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  1. #1
    chrisworrell is offline Junior Member
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    My first cycle - what do you guys think

    Alright I just started my first cycle, its a cutting cycle to prepare for a cruise spring break . Tell me what you guys think

    1-10 Test E
    11-14 Clomid for PCT
    7-8 Clenbuterol
    10-12 T3
    11-12 Clenbuterol
    15-16 Clenbuterol

    The Test E i split monday morning and thursday night at 125 each so 250 a week. Using the test to maintain and maybe get some minor growth but since ill be cutting i dont expect much. Just trying to counteract catabolism from the T3 and Clen . I probably will miss the final shot of test because of loss (first time i pulled into the syringe im guessing i put too much air in and a few drops fell out.

    Clomid- first day 200, then 100 for 2 weeks, followed by 50 for two weeks

    T3 - ramp up to 50 for 3 weeks

    Clenbuterol - ramp up to 100 first week, then alternate every 2 weeks, doing ECA on the 2 week off. Ramp it down on the final week of clen

    I will be trying to eat about 500 calories over maintanence on days where I hit the gym. Then eating at maintanence on days I dont go to the gym. Also aiming to get about 2g/lbm of protein. Mainly chicken, eggs, tuna, brown rice

    Ive got about 4 weeks to refine this and make any alterations to it. Just looking for some advice here. I tried to do all the research I could, so if what im doing is wrong please let me know.

    My main question really comes down to my diet and how much you guys think I should be eating in terms of calorieson a day to day.

    Im 5'10" about 15%bf aiming to hit 10% or less in 3 months. Over the past 4-5 months i have succesfully lost about 35 pounds just from diet and lifting. (ive been consistenly lifting for years im not new and just jumping into a cycle)
    Last edited by chrisworrell; 11-22-2009 at 03:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    There are a few things wrong with this cycle.
    First start off with finishing your stats
    Then we can go form there

  3. #3
    chrisworrell is offline Junior Member
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    24 and 180lbs

  4. #4
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I think i would up the test if i were you.
    Also your PCT starts two weeks after your last Test E shot not the next week.
    PCT needs some work. I would drop the clomid to 100 mg/day for the first two weeks and then drop it again to 50 mg/day for the last 2.
    Add in some Nolva at 40 mg/day for the 4 weeks of PCT

  5. #5
    chrisworrell is offline Junior Member
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    i really dont have an option to up the test because i only have one bottle. Really just giving it a trial run seeing how i react to it and all. But regardless I only have enough to do 250 a week for 10 weeks.

    Yea ive been reading alot about clomid vs nolva. I am going in on another order with a friend soon. Was thinking about trying out some winstrol in the future, ive heard good things from my friend who has used to and just started another cycle of it. But I will add an order of nolva when he makes that order.

    Thank you for the help, one question when it comes to trying to cut in this situation what is your opinion on calorie intake. My maintanence is around 2700 calories in that ballpark.

  6. #6
    chrisworrell is offline Junior Member
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    Since im stuck at the 250 a week. Do you think the clomid would be more than enough for PCT or should i still look into adding nolva with it?

  7. #7
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    No because even at 250 a week you are still shut down naturally meaning you need to raise these levels again once off. Therefore it is recommended that a standard PCT should be used. A basic PCT consists of Nolva and Clomid or maybe a few other options. Most would not recommend only clomid though because nolva and clomid do not work in exactly the same way

  8. #8
    chrisworrell is offline Junior Member
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    What i have right now

    1-10 - Test E two shots weekly 250
    9-10 / 12-13 / 15-16 - Clenbuterol at 100 a day
    9-12 - T3 at 50 a day
    12-15 - Clomid at 100 a day for 2 weeks, 50 a day for 2 weeks
    12-15 - Nolvadex at 40/day for 2 weeks, 20/day for 2 weeks

    Ramp Clen 60 80 100 100 100 100 100
    Ramp T3 12.5 12.5 25 50 50 50 50
    Down T3 50 50 50 50 25 12.5 12.5

    Cool thanks, yea i will definitely have him order me some nolva then
    Last edited by chrisworrell; 11-22-2009 at 06:45 PM.

  9. #9
    chrisworrell is offline Junior Member
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    Can anyone chime in on caloric needs when on a cycle trying to cut?

    in the past ive been using a 1000 calorie deficit alongside an ECA stack to lose weight, but I assume that I probably will need to up that a bit with the introduction of the test/clen / much is the question
    Last edited by chrisworrell; 11-22-2009 at 06:41 PM.

