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Thread: 8 week cycle- input please!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    8 week cycle- input please!

    I originally was planning to do an 8 week equipoise cycle @ 500mg/wk along with 40 mcg IGF-1 lr3 bilaterally 5x a week for the last 3 weeks of my equipose and the 2 weeks after along with 4 wks of clomid & HCG for pct.
    This is still my ideal cycle, but I haven't aquired the equipoise yet so it may not happen.

    My 2nd choice would be the applied nutriceutical stack of NeoVar, IGF-2, RPM, and Drive for 8-10 weeks. I would run lr3 igf-1 (same as above) for the last 5 weeks because the AN stack does not require a pct.

    I will also add that I was planning to use the RPM and Drive for either cycle. I considered peg mgf and lr3 igf-2 but I haven't done enough research on the peg mgf and cannot find any info at all on the lr3 igf-2 so if you know of some good info, personal logs, anything at all, please post a link. I would greatly appreciate it.

    If I were to acquire the Epoise, would it maybe be a good idea to throw in the AN igf-2 and NeoVar in the 1st cycle as well?

    My main goal is to add at least 10 lbs of lean muscle, and would be happy with 15-20 lbs added to my bench press max, along with an increase of strength all around, and maintaining my current bf %. Going to Hawaii for 3 weeks in mid Jan so I'm trying to get in peak shape!

    My stats: 6'4"
    210-215 lbs
    bf %: 10-12%

    I am posting this on a few other boards as well, just an FYI.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    some quick notes....

    8 weeks is not long enough to get results out of a long ester like eq. also eq by itself is hardly a complete cycle. also hcg doesnt belong in post cycle. it should be used during the cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Yuk.... What a mess of compounds thrown together to try and make something work????
    Equipoise for 8 weeks, it needs to be run for a minimum of 14 weeks at a dose between 400 and 600mgs per week. Where the Testosterone???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    well... I've known people to use EQ alone and had some good results. As for 8 weeks, you are absolutely right, I would run it at least 12 weeks because the gains are slower and doing an 8 week cycle would be pointless. I was trying to avoid using Test, but I might consider. I did a test e cycle a while back. I had great gains, but I hated the aggression, hairloss, water retention, and I am really not looking to bulk up really fast. I now use finasteride for hairloss so that isn't really a problem now. Like I said, I'm not looking to blow up real fast, I already have a pretty good physique. I actually found out today that I can pretty much get anything and everything from a buddy of mine who I trust so I'm open to any suggestions.

    If I added test, which would u suggest for the least sides/water retention? And I would like to run winstrol as well, I would appreciate suggestions on how long and how much?

    EQ: 12 weeks 500mg/wk
    Test-?: What dosage and how many weeks would u suggest considering what I said previously?
    Winny: suggestions?? I've never used it
    HCG: I already have 10000 i.u. I would probably run it at 250 i.u. every 2 or 3 days. what time should I start? I would also take 500 i.u. ed 2 weeks after cycle for 3-4 weeks.
    lr3 Igf-1: 40 mcgs split bilaterally in the trained muscle pwo 5 days a week, starting my last 2 weeks of cycle extending 3 weeks after.

    I also plan on running clomid/tamox 2 weeks after last inj. I hope this looks a little better, I have done a lot of research in the last couple years, but I am obviously still learning. Always appreciate feedback and constructive criticism cuz thats the best way to learn. thanks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Park
    1-12 400-600 eq
    4-13 250-300 sust
    8-13 50-75mg winny

    Thats an option. Maybe not what you are looking for?

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