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Thread: First cycle is doing nothing but making me spotty

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    First cycle is doing nothing but making me spotty

    Hey guys, basically i started my first cycle recently im on week 4 now. 200 deca 250 sust for weeks 1-3, 500 sust 400 deca weeks 4-10. Now i know the gear is good because a friend of mine is using the exact same stuff as me and he is seeing some good size gains. And the weird thing is his diet is pathetic and mine is spot on, im taking in about 4000 cals a day and keep it as clean as i can, taking in a shed load of protein and training hard.

    Now i was under the impression i should see between 10-20lbs of gain out of this cycle and as of yet i have seen nothing that i couldnt have gotten naturally (apart from some additional acne)

    So my question is- does the sust take longer than 4 weeks to get working properly? should the gains start coming later on in the cycle or do people usually see results in the first 4 weeks? Is there any way i could be 'immune' in a sense to the sust? could another sort of test work better for me? what would you suggest to someone in my position? because im busting my ass in the gym and eating perfectly so seeing very little to no results is very dissapointing, especially when most people respond so well on their first cycle.

    Thanks for reading i appreciate all of those who help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    It still could be bunk, your friend got legit and you didn't. you should be gaining something, if your being honest about diet and training.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    DUDE you just started wk 4,, be patient

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    DUDE you just started wk 4,, be patient
    his friend is making gains? it doesnt make sense if theyre on the same cycle really.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    is it pretty common not to see noticeable gains 4 weeks in? and we both got the same gear at the same time from the same man, so it deffo the same gear that my friend has been growing well on, would the fact ive been training for 5 years naturally and put on good natural size make it harder to gain on AAS? my friend has only been training for roughly a year naturally so is that a possible reason why he could be responding to it better?

    I'm just trying to get the very best out of this cycle

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    Its hard to tell. Give it some time and keep monitoring your results. It could be that his genetics are just better than yours and respond better to training than you do.

    Also, what were your stats when you started?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by corsa5000 View Post
    is it pretty common not to see noticeable gains 4 weeks in? and we both got the same gear at the same time from the same man, so it deffo the same gear that my friend has been growing well on, would the fact ive been training for 5 years naturally and put on good natural size make it harder to gain on AAS? my friend has only been training for roughly a year naturally so is that a possible reason why he could be responding to it better?

    I'm just trying to get the very best out of this cycle
    Whats he gaining? Water Fat?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Well he appears to be gaining some good quality muscle, his chest, shoulder and arms are filling out well and he is looking good after the first 4 weeks.

    My stats are 5'8 210lbs at about 12-13% im a decent size already which made me wonder if that is whats slowing down my progress?

    I was thinking of doing a test e cycle sometime next year instead of sustanon (as the sustanon doesnt seem to be working for me yet) do you think the test e could have a different/ better effect on my body than the sust?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    im in my second week of the same gear... just a little different..

    500mg/week of deca

    500mg/week of sus

    208 when i started.... BARE ARSE

    219.5 5 min ago with lite gym shoes and shorts on..... lost 2 inches in the waist as well.... i think at 4 weeks being your first you should see something... o besides feeling like a big pile of pooh... sus/flu sucks azz

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    o by the way

    its not my first cycle and i know what my body likes.... so keep that in mind

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2009
    A though...

    Maybe you are over training? Are you getting enough rest?

    Eat, lift, sleep.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by jg2 View Post
    im in my second week of the same gear... just a little different..

    500mg/week of deca

    500mg/week of sus

    208 when i started.... BARE ARSE

    219.5 5 min ago with lite gym shoes and shorts on..... lost 2 inches in the waist as well.... i think at 4 weeks being your first you should see something... o besides feeling like a big pile of pooh... sus/flu sucks azz

    damn.... 11lbs in 2 weeks? something must be going seriously wrong here then. And ive not had any kind of flu? if anything it has made me feel better and more alive. well being is up as well as recovery time. just no size or weight gains.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by corsa5000 View Post
    Well he appears to be gaining some good quality muscle, his chest, shoulder and arms are filling out well and he is looking good after the first 4 weeks.

    My stats are 5'8 210lbs at about 12-13% im a decent size already which made me wonder if that is whats slowing down my progress?

    I was thinking of doing a test e cycle sometime next year instead of sustanon (as the sustanon doesnt seem to be working for me yet) do you think the test e could have a different/ better effect on my body than the sust?
    should start growin soon,, just be patient.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    its a learning process

    Quote Originally Posted by corsa5000 View Post
    damn.... 11lbs in 2 weeks? something must be going seriously wrong here then. And ive not had any kind of flu? if anything it has made me feel better and more alive. well being is up as well as recovery time. just no size or weight gains.
    my first cycle i thought i had bunk.... didnt get much at all

    many tries with different stuff and alot of wasted time and money im geting close to the magic formula.... be patient like there saying... unless you stumble on a cycle that is "yours".. it will take some trial and error... thats just my opinion and i realize now i dont know sh#t that i thought i did... you are in the right place for advise and good people as far as i have seen... ive learned more in the last 2 days than i have in the last 5 years... i suck at chemistry and thats what it is.... good luck and be patient.... its a marathon... not SPRINT.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    ok mate, thank you to all of you who helped, ill finish my cycle off and report back on the final results. I suppose like anything, trial and error is needed, ill just keep on working hard untill i find the right things for me. cheers

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