Since about mid way through week 2 of my cycle my nips have been pretty tender and sensitive (kinda like when you were 13 or so going through puberty), even though I started Adex at .5mg EOD from day 1. I have cycled 4 times before and never had issues w/ gyno (with or without adex). My stats before cycle were 29 yrs old, 5'-10", 195 lbs @ 11% BF. My cycle is as follows:
Week 1-12 Test Cyp @ 500mg/week
week 1-10 Deca @ 500mg/week
week 1-4 Drol @ 100mg ED
week 1-8 T3 @ 25mcg
week 1-14 Adex .5mg EOD
PCT: Nolva (40,20,20,20), Clomid (100,50,50,25)
I am at the start of week 3 and don't want ignore these signs and develop gyno. What should I do?