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Thread: cycle 2, what I learned

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    cycle 2, what I learned

    Second cycle, first month, test-c 2ml per week, and deca 2ml per week with d-bol 30mg a day. second month, test-c and deca 2ml per week. third month, test-c 2ml per week and sust-250 at 2ml per week. fourth month, test-c 2ml per week, sust-250 2ml per week and hgh-strop for the last 15 days.
    I went low dose and longer cycle this time, cut the d-bol from 40mg to 30mg for the first month. Might skip the d for next cycle, I could really feel some sides from it this time around. The sust-250 was great, but was a little soreness from the inject spot. I mixed the deca and test in the same syringe, also the test and sust. Did my shots on fridays and tuesdays. For pct just used hgc for 15 days. Been off everything for almost a month. Started at 205 lbs, peaked at 233 about 6 weeks in. Then fluxed from 225 to 229. Currently staying at 226. Look really good, seemed to keep alot of strength. Only sides are a few zits on the shoulders. And the hardon power is not back up to speed yet. I only injected in my quads.
    But overall, my second cycle was a winner. My diet was not great, and got a small belly during month 1, but the sust seemed to take care of that. Im not sure what you guys think of low-dose long cycles, but it worked pretty good for me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    No SERMS for PCT?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    man that gave me a headache,, right it out in column form instead of paragraph

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    so how many days out are u from your last test shot? and deca too?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Last shot of test-c/sust250 was about 29 days ago, last shot of deca was, the first week sept. And as for SERMS, I have Tamox and Ana, but didn't need them, I might have takin one or two in the second month.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    well im surprised u feel alright

    your pct was far from good enough. u could have at least benefited from the nolva and adex

    you need to get some blood work done ASAP

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    I always though nolva did the same as hgc, just goin by what I have read on them both. But your right, my pct was sub par, I just used what I had.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    man that gave me a headache,, right it out in column form instead of paragraph

    Quote Originally Posted by ClubberLangsUncle View Post
    I always though nolva did the same as hgc, just goin by what I have read on them both. But your right, my pct was sub par, I just used what I had.
    They are nothing alike. So basically you just did HCG for 15 days, and didn't take any Tamox (nolva) post cycle?

    Damn, you're going to feel terrible once that sust 100% clears your system, and all you're left with with lingering deca suppressing your HPTA.... but what do I know ... just my 0.02

    (if your last injection was ~29 days ago I would give you a couple more weeks until you start to feel lethargic, and irritable / no motivation)

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