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Thread: Currntly using Testanol Ethanate - What next?

  1. #1

    Currntly using Testanol Ethanate - What next?

    I've taken Clenbuterol in the past, also Sustanon 250.

    This time I was advised to try Test E (British Dragon). I bought a 10ml amp and am taking 2 ml per week (Injecting 1ml on a Sunday and 1 ml on a Wednesday). I'm also eating 5-6 meals a day (High protein + protein shakes per day).

    What does anyone recommend either taking alongside Test E, or when coming off it?

    Also, any other recommendations for best results whilst using Test?

    Cheers all!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    yur mom's house
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunit83 View Post
    I've taken Clenbuterol in the past, also Sustanon 250.

    This time I was advised to try Test E (British Dragon). I bought a 10ml amp and am taking 2 ml per week (Injecting 1ml on a Sunday and 1 ml on a Wednesday). I'm also eating 5-6 meals a day (High protein + protein shakes per day).

    What does anyone recommend either taking alongside Test E, or when coming off it?

    Also, any other recommendations for best results whilst using Test?

    Cheers all!
    I'd get another 10ml amp and do it for 10 weeks instead of 5

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Start reading about pct and how to do/run a cycle.

    what are you stats?

    body fat
    cycle experience
    exercise experience

  4. #4
    Cool.. was thinking of getting another 10 ml...


    Age: 26
    Height: 6ft 1
    Weight: 12st 2lbs
    Body ft: Not too sure (Not alot though!)
    Cycle experience: This time started last week, so have injected 2ml test e (1ml wed & sun), in the past 10 weeks on Sustanon 250 (About 10 months ago), prior to that 10 weeks on Clenbuterol (18 months ago)
    Diet: Each day Oatabix & Milk, protein shake, chicken breast sandwich, 2 baked potatoes & tuna, fruit & natural yoghurt, tuna steak dinner, snacks (pumpkin seeds e.g.), another protein shake after workout
    Exercise experience: Workout 6 days a week for 90 mins each session, minimal cardio, focus on weights (Upper body & legs).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    yur mom's house
    And pct? Please tell me you have one and used one last time? Also consider actually counting your macro nutrients as you may not be eating as much as you think or not eating enough to get the most from your expensive and dangerous drugs

  6. #6
    Don't know anything about pct... what is it?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    yur mom's house
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunit83 View Post
    Don't know anything about pct... what is it?
    If that is supposed to be a joke...

    If not then get your ass over to the pct forum and read the stickies before you end up on hrt with a nice pair of b!tch tits, seriously

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunit83 View Post
    Don't know anything about pct... what is it?
    Quote Originally Posted by thenextcutler View Post
    If that is supposed to be a joke...

    If not then get your ass over to the pct forum and read the stickies before you end up on hrt with a nice pair of b!tch tits, seriously
    I'm pretty sure he's NOT joking. Sad...but true.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    ***shakes his head........

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    he obviously doesnt know. didnt even plan out the cycle with enough gear from the start. just got an ampoule and started pinning. i see this ending badly soon.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    ok he doesn't know.... is there a need to rub it in. now he knows to go to the PCT section and read up.

    once you done that make then hit us with questions

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    5 weeks is a bit of a waste...10-12 weeks would be an ideal time for a test cycle.

    Get yourself another 10ml vile. Also get some nolvadex incase you feel gyno coming on. Arimidex would be ideal as nolvadex only blocks the estrogen, it won't get rid of it.


    WK 1 40mg Nolvadex
    Wk 2 20mg
    Wk 3 10mmg
    Wk 1-3 Arimidex .5mg E3D

    Never start a cycle without all the gear and ancillaries necessary or you could end up in a bit of trouble,
    Last edited by PEAKINSX; 11-11-2009 at 03:24 AM.

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