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Ok, be gentle
dbol wk 1-4 30 mg
test cyp wk 1 1000mg week 2-12 500mg
eq wk 1 800mg week 2-12 400 mg
anavar wk 8-12 80 mg/day
arimidex .5mg/day as needed (only have 25 1mg pills), getting nolva soon
nolva week 13-18 60/50/40/30/20/20
clomid week 13-18 300/100/100/50/50/50
hcg week 13-15 500/250/250-still figuring this out
clen week 12-16 40mg/day unless i get more
turning 27 soon
6 foot 1
203 lbs.
9% bodyfat
have done 3 cycles
1 winny only
2 eq and winny
3 tren and eq
after tren was tough - didn't use with test and no pct
was 3-4 years ago. have had levels checked and everythings fine.
diets cleans. 3500 clean calories until week 6 then will gradually drop to 3000 or so before the anavar.
215-220 lbs, 7% bodyfat, sustainable
have been lifting for 15 years