least amount of fat on them!
Most of my fat is on my abdomen ie belly!
AAS and endocrinology are very intersting to study!
I will use non stimulant fat burners like Guggul lipid and coleus to help me loose weight!
Do you think I know enough about AAS to start a cycle next year?
Is it cortisol that stops you keeing the gains from AAS use?
So if I took phosphatadyl serine and magnoluia extract would I be able to keep the gains?
What do you know about Cyclofenil, Fareston (Toremifene citrate) and Evista (Raloxifene Hydrochloride)?
Last edited by GREAKWESSNIPES; 11-13-2009 at 10:28 AM.
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