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Thread: I want to run epistane...what else?

  1. #1

    I want to run epistane...what else?

    Hey guys. In about a month I plan on running a cycle. Gotta get all my stuff ready for it, stock up on protein, food and what not.

    So my I've been reading about epistane and i really like the way it looks. Dry lean and hard gains, and also looks like i would expect to drop some bf%.

    I do want to gain muscle and lose bf%....don't we all.

    So here are my stats and goals.

    Age: 21
    Weight: 160 - Goal weight 185-190ish
    BF%: 11-13% Goal BF% 8-9
    Height: 5.9

    Guess thats it? only idea i got right now was to run Epistane along with Equipoise (boldenone)

    I am not trying to necessarily "blow up", but i want lean hard gains and bf% to drop.

    Whatever you guys think. I do know a bit about cycles, have thought about doin test enanthate, eq, dbol (first 4 weeks only) for 10 weeks then bridge off to epistane at week 8 into pct since epistane has a built in anti estrogen...that cycle will be a bit pricy tho haha...but since when do people who wanna get big consider how much it will cost? lol

    post any and all ideas..and if you guys even think epistane is good at all to begin with, never used it. THANKS guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    First off, you are too young to dip into steroids. Also, are you talking about injectable EQ, or some type of oral version?

    Epistane is a good prohormone, but you will not gain 30 pounds while dropping bodyfat. Four weeks of Epistane cannot do that, I am sorry. You can classify prohormones as steroids, as they all cause shutdown, and have potential for negative sides.

  3. #3
    Everyone on here says your too young, feel the need to protect, my guys, such as David Heus professional body builder, and another who is currently on the cover of muslce and fitness, in stores now, says im good to go, im done growin.

    It would be injectable EQ, only oral would be epi cus thats all there is, and i meant my goal as in overall goal, not off this cycle...have some faith in my intelligence, you think that i think one cycle on these things could get me 30 pounds in 4 weeks? haha, have to stack alot more then that

  4. #4
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    Aug 2009
    You can gain 30 pounds off of one cycle, but they most likely will not be 'quality' gains. This is an average of my best guess because I have probally read about 200 logs now, and I form my opinion off of that. I have not ran a cycle of aas yet, so this is all my opinion. Figured I would give some sort of feedback ya know.

    I do not see a problem with mixing a prohormone with aas. I was going to use Mdrol to kickstart my test cycle.

    Also, you are not done growing at 160 lbs. I am about to dig up an old picture of myself. I was 165 a few years back. Then I hit the carbs, fats, proteins and weights. Got me to 226. Then I ran my first prohormone cycle about 5 months ago, and got to 245. Now I am back to 232.... still stronger than pre-cycle. Getting to 226 was actually easy, and it only took 4 years... with 3 of those years lifting

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    If you want to run something along with your Epistane... then look at running 4-6 weeks at 90mg of what is in your avatar

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Scenic Purgatory
    What is your cycle exp?
    PCT Knowledge?
    Diet Details?
    Training exp?

  7. #7
    Ya true about the 30 pound gains, just not all clean.

    But ya man ive been doing the carb loading and crap since july 2008 when i started the gym. What you can gain and what I can gain from just doing this can be way different cus of genetics. When im serious, right now im not cus im on a medication known as Accutane, for severe acne i had since 15 about, and ive been on it for 9 months, this is my last month, its all gone, not comin back, which is why im waiting to run anything, my body is very weak, highly liver toxic med, i cant gain right now, i was benching 225 solid 6 reps before accutane, now im only doing 185 solid 6, doctor said depression and fatigue are big sides, but when i am serious, i do 6 half scoops of ON procomplex gainer, one scoop is 650 cals 85 carbs and 60g protein i do 6 half scoops rather then 3 full so i dont do to much at once, i wanna absorb all the nutrients, and on top of that i do 6 meals a day about 300 to 400 cals each, in total 4000+ a day. over 500 carbs.

