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Thread: 1st time user

  1. #1

    1st time user

    I am a 38 yr old male starting back in the gym after years of hard partying lifestyle. I am stacking 1ml of deca with 1ml of test twice a week for 6 weeks. I am on my 3rd week and I am not trying to push heavy wieght but I am gettig severe pain in my rotators in both arms when I am working chest. I am am doing the deca because I have bad joint pain and am wondering if this is a good starter cycle and also what I can do to alieviate the pain in the rotators, I am guessing it is connective (tendons). Please give me some feedback.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    how is your libido i was allways instructed to run test deca at a 2:1 ratio but if you need it for joint issues ide say more power to you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    No... First post your stats.

    How long have you been in the gym before you started to juice?
    Is your diet in check?
    Sufficient sleep?
    1CC... how many mg?

    Whats your PCT planned?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    as your muscle gets stronger the tendons cant handle the sress of the weights your pushing even tho the muscle can push it its haveing an effect on your tendons ,you should of get a good diet going 1st with a good lifting routeen and done it without the gear for 8-12 months ,this would of given the tendons time to get used to the stress of lifting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    i mean yea what they said ^^^^

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