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Thread: Quad shot followed by severe knee pain.

  1. #1

    Quad shot followed by severe knee pain.

    So yesterday I did my 3rd quad shot and during the night I wake up to some serious pain right above my right knee cap, same leg I did the shot in. Is this common, and does anyone know what this is. Should I be worried. thanks!

    knee only really hurts when I try and bend it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    yur mom's house
    On my first shot I didn't stick the needle in far enough and was shaking really bad, I had soreness which spread to the same spot above my knee and made it hard to climb stairs for almost a week, then it went away. After that I made sure I shoved that needle in good and deep and held it steady... No problems since

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    yur mom's house
    Also, I had injected too far towards the front of the quad in a fatter area, I rotated down more to the outside in the leanest part I could find for following shots. What I found worked was lifting my leg and flexing from a sitting position, this allowed me to find the outside head of the thigh and inject there

    of course after finding the right spot I relaxed and did not inject while flexed...

  4. #4
    I stuck needle all the way in 1.5 inches. Weird thing is this time it really hurt when I put the needle in compared to the other times, and also I have no pain in the actual injection site unlike the last 2 times. I injected about 6 inches up from my knee cap on the outer top part of the quad, if that makes sense. Should I maybe try for more towards the side of my leg?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    yur mom's house
    Hmm maybe you hit a nerve? Typically if you feel pain while poking you should remove, swap pins, and try a new spot

    also injecting in the outer-top part is what gave me knee pain, I injected on the very outside last couple times and had no problems

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    yur mom's house
    You know how to aspirate I assume?

  7. #7
    Yeah you just pull back on the plunger and if you don't see blood you're good to go, right?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    yur mom's house
    Quote Originally Posted by homicidal View Post
    Yeah you just pull back on the plunger and if you don't see blood you're good to go, right?

    try coming in from the side more, if you are sticking it in far enough maybe it's just a bad spot

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by homicidal View Post
    I stuck needle all the way in 1.5 inches. Weird thing is this time it really hurt when I put the needle in compared to the other times, and also I have no pain in the actual injection site unlike the last 2 times. I injected about 6 inches up from my knee cap on the outer top part of the quad, if that makes sense. Should I maybe try for more towards the side of my leg?
    Is it possible the 1.5 is too deep for your quads? (if you have low bf%) I always heard 1.5 for glutes, 1 for quads.

    I only pin glutes though, I'm a sissy

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_k View Post
    Is it possible the 1.5 is too deep for your quads? (if you have low bf%) I always heard 1.5 for glutes, 1 for quads.

    I only pin glutes though, I'm a sissy
    I wondered that once, but then where would the pin end up? in your bone? if it hit bone you would know RIGHT THE FVCK NOW as you jumped for the sky screaming

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    im right there with you Big K............ glutes............ harder to **** up. and i dont have to worry about knee

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by taboo-09 View Post
    im right there with you Big K............ glutes............ harder to **** up. and i dont have to worry about knee
    I just look funny when I'm squirming on the Bike for cardio

  13. #13
    I read something about injecting in the glutes there is a possibility of hitting sciatic nerve or something and temporarily paralyzing yourself and ever since that I can't really bring myself to do a glute shot.

    1.5 inches seems enough I have pretty meaty quads and also relatively high (15%ish) body fat so 1.5 inches is fine I think. Maybe I'll have to overcome my fear of glute shots, anyone ever temporarily paralyzed themselves?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    yur mom's house
    Quote Originally Posted by homicidal View Post
    I read something about injecting in the glutes there is a possibility of hitting sciatic nerve or something and temporarily paralyzing yourself and ever since that I can't really bring myself to do a glute shot.

    1.5 inches seems enough I have pretty meaty quads and also relatively high (15%ish) body fat so 1.5 inches is fine I think. Maybe I'll have to overcome my fear of glute shots, anyone ever temporarily paralyzed themselves?
    stay on the upper outside and you''l be fine... s p o t i n j e c t i o n s . c o m

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by homicidal View Post
    I read something about injecting in the glutes there is a possibility of hitting sciatic nerve or something and temporarily paralyzing yourself and ever since that I can't really bring myself to do a glute shot.

    1.5 inches seems enough I have pretty meaty quads and also relatively high (15%ish) body fat so 1.5 inches is fine I think. Maybe I'll have to overcome my fear of glute shots, anyone ever temporarily paralyzed themselves?
    I haven't heard of that although it is possible, I aim for the Gluteus Medius

    If you take a look where the sciatic nerve is you shouldn't have a chance of hitting it unless you're pinning smack dab in the middle of your glutes.

  16. #16
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    Aug 2009
    Found this video yesterday...

    Tried it just like he shows, upper right quadrant of thigh. No issues, other than it was Test P...

  17. #17
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    Oct 2009
    My knee is tender currently as well (from my wednesday injection. I think I went to high on the thigh.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    nope never happened to me.yet............. lol but on a serious note . just stick where you feel comfortable bro................

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