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  1. #1
    Texag22 is offline New Member
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    Superdrol question(s)

    So I got this stuff like 3 weeks back and it has a different name than Superdrol but the active ingredient when put into google was superdrol.

    Anyway so, some info. I'm 27 250 and I've been eating clean and my cycle so far was 10/20/20/20-on the last week, not enough for a full week, just a few days to finish out the bottle.

    In conjunction with:
    CTD Liver armor, dosing like the bottle says
    Fish oil 1000mg 3x a day
    Taurine 1g 3x a day
    Ginko Biloba 6mg 3x a day (this is just for memory that I take every day but I'm posting it all on here)
    Lipo6 Black 1-2 pills 2-3x a day depending on energy.

    I usually try to gauge my days to where I'd dose in the morning and again an hour before working out.

    Now that I'm about to be on my last leg of the cycle because I've been on it for almost 3 weeks now I have some questions.

    1. Since the Taurine is mitigating the back pumps, can I up the dosage to 30mgs a day?

    2. I found a way to get another bottle, can I go on it for another 3-4weeks?

    3. Aside from Liver Armor, I do have Letro for a PCT, any other suggestions? I know the sex drive would be killed and after being on this stuff and being horny all day I think I would miss my sex drive lol so I'm open to suggestions.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Texag22 is offline New Member
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    Oh yeah I'm like 6'3". I don't think I included that above

  3. #3
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Do not extend your SD cycle another month u put u body at risk speficially your liver which is already taking a beating. Not to mention SD usually loses ts effectiveness by week 4 anyway.

    Difference between 20mgs and 30mgs isn't rally noticeable espcially in the final week of your cycle

  4. #4
    Texag22 is offline New Member
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    well the increasing it would be based on going another 4 weeks... and see this guy I know was like u can roll with it up to 6-8 weeks but that's it....The most I was thinking about going is like 2-3 more weeks

  5. #5
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    I agree with Immortal no longer than 4wks SD is very toxic to the liver.

  6. #6
    Texag22 is offline New Member
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    Well then can I just up it to 30 a day for the next few days or just stick it out with 20 a day then for the next week and a half-ish?

    Also anything else I should use aside from Letro for PCT? Trib for Sex drive? OR any other alternatives than trib?

  7. #7
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Texag22 View Post
    Well then can I just up it to 30 a day for the next few days or just stick it out with 20 a day then for the next week and a half-ish?

    Also anything else I should use aside from Letro for PCT? Trib for Sex drive? OR any other alternatives than trib?

    Letro is not a good PCT choice the standard is clomid/nolva for 4wks

  8. #8
    jaydream's Avatar
    jaydream is offline Junior Member
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    Talking 2 weeks so far

    HI Texag22

    I am also on a cycle of Superdrol I am currently on week 2. I am doing 4 weeks and had good gains so far. Other than the sex drive have you had any bad side effects?

    After the first few days I have felt like shit tired all the time but when I am in the gym I am fine and lifting more.



  9. #9
    Texag22 is offline New Member
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    No No on the contrary I'm like hyper horny on this stuff. Usually I could go like once a day with my gf for like a week and take a few days off and then go again. Now, there's no down time we've been going at it like every day and 3-4 days a week we f*** like twice a day. Yesterday though I worked out and we set our record of 4x and then I was ready to go again and she stopped me bc she was a lil sore ;D but I was ready to go again.

    My waist hasn't changed but I feel really solid and the scale says I've gained 12 lbs (I was 246 before and last night I was 258). Maybe it's bc of the increase in blood cells idk I've had some good gains I just wanted to stretch it out a bit longer by 2 weeks until finals are done. I dunno I'm ok with losing the I feel and f*** like a god feeling but I just don't want to lose it right before or during finals. Hence my wanting to keep going for 2 weeks, plus the first week I took the stuff I didn't really feel anything, it wasn't until week 2 that I saw gains and felt noticeably different.

    The only other thing I was thinking was that if I had to give it up, might as well use Nolva and Clomid as PCT like Gym said but can I use Clen with it? the PCT forums are kinda hazy on this point.

  10. #10
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    i wouldn't use clen or letro on pct.

  11. #11
    Texag22 is offline New Member
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    that and on the first week I was only going with 10mg a day bc of this being the fist time I did anything close to being a steroid (it's a PH I know)

  12. #12
    Texag22 is offline New Member
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    ok cool thanks Big!

  13. #13
    jaydream's Avatar
    jaydream is offline Junior Member
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    Me to

    Quote Originally Posted by Texag22 View Post
    No No on the contrary I'm like hyper horny on this stuff. Usually I could go like once a day with my gf for like a week and take a few days off and then go again. Now, there's no down time we've been going at it like every day and 3-4 days a week we f*** like twice a day. Yesterday though I worked out and we set our record of 4x and then I was ready to go again and she stopped me bc she was a lil sore ;D but I was ready to go again.

    My waist hasn't changed but I feel really solid and the scale says I've gained 12 lbs (I was 246 before and last night I was 258). Maybe it's bc of the increase in blood cells idk I've had some good gains I just wanted to stretch it out a bit longer by 2 weeks until finals are done. I dunno I'm ok with losing the I feel and f*** like a god feeling but I just don't want to lose it right before or during finals. Hence my wanting to keep going for 2 weeks, plus the first week I took the stuff I didn't really feel anything, it wasn't until week 2 that I saw gains and felt noticeably different.

    The only other thing I was thinking was that if I had to give it up, might as well use Nolva and Clomid as PCT like Gym said but can I use Clen with it? the PCT forums are kinda hazy on this point.

    I am glad you said that because I have been hyper horny to on it.


  14. #14
    Texag22 is offline New Member
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    Yeah no and I'm sensitive too it's insane! I just generally feel really good all the time.

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