I am going to start using a TRT dose of test to bridge in between cycles..What are the drawbacks of using a low dose of EQ throughout the year ?
I am going to start using a TRT dose of test to bridge in between cycles..What are the drawbacks of using a low dose of EQ throughout the year ?
oops, read tht tooo quick!!
I am using 50mg a week and it seems to help with me keeping what gains i have made vs not taking anything at all. Mine is real EQ not UG or generic.
I have been on it for 3 months,no drawbacks at all. If your is UG or generic you may want to up it to 100mg a week.Dont forget it builds up each week a little bit. I just came off a cycle of Tren A and test suspension that was for 8 weeks. I added the EQ the last week of the cycle.
Yes ,my body weight stays the same and my body fat doesnt change.I also get better pumps than i do when im not on anything.If your not getting good results with your EQ it is probably weak or NFG.
any1 else have any opinions?
50mg prb keeps your appetite up,,, what is your TRT dose
^^ No, we aren't. 50mg wouldn't even shut down your HPTA.
I remember seeing blood-work for someone doing an EQ only cycle, and at week 7 @ 600mg EW he was still test was still completely in normal range.
I guess you could give it a try though, lol... 0.2mL each week won't really add up in price department..
I am running 1000mg EQ and 650 sustanon now..I am gonna drop it to 325 sus / 400 EQ for bridge...any drawbacks to this ?
EQ - 30 Weeks
Sustanon - TRT Dose for awile , cycling 650 2x a year
well hope you already have all the kids you want.
EQ is amazing imo. I have tried tren and all that other stuff but eq was the best by far IMO. NO shut down and kept all of my gains etc. No 19nors for me, better to run eq for lean muscle gains with no bloat or adverse reactions at all. one of the only steroids I will ever touch again.
if i was to try this, would i need to do pct after my current cyle of sust 500mg pw intro the eq, during pct? any knowledgable answers?
I ran it for 30 weeks about 2 years ago and recovered good.
You added your EQ the last week of a test suspension and tran A cycle..... Even if the EQ was helping you retain your gains..... it takes longer than 1 week to kick in..... if at all. It's not the EQ keeping your gains...... and frankly..... you should be proud of that LOL
Of course EQ is going to cause some kind of surpression,
eq is a weak compound and IMHO doesnt aid any kind muscle building, there are far better compounds out there what will produce muscle tissue gains,
Its also a very poor choice for bridging, why are you bridging?
he states its doing something for him so how can any1 else say it aint?
Ur gains will fall aswell when coming of the Eq during PCT, The issue u have with D-bol is that its alot of water weight, so thats why u seem to lose ur gains "fast". D-bol is known for putting on alot of water weight, thats why i am not a fan of it either.
High doses of Eq 600mg+/week only assisted my appetite, and some people believe it helps for getting lean... I am pretty lean already so didnt notice sh*t.
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