I originally was planning to do an 8 week equipoise cycle @ 500mg/wk along with 40 mcg IGF-1 lr3 bilaterally 5x a week for the last 3 weeks of my equipose and the 2 weeks after along with 4 wks of clomid & HCG for pct.
This is still my ideal cycle, but I haven't aquired the equipoise yet so it may not happen.
My 2nd choice would be the applied nutriceutical stack of NeoVar, IGF-2, RPM, and Drive for 8-10 weeks. I would run lr3 igf-1 (same as above) for the last 5 weeks because the AN stack does not require a pct.
I will also add that I was planning to use the RPM and Drive for either cycle. I considered peg mgf and lr3 igf-2 but I haven't done enough research on the peg mgf and cannot find any info at all on the lr3 igf-2 so if you know of some good info, personal logs, anything at all, please post a link. I would greatly appreciate it.
If I were to acquire the Epoise, would it maybe be a good idea to throw in the AN igf-2 and NeoVar in the 1st cycle as well?
My main goal is to add at least 10 lbs of lean muscle, and would be happy with 15-20 lbs added to my bench press max, along with an increase of strength all around, and maintaining my current bf %. Going to Hawaii for 3 weeks in mid Jan so I'm trying to get in peak shape!
My stats: 6'4"
210-215 lbs
bf %: 10-12%
I am posting this on a few other boards as well, just an FYI.