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Thread: Cycle Review- Need advice

  1. #1

    Cycle Review- Need advice

    Hi Guys,

    Need opinions and advice on the specs and cycle. I plan to start asap.

    Age: 28 Years
    Sex: Male
    Weight: 149 lbs
    Height: 170 Cms
    Bodyfat: 17%
    Working out for 2 years - Zero Juice
    Currently on - Creatine & Myofusion
    I was 125 lbs when i started working out two years ago

    Danabol (everyday) - Week 1,2,3 - 60mg (30AM 30PM); Week 4,5,6,7 - 80mg (40AM 40PM); Week 8,9,10,11 - 60mg (30AM 30 PM)
    Sustanon (mondays) - week 2,3,4,5 - 500mg; week 6,7,8 - 750mg; week 9,10,11 - 500mg
    Deca Durabolin - week 2,3 - 200mg; week 4,5,6,7,8 - 400mg; week 9,10,11 - 200mg

    Additional Question(s)
    * I am already cycling creatine (2nd week). Can i go on with it while on cycle?
    * Any way i can control acne?
    * I am aware of the side effects of male pattern baldness and aggression as well, any way to limit them to the minimum?
    * Any other stuff you guys think i should watch out for?

    Since this is my first cycle and i AM a little stressed. Would really appreciate help here

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    You are complicating things too much. Run the test at 500wk, deca at 200mg/wk, for 10 weeks. Run the dbol at 30mg/ed for the first 4 weeks and you dont want to up the dose to the crazy numbers you posted. Ditch the creatine while on cycle. Dont forget your pct.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    OK so you're 5'5" 149lbs......

    1st thing's 1st..... your bodyfat is pretty much borderline for running a cycle. Some would tell you it's flat out too high. The problem is that when bodyfat is higer..... side effects can be more prominant.

    secondly..... that cycle is poor. Very poor infact..... First cycles should consist of testosterone only. You don't know how your body reacts to it..... how will you know what side effect is from what compound if you have two or three in there?Not only that..... but you have yourself running Dbol for 11 weeks!?!? Dbol should be run 6 weeks MAX..... at 11 weeks..... your liver values ought to be mighty high

    Thirdly - you are pyramiding your dosages...... it's an old school thought and isn't necessary.

    Lastly...... You have no PCT listed. How do you plan on restoring your natural testosterone production after your cycle?

    It is in my opinion that you should stick around the forums and read up on proper cycling and pct..... you are not ready to cycle yet...... atleast..... not without hurting yourself.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Hamma Head View Post
    You are complicating things too much. Run the test at 500wk, deca at 200mg/wk, for 10 weeks. Run the dbol at 30mg/ed for the first 4 weeks and you dont want to up the dose to the crazy numbers you posted. Ditch the creatine while on cycle. Dont forget your pct.
    Clearly this guy is not ready to cycle..... now instead of reading my post...... he may read yours and run his cycle and possibly not come back to this site to learn......


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Clearly this guy is not ready to cycle..... now instead of reading my post...... he may read yours and run his cycle and possibly not come back to this site to learn......

    That was my first cycle after 6 months of studying and learning. It was recommended to me by the vets that I knew 8 years ago, they never led me wrong or ill advised me thats why I recommend it to newbys. What I learned was that test alone was an ok cycle but you needed other drugs to harden up everything, contrary to the thinking of todays cycles. AND I WOULD NEVER GIVE ILL ADVICE TO ANYONE

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Hamma Head View Post
    That was my first cycle after 6 months of studying and learning. It was recommended to me by the vets that I knew 8 years ago, they never led me wrong or ill advised me thats why I recommend it to newbys. What I learned was that test alone was an ok cycle but you needed other drugs to harden up everything, contrary to the thinking of todays cycles. AND I WOULD NEVER GIVE ILL ADVICE TO ANYONE
    I'm not saying you would intentionally do that......

    You said you did 6 months of research first..... How do we know he's done research?

    Not only that...... lets say he runs the cycle you laid out for him and he bloats to all hell..... he's on Dbol, Deca, and Test..... How does he know whats causing his bloat? What if he gets gyno symptoms and starts running nolva with a 19nor in the cycle?

    It may have been your 1st cycle..... it may have worked fine for you. Fact is tho..... it MAY NOT for him. I don't think Vets here recomended you that as a 1st time cycle..... it had to have been from another board and the quality of advice given on some boards is questionable at best.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    A test only cycle for the 1st time user is not only GREAT..... it's SMART!

    I took 3 years off from aas and what was the 1st cycle I ran when I got back into it? Test only..... worked like a charm.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Man, that's a complicated cycle for a newb to AAS.
    Check out the stickie for "beginner cycle", then compare it to what you are proposing. Night and day.

    If I were you I would really rethink what I was planning on running. Dbol itself is a very harsh compound, especially for that length of time! And most tend not to recommend Nandrolone on a debut cycle.

    I agree with Hazard. I think you need to do a crapload more research on AAS. I've been training for around 5 years now, still natural. Infact, I've been registered to this forum since 2007 I believe, constantly reading and researching and listening to more experience members. I think that is the best way to do things.

    I'll be starting my first cycle in January probably. Jumping into the deep end after only a couple of years of natural training seems foolish to me.

    Just some food for thought...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Ive got 20 years training under my belt, including strongman competitions, and a few years of using gear, so dont treat me like I dont know what I am doing. And the board that I learned on was the best at its time, just too long ago for some young people to know about.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    OK so you're 5'5" 149lbs......

    1st thing's 1st..... your bodyfat is pretty much borderline for running a cycle. Some would tell you it's flat out too high. The problem is that when bodyfat is higer..... side effects can be more prominant.

    secondly..... that cycle is poor. Very poor infact..... First cycles should consist of testosterone only. You don't know how your body reacts to it..... how will you know what side effect is from what compound if you have two or three in there?Not only that..... but you have yourself running Dbol for 11 weeks!?!? Dbol should be run 6 weeks MAX..... at 11 weeks..... your liver values ought to be mighty high

    Thirdly - you are pyramiding your dosages...... it's an old school thought and isn't necessary.

    Lastly...... You have no PCT listed. How do you plan on restoring your natural testosterone production after your cycle?

    It is in my opinion that you should stick around the forums and read up on proper cycling and pct..... you are not ready to cycle yet...... atleast..... not without hurting yourself.

    x2 on everything here.

    Keep it simple for your first time, you will have plenty of time to make more advanced cycles, with the knowledge of how your body reacts exactly to testosterone.

    I'd maybe cut for a month to try to drop the BF %.
    Then try
    500mg/wk Test Enan x 12 weeks

    pct starting week 15-19
    clomid 100/50/50/50
    nolva 40/40/20/20

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