    Ya lol I was thinkin the tren haha.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Hey brother, just a suggestion. That is a lot of weight gainer (6 scoops) that you are going through. Weight gainer is also expensive. I am sure that you would save money if you ditched the weight gainer, and used that money for whole foods. You would also have better results imo

    EDIT* Just re-read and saw that you are taking 3 scoops per day. My bad
    Last edited by Kibble; 11-22-2009 at 03:04 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    What is your cycle exp?
    PCT Knowledge?
    Diet Details?
    Training exp?
    ^^^I am still curious......

  10. #10
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by redescalade100 View Post
    Ya true about the 30 pound gains, just not all clean.

    But ya man ive been doing the carb loading and crap since july 2008 when i started the gym. What you can gain and what I can gain from just doing this can be way different cus of genetics. When im serious, right now im not cus im on a medication known as Accutane, for severe acne i had since 15 about, and ive been on it for 9 months, this is my last month, its all gone, not comin back, which is why im waiting to run anything, my body is very weak, highly liver toxic med, i cant gain right now, i was benching 225 solid 6 reps before accutane, now im only doing 185 solid 6, doctor said depression and fatigue are big sides, but when i am serious, i do 6 half scoops of ON procomplex gainer, one scoop is 650 cals 85 carbs and 60g protein i do 6 half scoops rather then 3 full so i dont do to much at once, i wanna absorb all the nutrients, and on top of that i do 6 meals a day about 300 to 400 cals each, in total 4000+ a day. over 500 carbs.

    Ya lol I was thinkin the tren haha.
    carb loading is benefical to endurance training like triathlon etc not for weight training, you need to measure what u need to avoid storage as fat, think of it as petrol in a car

  11. #11
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    Jan 2009
    I just ran 4wks of epistane by itself just to get a feel for what the compound did for me I wasnt overly impressed you sure as hell aint gonna gain 30lbs or even half of that IMO. The possitives were no bloat, felt really good despite no test, I have heard people say its mg for mg the same as winstrol I dont agree but it is similar.

    I will leave the age issue alone we can make suggestions to you but you are a legal adult and will make your own choices.

    Ohh BTW dont buy into the ani E built in its a methalated AI but once its methalated its properties change I have read alot of people getting gyno of EPI alone so be carefull.
    Last edited by gymnerd; 11-22-2009 at 11:36 AM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    What is your cycle exp?
    PCT Knowledge?
    Diet Details?
    Training exp?
    Anything I want to know about how to run my pct, I will get from my supplier. Were good freinds so its not like ok heres ur stuff good luck.

    I know that pct is always the basic 3, nolva, clomid, hcg. How much and how long depends on the lenght and dosage of your cycle. I haven't determined that yet.

    As far as diet goes. I just try to eat a balance. A good amount of calories every 2 hours. With 30g at least of protein, im only 160, body probly wont absorb any more then that at one time, and close to 2 times the carbs, and some healthy fats (efa's which also help with the cycle, blood pressure)

    i know also about putting a cortisol blocker in your pct to block stress.

    i found a great cycle support supp too that has everything in it for prostate, kidkneys and liver, just everything, reviews look good.

    And my training, i think is very good. I am not a closed minded idiot who thinks when you wanna get big all u do is lift 4-6 reps and NEVER change it and workout the same body part the same day every week.

    I change my workout schedule every couple weeks, so my brain doesnt say, oh monday CHEST!!! and i am a natural when it comes to form.

    Just so u guys know I have access to body builders information personally, anything I want to know can be given to me.

    And i don't think epi alone could get me 30 Thats my overal goal in LIFE. Not right this second.

    Epistane by *** people wrote reviews about losing gyno actually, not sure which one you took but u didnt like it? hmm damn

    I just don't want to shut myself off, which is why another thought came in, epi and anvar? Remember i am not a get big quick guy that loses 50% of gains. I want about 5-10lbs of hard lean muslce in this cycle.

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