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Thread: Test e and tren cycle thoughts

  1. #1

    Test e and tren cycle thoughts

    Right now I'm thinking of running 500 mg test e/ week but with cycling with clen as well starting at 60 mcg for the first week and working up. I have my pct as usual.

    Any thoughts on this cycle. I decied to leave out the deca out this time and try a test e and tren only. Anyone run a similer cycle and ho were your results?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    Stats please

  3. #3
    24yo 5'8 160 lbs

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory

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  5. #5
    -around 12% bf
    -only ran designer steroids when they were around
    -each past cycle Ive used novladex for my pct

    -wrestled since I was a sophmore in high school but since I work out 4 days a week 90min work out. For the past 3 weeks its been 30 min cardio 30 min weights


    break fast- whole grain cereal with fruit and protein shake

    lunch- white albacore tuna, sliced fruit

    dinner- occasional red meat, usually a serving of chicken or turkey with fruit and vegies

    I'm wanting to lose the bit of waist I gained in college (even thought it isnt much) and increase in size and strength but not like a balloon.

  6. #6
    If you've never run a cycle before (other then PH's) then just stick to a Test-E only cycle

    Test-E (weeks 1 - 12) @ 500mg each week.

    You an use the clen along side if you would like.

    Don't go near tren yet. You should be a tad more experienced with AAS before hitting up that particular compound.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by blinkboy224 View Post
    -around 12% bf
    -only ran designer steroids when they were around
    -each past cycle Ive used novladex for my pct

    -wrestled since I was a sophmore in high school but since I work out 4 days a week 90min work out. For the past 3 weeks its been 30 min cardio 30 min weights


    break fast- whole grain cereal with fruit and protein shake

    lunch- white albacore tuna, sliced fruit

    dinner- occasional red meat, usually a serving of chicken or turkey with fruit and vegies

    I'm wanting to lose the bit of waist I gained in college (even thought it isnt much) and increase in size and strength but not like a balloon.
    I am no diet expert, but I beliee that you need to eat more than 3 times a day while on anabolics. Well, while trying to build muscle alone

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