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Thread: Tender nips on cycle while using Adex

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion

    Tender nips on cycle while using Adex

    Since about mid way through week 2 of my cycle my nips have been pretty tender and sensitive (kinda like when you were 13 or so going through puberty), even though I started Adex at .5mg EOD from day 1. I have cycled 4 times before and never had issues w/ gyno (with or without adex). My stats before cycle were 29 yrs old, 5'-10", 195 lbs @ 11% BF. My cycle is as follows:

    Week 1-12 Test Cyp @ 500mg/week
    week 1-10 Deca @ 500mg/week
    week 1-4 Drol @ 100mg ED
    week 1-8 T3 @ 25mcg
    week 1-14 Adex .5mg EOD
    PCT: Nolva (40,20,20,20), Clomid (100,50,50,25)

    I am at the start of week 3 and don't want ignore these signs and develop gyno. What should I do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    You could sub in aromasin instead. Your gyno could be related to the deca. Perhaps you could look into some caber or bromo??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Soul Society
    Well you've cycled before and never had gyno issues. Any of these compounds new to you? If so stop it inmediatly and start taking nolvadex at 20mg/day until symptoms dissappear. Then continue the rest of the cycle with arimidex or aromasin or letro.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    You could sub in aromasin instead. Your gyno could be related to the deca. Perhaps you could look into some caber or bromo??
    Yeah this is my 1st time running the drol and deca. I am well aware of prolactin/progrestin gyno that is associated w/ 19-nors, but I wouldn't think that this would be the case seeing that I started getting signs mid thru my 2nd week. I figured the deca would take longer to build up in the system. Looking back, I should have probably started the adex 1 week prior to starting any of these compounds. You think I should up the adex dose to .5mg ED and see if that helps? I could run a small dose of nolva (10mg) but not sure if this would be good w/ the deca.

  5. #5
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    Apr 2005
    You know bro, It might be prudent to get some bloodwork drawn. I am not a fan of running ancillaries without know whether or not I really need them. Until you get your results up the adex to .5mgs ed. Im not sure when the prlctn/prgest sides from deca start to manifest??? The bloodwork will indicate what the problem is. Keep us posted.. I hope this helps!

  6. #6
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    Well I have continued to stick w/ running the adex at .5mg EOD now and today my nips feel less sensitive. Maybe it just took awhile for the adex to get into my system. I am going to continue w/ the same dose of adex and hope it wipes these beginning stages of gyno out of my system. If this doesn't totally eleviate my problem can I run nolva too. I thought I read before that serms aren't to be run on cycle w/ 19-nors...can anyone comfirm this?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Well I have still been running the adex @ .5mg EOD and my nips continue to be sensitive. What should I do? Up the adex to .5mg ED or run a low dose of nolva (10-20mg) alongside the adex until symptoms discontinue? Is it bad to run adex and nolva together, I thought I remember hearing something about they lessen each others effects when ran together? Help a brotha out, I feel like a I'm back in middle school going through puberty! lol

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    do what people said, drop the deca, it seems to be aparent that is causing the problem. your having elavated prolactine levels. Adex does not effect can get some caber which would help, i guess...but i would just drop the deca

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I gotta be the drol

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by chitownhoker View Post
    do what people said, drop the deca, it seems to be aparent that is causing the problem. your having elavated prolactine levels. Adex does not effect can get some caber which would help, i guess...but i would just drop the deca
    I will have to disagree w/ you here, the deca wouldn't be causing problems in as little as 2 weeks. I know adex doesn't effect prolactin directly, but keeping low estrogen levels while on cycle will help in itself to fight off prolactin/progrestin gyno. I don't want to drop the deca, this whole cycle was based of experiementing w/ deca. I don't want to end up w/ gyno but don't want to cut my cycle short until I try everything to alleviate this beginning stages of gyno. I can get some caber but I kinda doubt prolactin at this stage is my problem.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    I gotta be the drol
    So you think it's the might be, like I said I have never used it before. Come to think of it, I have never had gyno issues w/ my past cycles, but the last cycle I ran of test prop and oral winstrol gave me sore nips as well. I ran the winny from week 4-10 and I didn't start getting sore nips until right around the time I added in the winny. I wasn't aware that orals can cause gyno, could this be my prob?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I would add some aromasin to your pct and you should be gyno free.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifterjaydawg View Post
    I would add some aromasin to your pct and you should be gyno free.
    Sorry, but this doesn't make much since. Aromasin is an AI, much like Adex. I am running the adex on cycle to control my estrogen so there will be no need for an AI for PCT, as the nolva and clomid will due the job. Basically, if you use and AI on cycle you shouldn't need one during PCT.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by M302_Imola View Post
    Sorry, but this doesn't make much since. Aromasin is an AI, much like Adex. I am running the adex on cycle to control my estrogen so there will be no need for an AI for PCT, as the nolva and clomid will due the job. Basically, if you use and AI on cycle you shouldn't need one during PCT.
    Agreed on that one.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Try some Cabergoline or Pramipexole. PRL may be further causing a problem with gyno.

    You could also try Tamoxifen at 20mg/ED. It will downregulate the ER in breast tissue and downregulate PgR aswell as its synthesised in responce to the ER.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Try some Cabergoline or Pramipexole. PRL may be further causing a problem with gyno.

    You could also try Tamoxifen at 20mg/ED. It will downregulate the ER in breast tissue and downregulate PgR aswell as its synthesised in responce to the ER.
    Thanks for the I will start running some caber (at what dose?) and run the nolva @ 20mg ED until the nip soreness goes away, should I continue to run the adex w/ the nolva?

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