Well steroids are drugs. And all drugs (even caffiene) alters the way you feel.
So my questiong is which steroid that u guys have taken, made u feel the best??
For me its Test!
Well steroids are drugs. And all drugs (even caffiene) alters the way you feel.
So my questiong is which steroid that u guys have taken, made u feel the best??
For me its Test!
Anything that raises your test levels is gonna make you feel better!
has to be test. but in terms of "feeling" better. anything that will raise your sex drive will turn u into a horny rabbit. test, winny, masteron, proviron, caber, viagra. all of these together will make u feel like a pornstar.
tren makes me feel like shit but i dont get better gains anywhere else
D-Bol made me feel like i was ontop of the world
every workout was awesome
i just felt like friggen happpppyyy all the time
TBOL! omg makes me feel great! and nice gains!
toss up between test and var
worst for me was deca
id say tren
i love the aggression and adrenaline it gave me, made me feel like the hulk on rage 24/7
I didn't notice much in the way of 'feeling great' on sustanon250...it seemed to make me tired at times, not wanting to get out of bed etc, and some days I would feel ok. Think it may have to do with the release of the esters sending blood test levels up and down (I was doing 500mg a week).
I've heard dianabol makes you feel great but im yet to try it.
For me it's DBOL! I felt like I was the best at everything all the time, and nothing could ever go wrong in my life.
2nd would be deca, because it alleviates my joint pain.
Dbol turns me into a machine & Eq gives me the craziest pumps ever...
test makes me feel like 18 again
Test, dbol, GH ahhh good times.
shot 100mg of suspension before workout today.
have to say ive never felt better
TST ? Im sorry im a lil outta the loop. You talking about HRT ? With test ? Anyways no I ran tbol by itself.... feels great like test but better like a test/dbol mix. And incredible gains, Im a big tbol fan. Dbol made me feel great as well, but it also gave me bitch tits with test, so I dont run it anymore. Since i had surgery its been var/tbol.
Anywhere from 100-400mg of testosterone C or E.
Naturally I have low test, so 100mg puts me at the top of normal range, at that point I feel the best, although I still feel great up to 400mg.
Anything over 400mg and I turn into a pink faced BullFrog. Thats is without an AI.
I prefer not to use AI's, and at doses in the 100-400 range I never have to. I get some mild Estro sides, but my joints feel awsome. I cannot help think that has to do with the slightly elevated estradiol.
I cruise, and only occasionally take small breaks just to keep from going 100% infertile if I ever need to have kids again. I do got 9 vails of sperm frozen at a cryolab just in case I end up perma-sterile as well.
Test is also cheap on the pocket book. Its one of the least costly of all steroids.
I do get regular checkups on BP, cholesterol, and have the occasional cardio checkup, to make sure I am not getting a thick left ventricle, and I also donate blood every 60 days. Keeps my RBC from getting too high.
Do you more experienced guys feel the benefits on mood and well being every time or only in first few cycles ??
Test and Tren for sure, I am so confident I love the feeling.
I love test and tren. Even though i get mad a little easier most of the time i feel so strong and hard and just on top of the world. I have never felt so good in the gym
I'll be the outcast here: A-bombs! Drol has got to be the best all 'round drug there is. High intensity workouts, 20-30 pounds INSTANTLY (love it), oiled joints...just too bad you can only use it for a few weeks! Most people like the Dbol better but it didnt give me as much as Adrol. Funny shit...
few weeks? says what steroid book did u pick that up in?? STOP BELIEVING EVERYTHING YOU HEAR..
Adrol is not toxic to the liver.. you can run it at 150mgs ED for 6 weeks..NO ISSUES AT ALL..
Here let me throw this out there..
ok i know we aren't supposed to discuss recreational drugs but.. in essence of my explanation i need to.
Ok so let's examine Anadrol.. lets say 100mgs ED for 42 days=6weeks...= 4200mgs = 4.2 grams of adrol..
Now, typical cocaine user.. 8-ball a night = 3500mgs of cocaine... weekend cocaine binge.. 10500mgs of cocaine in 3 days.. 10.5grams.
So hmmm 4.2 grams over a 6 week period or 10.5 grams in 3 days...
Which do you think in term of use would be harder for the liver to process, because as we know, the liver is the bodies filter so everything we put into our body passes through it??
Now, how many coke users have you known to have liver failure?? Jaundice?? or need a liver transplant?? odds are.. probably NONE.
These compounds are safe gentlemen.
Liver toxicity is so highly overrated it makes me wanna puke.
Now, i say 6 weeks because after that timeframe your body has adjusted to said oral and it isn't as effective so an oral switch or a stop of an oral altogether is suggested.
Steroids are safe to use ...They are not the vital organ destroyers that Most might have you believe.Because facts are Most people that use them never had a problem using them or long after......But yet people lack the scientific facts and the self experience facts but yet they still cry steroids kills....This shows me how i DO NOT want to be like them.
i always say if you dont abuse a steroid,it wont abuse you....jus my 2 cents
growth and test with some dol. Sleep so good on growth, you know why on the test and the quick jumps in strenght gains on the dbol.
Loved Tbol, EQ, Test, winny made me feel good too but var made me feel better and i like the feeling that clen gives me lol excpet the headaches from it but it usually goes away after 2 days
Probably the worst post ive read on this forum regarding anadrol. Thats like comparing putting an indycar and a horse in a race...it just makes no fckin sense.
Heres proof that your wrong
"Hepatocellular carcinoma reported in young men taking androgenic-anabolic steroids, specifically oxymetholone.
[Farrell et al; Lancet 1(Feb): 430-431 (1975)] **PEER REVIEWED**
21-yr-old man showed peliosis hepatis after oxymetholone, 30 mg/day oral for 3 months, total dose approx 3.2 g
Ten cases of liver tumors have been reported in the use of oxymetholone alone or in combination with other androgenic drugs; The increased risk of liver tumors could be related to hepatic damage known to be caused by oxymetholone.
[DHHS/NIEHS; Seventh Annual Rpt on Carcinogens Summary p. 313 (1994)] **PEER REVIEWED**
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