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Thread: Ambien and high bloodpressure ????

  1. #1

    Ambien and high bloodpressure ????

    On prop and mast right now and I got a script for ambie about two weeks in.
    Just took my BP today and it was 142 / 78 / 110

    I'm not sure if this is due to the prop or the ambien. I have read thA
    both can cause high blood pressure.

    I'm going to nix the ambien and see what happens but I'm curious to know if anyone els has had this problem with ambien

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    i doubt its the ambien

  3. #3
    Well here is the thing. When ever I take one before bed I do notice my heart rate go up and it has been proven to cause high blood pressure.

    So how safe is it to have this high of blood
    pressure for another 4 weeks?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    ambien withdrawl can cause high blood pressure as well. tho you havnt been on it long something to note. i think youll be fine if you just get rid of a little water weight and watch what you eat. your systolic is a little high but nothing OMG crazy. and was the 110 your pulse? cuz thats up there.

    also i wouldnt go off 1 reading. try and monitor your bp several times a day for a few days.

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