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  1. #1
    newdude22 is offline New Member
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    searched and read for hours, still need answers!!!!

    Ok so I work at a gym, i'm 5'10", 22yrs old and a solid 170 lbs. I am still gaining muscle at a good rate naturally, but I spoke to many longterm chronic steroid users and they all think i'm ready for my first test cycle, but I am still on the fence about taking steroids for a few reasons.

    My goal is to gain another 10lbs of lean muscle and doing a 10 week cycle of tri test 250 seems like a reasonable way to achieve this. I WANT THIS TO BE MY ONLY CYCLE OF THE YEAR.

    1.With proper PCT will my natty test recover to where its at now (pre steroids)?

    2.Will doing a cycle affect my bodies ability to gain muscle naturally after PCT is complete? My concern is that I will be able to retain lets say 10lbs of muscle from my cycle, but be stuck at a plateu after, thus the need to keep cycling.

    Please don't flame!

  2. #2
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by newdude22 View Post
    Ok so I work at a gym, i'm 5'10", 22yrs old and a solid 170 lbs. I am still gaining muscle at a good rate naturally, but I spoke to many longterm chronic steroid users and they all think i'm ready for my first test cycle, but I am still on the fence about taking steroids for a few reasons.

    My goal is to gain another 10lbs of lean muscle and doing a 10 week cycle of tri test 250 seems like a reasonable way to achieve this. I WANT THIS TO BE MY ONLY CYCLE OF THE YEAR.

    1.With proper PCT will my natty test recover to where its at now (pre steroids)?

    2.Will doing a cycle affect my bodies ability to gain muscle naturally after PCT is complete? My concern is that I will be able to retain lets say 10lbs of muscle from my cycle, but be stuck at a plateu after, thus the need to keep cycling.

    Please don't flame!
    ^^^You just answered your own question on whether or not you should start using steroids

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    ^^^You just answered your own question on whether or not you should start using steroids

  4. #4
    newdude22 is offline New Member
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    ^^^^ I do understand that completely. It just seems like no one is capable of answering number 2. If anyone could help me with that i;d greatly appreciate it.

  5. #5
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    agreed with the others

    as far as question 2 i believe the answer is yes. although it is solely my opinion but if your having a hard time gaining the 10lbs then how do you think your gonna be able to gain further when your 10lbs heavier. not to mention there is a possibility of harming your endocrine system at 22

  6. #6
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by newdude22 View Post

    2.Will doing a cycle affect my bodies ability to gain muscle naturally after PCT is complete? My concern is that I will be able to retain lets say 10lbs of muscle from my cycle, but be stuck at a plateu after, thus the need to keep cycling.
    Your bodies ability to gain muscle after a cycle and pct is going to be based on your diet and training.

    But, as you stated, you are still gaining naturally, no need to even consider steroids at this point.

  7. #7
    Ghost84 is offline New Member
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    This is my story.

    I started training when I was 15 and did so without steroids for about 3 years. Then the stupidity of being a young obbsessed teenager drove me into using steroids so I did a couple of dbol only (ever heard that on before ) and the like 8 weeks of 500-750mg of sustan a week. And last but not least about 8 weeks of test enanthate and dbol. I did no pct I had no real structure to my cycles but this is what I did. All this usage happened with in a year and a half. Then for different reasons i stopped using and training. After after a year I started train again without steroids and by then I was like 21 years old. Now Im 25 and I am like 40 pounds heavier (around 220) And hell of a lot stronger since I train with that in mind rather than size. Ive actually entered 2 strongman competitons and ended up 2nd and 3rd against 15 other guys. I am also the ectomorph bodytype so I am not fat.

    This is just my story.

  8. #8
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost84 View Post
    This is my story.

    I started training when I was 15 and did so without steroids for about 3 years. Then the stupidity of being a young obbsessed teenager drove me into using steroids so I did a couple of dbol only (ever heard that on before ) and the like 8 weeks of 500-750mg of sustan a week. And last but not least about 8 weeks of test enanthate and dbol. I did no pct I had no real structure to my cycles but this is what I did. All this usage happened with in a year and a half. Then for different reasons i stopped using and training. After after a year I started train again without steroids and by then I was like 21 years old. Now Im 25 and I am like 40 pounds heavier (around 220) And hell of a lot stronger since I train with that in mind rather than size. Ive actually entered 2 strongman competitons and ended up 2nd and 3rd against 15 other guys. I am also the ectomorph bodytype so I am not fat.

    This is just my story.
    Thanks for the story but what does it have to do with the OP's thread

  9. #9
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost84 View Post
    This is my story.

    I started training when I was 15 and did so without steroids for about 3 years. Then the stupidity of being a young obbsessed teenager drove me into using steroids so I did a couple of dbol only (ever heard that on before ) and the like 8 weeks of 500-750mg of sustan a week. And last but not least about 8 weeks of test enanthate and dbol. I did no pct I had no real structure to my cycles but this is what I did. All this usage happened with in a year and a half. Then for different reasons i stopped using and training. After after a year I started train again without steroids and by then I was like 21 years old. Now Im 25 and I am like 40 pounds heavier (around 220) And hell of a lot stronger since I train with that in mind rather than size. Ive actually entered 2 strongman competitons and ended up 2nd and 3rd against 15 other guys. I am also the ectomorph bodytype so I am not fat.

    This is just my story.

  10. #10
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Quote Originally Posted by newdude22 View Post
    Ok so I work at a gym, i'm 5'10", 22yrs old and a solid 170 lbs. I am still gaining muscle at a good rate naturally, but I spoke to many longterm chronic steroid users and they all think i'm ready for my first test cycle, but I am still on the fence about taking steroids for a few reasons.

    My goal is to gain another 10lbs of lean muscle and doing a 10 week cycle of tri test 250 seems like a reasonable way to achieve this. I WANT THIS TO BE MY ONLY CYCLE OF THE YEAR.

    1.With proper PCT will my natty test recover to where its at now (pre steroids)?

    2.Will doing a cycle affect my bodies ability to gain muscle naturally after PCT is complete? My concern is that I will be able to retain lets say 10lbs of muscle from my cycle, but be stuck at a plateu after, thus the need to keep cycling.

    Please don't flame!
    You are too young and can achieve your goals in the next years without risking your health with aas.
    Use your brain!

  11. #11
    Ghost84 is offline New Member
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    I just wanted to point out that doin one cycle will probably not make him dependent on steroids to make gains in the future. As he asked about in his first post (question nr: 2)

    But the question is, why hurry. 170 pounds at 22 and just looking for 10 extra pounds. thats not should not even be hard, just give it a couple of years...

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