  10. #10
    big_k's Avatar
    big_k is offline Associate Member
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    you start pct on week 13

  11. #11
    chrisworrell is offline Junior Member
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    Ah yea my bad nice catch thanks, granted it will probably end up ending this way just because I will probably be short 1 shot due to imperfect amounts when I draw it out

  12. #12
    chrisworrell is offline Junior Member
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    does anyone have any diet advice in terms of just sheer amount of calories to eat?

    Everyone always seems to advocate proper diet, and how important it is, but it does seem to be a hard question to get answered.

    I am going to be doing a 40/40/20 diet. I know exactly what im eating, I just want an opinion on how much of it I should be eating in order to cut. I doubt that it would be smart to be on all of this and continue my 1200 calorie diet.

    Probably looking for multiple numbers, amount to eat on just the Test, amount to eat on Test on workout days, amount to eat on test and clen and t3 (and on workout days), and amount to eat on just clen (and on workoutdays).

    Yes I understand some of those may be the same number and they may all be, but that is the breakdown of the different sections I have during this full cycle.

  13. #13
    thebigfella is offline Associate Member
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    go to the diet section

  14. #14
    alpmaster is offline Member
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    You're in the steroid section, so we answer steroid related question. You have diet questions, then go to the diet section.

  15. #15
    chrisworrell is offline Junior Member
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    alright, will do. sorry was just trying to keep it all together

    If anyone is reading this and curious as to the responses I get the thread is here : Diet on Test E Cut
    Last edited by chrisworrell; 11-23-2009 at 09:07 AM.

  16. #16
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisworrell View Post
    does anyone have any diet advice in terms of just sheer amount of calories to eat?

    Everyone always seems to advocate proper diet, and how important it is, but it does seem to be a hard question to get answered.

    I am going to be doing a 40/40/20 diet. I know exactly what im eating, I just want an opinion on how much of it I should be eating in order to cut. I doubt that it would be smart to be on all of this and continue my 1200 calorie diet.

    Probably looking for multiple numbers, amount to eat on just the Test, amount to eat on Test on workout days, amount to eat on test and clen and t3 (and on workout days), and amount to eat on just clen (and on workoutdays).

    Yes I understand some of those may be the same number and they may all be, but that is the breakdown of the different sections I have during this full cycle.

    If i were you i would begin by sorting your diet out so that you are at a base level (cals in = cals out) this way you are loosing no weight nore are you gaining any weight.

    This can then be used as a good base to start from, ensure you are taking on protien in every meal and make sure you are taking on some carbs at all meals except before bed. I woul also reccomend consuming a higher percentage of you daily carb intake around your weight training sessions as you will need them to keep intensity up.

    I would run this diet for a week or so to ensure that your weight is maintained, I would then start to introduce cardio into your routine 3-5 times per week.

    Follow this for a week or so and see where your weight is and HOW YOU FEEL. If your cals are too low you will loose too much muscle, your weight training will go down the drain and you will fail to acheive what you are after.

    Aim to loose 1-2 Lbs a week, id shoot for 1 but any more than 2 i believe is risking too much muscle loss.

    I would follow this plan for a few more weeks to ensur you have it down to a tee, and you are slowly loosing weight.

    Only then would i think about starting the Cutting Cycle!

    If ur diet ent right befor you start, ur wasting the gear while you work out how many cals you need per day to loose weight.

    Look into Carb Cycling also as i hav found it usfull when weight loss begins to slow.

    A bit of a monster post i know LOL

  17. #17
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    [QUOTE=chrisworrell;4956619]Alright I just started my first cycle, its a cutting cycle to prepare for a cruise spring break . Tell me what you guys think

    Over the past 4-5 months i have succesfully lost about 35 pounds just from diet and lifting.

    Didnt see this first time LOL

  18. #18
    chrisworrell is offline Junior Member
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    yea ive had a little bit of experience with proper diet i know what to do to lose weight, and lose weight very fast and maintain a good bit of muscle, but again that was all natural.

    Check my link to my post in the diet section for the diet that i have more or less been following for the past 3 months. Just trying to figure out how many calories I need to alter it to fit for the new cycle im on. Im sticking at maintanence right now until I get it fine tuned

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