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Thread: injection sites???

  1. #1

    injection sites???

    iv had a few shots latley off a friend, he jabbed me in the sholders, now iv got the hang ov doing them myself but i find it really hard to get the needle in, and after the shot i end up with big lumps in them.
    some 1 told me it was an infection but after a few days it seems to settle down. has any one ever had this problem b4

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by atalor1985 View Post
    iv had a few shots latley off a friend, he jabbed me in the sholders, now iv got the hang ov doing them myself but i find it really hard to get the needle in, and after the shot i end up with big lumps in them.
    some 1 told me it was an infection but after a few days it seems to settle down. has any one ever had this problem b4
    What are you shooting?

    What guage needle are you using?

    How old are you?

    We need stats first to better help you.



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    It is a common occurence.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    rub the injection site after you pull the pin out........... make sure to keep everything sterile....... and when you rub the injection site use your swab .......

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by taboo-09 View Post
    rub the injection site after you pull the pin out........... make sure to keep everything sterile....... and when you rub the injection site use your swab .......
    I tought this only should be done while using waterbased solutions...?

    Anyways, getting lumps can happen occasionaly for multiple reasons, but if this occurs every single time I would be worried.

    If you feel a little reduced this might indicate that the body is reacting to the injection as an infection. I.e when I did winny injects I had the same problem, and on my white blood-cell count you could see a significant increase, as the body reacted to it as an infection.

    Is the spot red, and feels warm to touch?

  6. #6
    thanks for replying, im 24, 10 stone 10, im using blue needles, and im using tren a,
    i used a bit ov sus 250 a few months ago and i seemed to be worse. as to it being red, it doesnt go red jst swolen and going to try my glutes and see if thats any better, i will post and let u knoow how i get on with them

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by atalor1985 View Post
    thanks for replying, im 24, 10 stone 10, im using blue needles, and im using tren a,
    i used a bit ov sus 250 a few months ago and i seemed to be worse. as to it being red, it doesnt go red jst swolen and going to try my glutes and see if thats any better, i will post and let u knoow how i get on with them
    "blue needles" doesn't really tell us much about size or gauge of the needle.

    Are you only using Tren A?

    10 stone 10 is what 150lbs? how tall are you and what's your body fat?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    i personally rub the site after every injection, never really had a problem with lumps........

  9. #9
    23 gauge, im 5 7 around 150 pounds, my body fat is around 8%

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Are you only using Tren A?

  11. #11
    iv spoke to a few people and they told me to change the site ov injection, and try my glute or quads??
    the only thing is iv never injected in either ov them and im really put ov it,

  12. #12
    im stacking it with test enan

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    glutes is where i shoot every time

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Scenic Purgatory
    Make sure when you are injecting, to inject slowly, give the oil time to disperse. If you inject too quickly, you can have a large buildup at the injection site. Rubbing it is always a good idea.

    23g for your delts? I guess if you dont mind it. I personally like 25g for delts. What length on that pin?

    Also, how much are you injecting at a time?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    nicely put going4ripped

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    shouldent be useing steroids at all ,10st 10lbs is skinny and your nowere near ready for steroids never mind tren ,i can tell your in the uk with the green and blue pin talk ,mate there are alot and i mean alot of people in the uk who talk aload of shit ,the main ones being the gym owners who sell the stuff ,they have not got a clue and push all sorts of shit advise out ,i have been all round the uk and seen some bad advise being passed out .

    my adivse to you would be

    1- get of the gear asap

    2- get to the diet forum and learn a good diet

    3-keep reading here and read up on pct

    4-dont listen to whatever the ass holes down the gym tell you ,99% of the time there wrong.

  17. #17
    thanks every1 for your comments and advice, real good help,

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    If you do a search for spot injections you will find pics and some guidelines, I only every do my legs and never have any big problems.

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