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  1. #1
    PEAKINSX is offline New Member
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    Critique my next cycle please

    I have previously run a Sustanon250 cycle consisting of wks 1-6 @ 250mg per week, wks 7 - 12 @ 500mg per week with the appropriate PCT.

    Age 21
    Weight 98kg
    Height 185cm (6'1")

    I do weights 4 times a week minimum, with boxing training 2-3 times per week also.

    This is the cycle I am considering to do next; please give me your opinions on it.

    Arimidex and dostinex on hand if needed.

    Wk 1-10 400mg Test Enanthate (200mg Mondays and 200mg Thursdays)
    Wk 1-10 200mg trenbolone Enanthate (100mg Mondays and 100mg Thurdays)
    Wk 1-10 25mg Proviron Daily
    Wk 1-10 500iu hcg (250iu Mondays and 250iu Thursdays)

    Wk 11 40mg Nolvadex Daily
    Wk 12 20mg Nolvadex Daily
    Wk 13 10mg Nolvadex Daily
    Wk 11-13 .5mg dostinex E3D
    Wk 11-13 .5mg Arimidex E3D
    Wk 11-13 500iu hcg (250iu Mondays and 250iu Thursdays)

    This is what I have planned thus far. Any improvements or suggestions?

    I'm contemplating using 500-600mgs of test e per week and upping the tren E to 300mg per week (so 42mg a day it works out to).

  2. #2
    PEAKINSX is offline New Member
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    My daily diet is like this;

    Meal 1: Protein powder mixed in with oats with water

    Meal 2: Skinless chicken breast made with a low fat wrap/lettuce etc

    Meal 3: Can of tuna mixed in with salad (or use diced chicken breast)

    Meal 4: Protein shake after workout

    Meal 5: Chicken breast with onion/peas/corn/capsicum/mushroom etc made into a sorta stew

    Drink nothing but water to avoid sugar.

    At the moment I am trying to keep carbs and fat minimal because im trying to cut down before I do this cycle (I am on Clenbuterol ).
    I am only planning to do this cycle in about 2-3 months once im happy with what weight I am at, the above cycle will be a bulking cycle (as much LBM as possible) and will substitute more carbs such as brown rice and a 6th meal into my diet etc.

  3. #3
    JinNtonic's Avatar
    JinNtonic is offline Member
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    I would add Clomid to PCT, and run PCT 4 weeks.

    I would think about using Tren A for first run with Tren. That way you can adjust for sides quickly if needed.

  4. #4
    JinNtonic's Avatar
    JinNtonic is offline Member
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    Looks like your taking your time & planning it out well.

  5. #5
    PEAKINSX is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JinNtonic View Post
    I would add Clomid to PCT, and run PCT 4 weeks.

    I would think about using Tren A for first run with Tren. That way you can adjust for sides quickly if needed.
    What are you reasons for suggesting to add clomid? Run it along side Nolva? (just so I know why and not just adding it in if you get what I mean)

    I have read up about using tren A first instead of tren E...not overly keen on pinning ED or EOD just yet. At the 200mg dose I don't think the sides will be too harsh. Can't be much worse then clenbuterol lol.

    What do you think about the test and tren E dosages? Should be ok because its only my second cycle yeh? Reason I'm thinking about upping em is because I only plan to run one or two cycles a year (maximum) until im happy where I'm at with my body. So I sorta feel the higher dosage will make the cycle more effective and worth while.

  6. #6
    JinNtonic's Avatar
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    Go to the PCT stickys and read up. You should understand PCT before you cycle anymore so you dont mess yourself up.

    Its very common to run Nolva with Clomid.

    As for Dosages on your cycle. You would have to ask more experienced members with Tren .

    I am planning a Test P/Tren A cycle, Still debating if I should run Test low or high with Tren. Opinions seem to go both ways on here.

    Tren A will start at 100eod, Test P (still unsure)100-200eod.

  7. #7
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    waaay too young to be cycling, especially with tren , imo.

    and that diet needs help. you need an energy source, bro. if you're going to cut carbs, fine but you should think about adding in healthy fats.

  8. #8
    big_k's Avatar
    big_k is offline Associate Member
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    Bad diet, its either carbs or fat, you can't cut both, are you even breaking 2,000 calories?

    obviously have a lot to learn before running a cycle like this

  9. #9
    PEAKINSX is offline New Member
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    If you read the second post you would of seen that I said Im on clenbuterol thats why I was dieting hard...want to lean up before cycle.

    Obviously when I'm on cycle my eating will be different.

  10. #10
    PEAKINSX is offline New Member
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    Anyone else got any input regarding the dosages of the tren and test?
    Last edited by PEAKINSX; 11-22-2009 at 09:03 PM.

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