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  1. #1
    bedada's Avatar
    bedada is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2009

    How long can I stay on Var?

    I'm doing a Var only cycle that will be about 8 weeks. I'm getting good results like I did the first time I did a Var only cycle for 7 weeks. I think I remember reading some posts that stated it is not good to do an oral cycle for more than 12 weeks. I'm doing 20 mg a day of Var only. Would it hurt if I did a 12 or even 16 week cycle? The main thing I"m concerned about is if it will hurt my own test production long term.


  2. #2
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    the main thing you should be concerned with is cholesterol liver values etc. however people are on var for alot longer for medicinal purposes. granted not at the dose your running but it is still on the low side. id say 10 weeks max myself

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