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Thread: Need experienced members to review 8 week advanced cutting cycle.

  1. #1

    Need experienced members to review 8 week advanced cutting cycle.

    WEEKS 1-8: Winstrol 50mg Every Day
    WEEKS 1-6: Trenabol 75mg Every Day
    WEEKS 1-8: Testosterone Propionate 50mg Every Day
    WEEKS 4-8: Masteron 100mg Every Other Day
    WEEKS 3-8: T3 50-75mcg Every Day
    WEEKS 1-10: Anastrozole 0.25 mg Every Day

    Clenbuterol 80-100mcg: 14 DAYS ON, 14 DAYS OFF

    WEEKS 1-8: PREGNYL (HCG) 300-500iu Every 4-5 days***

    WEEK 8: 40mg Tamoximed/100mg Clomid daily
    WEEK 9: 30mg Tamoximed/ 50mg Clomid daily
    WEEK 10: 20mg Tamoximed/ 50mg Clomid daily

    So I'm just about done with my bridge. How does this look?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    do you compete?

  3. #3
    My bridge was 10mgs of anavar. And yeah, I compete.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    i would run the prop 100mgs every day ,apart from that it looks like a good cycle .

  5. #5
    Yeah I use my wrestling money to pay for this cycle. It's my first time competing !

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    looks good. only thing is the tamox/clomid would be week 9 not 8 and i would drop the arimidex to EOD. on a side note im not a fan of bridging. think its an old school of thought.

  7. #7
    Yeah I was thinking about pushing it back to week 9. ! great, so now I've got my cycle worked out . Why don't you like bridging?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    all it does is inhibit/prevent recovery IMO. i doubt 10mg added much benefit. cruising and blastig is one thing (if your at that level) but bridging is a waste and does more harm then good.

    what do you get or hope to get out of it?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Park
    Why do you do mast eod? Cycle looks fun,and good.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Wow!!! Nice! I would LOVE to see before and after photos frm this 8 week cycle. Obviously being this advanced you have great training and nutrition to go along with this so I am Positive the results would be VERY impressive. Please post photos if you can and kill it bro.

  11. #11
    I don't loose nearly as much muscle when I bridge then when I don't. I usually do an aggressive pct after the cycle with the bridge (and since anavar is very mild, it doesn't do too much harm). I always go and get my bloodwork done after the cycle, to see if I'm capable of a bridge.

    I love anavar, I have only lost 3 pounds from my last cycle due to this bridge.
    Last edited by PO OFFICER; 11-10-2009 at 08:45 PM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by CaliPhotog View Post
    Wow!!! Nice! I would LOVE to see before and after photos frm this 8 week cycle. Obviously being this advanced you have great training and nutrition to go along with this so I am Positive the results would be VERY impressive. Please post photos if you can and kill it bro.
    Haha, thanks! Alright then, I'll post before and after photos

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