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Thread: tren cycle help needed

  1. #1

    tren cycle help needed

    hi guys im looking to do a 5 week cycle with trenmix 300mg/ml im going to shoot 1ml twice a week but im wondering whether to stack test enth or test cypionate with the tren any suggestions i want to limit any possible sides thats why the short cycle or do u guys thinka 10 week course would be better??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    What are your stats to include your previous cycles?

  3. #3
    im about 200 pounds near 100kg i was 82kg 2 years ago with 22%bf weight bodyfat is about 15-17% im bulking up at the moment ive done previous cycles of iranian test enth and nor*a deca for 12 weeks great kick off the iranian test and another cycle with winstrol and test enth then my last course was 2 months ago which was sust 250 orga*** and some mexican tren 75mg/ml and to be honest it gave my body a more lean look and i gained some muscle and strength for 5 weeks of course i used proper pct and tamoxifen throughout all cycles too so i took 5 weeks off due to hand injury so what i wnt to do now is train hard for one month or two go on the tren for 5/10 weeks stacked with test cyp/enth and finish off with pct and clen what would you recomend??

  4. #4
    im about 200 pounds near 100kg i was 82kg 2 years ago with 22%bf weight bodyfat is about 15-17% im bulking up at the moment ive done previous cycles of iranian test enth and nor*a deca for 12 weeks great kick off the iranian test and another cycle with winstrol and test enth then my last course was 2 months ago which was sust 250 orga*** and some mexican tren 75mg/ml and to be honest it gave my body a more lean look and i gained some muscle and strength for 5 weeks of course i used proper pct and tamoxifen throughout all cycles too so i took 5 weeks off due to hand injury so what i wnt to do now is train hard for one month or two go on the tren for 5/10 weeks stacked with test cyp/enth and finish off with pct and clen what would you recomend??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    how old are you?
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  6. #6
    im 24 years old

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    East Coast
    In mu honest opinion i would hold off. You mentioned your at 17% bf which is kinda high, Which leads me to wonder how your diet is.

    I would recommend you get down a little more before taking anything. You see much better results when your leaner. You also mentioned you are bulking, but are already at 17%. Are you gonna be able to get down in bf in the future? Do u think u have the knowledge to get back down in the future? These are all questions i woudl ask myself.

    I personally dont think steroids are for anybody that cant get low in Bf.

    Good luck!

  8. #8
    its not 17 i checked yesterday its 14 but i dont think thats a fair statement to make that only ripped people should use steroids i think that steroids are there to help people achieve goals like strength or power,it helps recovery and lets you train to the max and withstand the intense workouts and at certain times of the yeari am at different weight levels like everyone else depends what im trying to gain or achieve you who is giving your fair opinion and advice should know that to bulk up and get bigger and gain muscle you take on a certain percentage of fat with that muscle so in order to get bigger i must take on fat too and when im done bulking i will then change my training programme and change to a less carb packed diet and use some cutting agent like clen or eca to get nearer to where i want to be so yo werent very helpful but thanks anyway

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dazell View Post
    its not 17 i checked yesterday its 14 but i dont think thats a fair statement to make that only ripped people should use steroids i think that steroids are there to help people achieve goals like strength or power,it helps recovery and lets you train to the max and withstand the intense workouts and at certain times of the yeari am at different weight levels like everyone else depends what im trying to gain or achieve you who is giving your fair opinion and advice should know that to bulk up and get bigger and gain muscle you take on a certain percentage of fat with that muscle so in order to get bigger i must take on fat too and when im done bulking i will then change my training programme and change to a less carb packed diet and use some cutting agent like clen or eca to get nearer to where i want to be so yo werent very helpful but thanks anyway
    I disagree when it comes to tren. You stated earlier that you were 15%-17% two days ago now your 14%? You need to be more accurate when it comes to stats. I've seen here when people say they are 13-17% bf are usually at 20%, not saying that about you but it does happen. Having said that, I know plenty of people that take roids that are 20%, but they are about 260 lbs and very muscular. But with tren your tend to get more sides with higher bf%.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    I disagree when it comes to tren. You stated earlier that you were 15%-17% two days ago now your 14%? You need to be more accurate when it comes to stats. I've seen here when people say they are 13-17% bf are usually at 20%, not saying that about you but it does happen. Having said that, I know plenty of people that take roids that are 20%, but they are about 260 lbs and very muscular. But with tren your tend to get more sides with higher bf%.
    thanks for the honesty so what would yo recommend i do?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dazell View Post
    thanks for the honesty so what would yo recommend i do?
    It's hard to determine if this is going to be your 4th or 5th cycle, your writing was is somewhat compressed.

    Having said that are you looking to run a short or long ester?

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