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Thread: Best Speed Roid?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Best Speed Roid?

    Hey everybody, I love playing football and was just wondering is there any AAS which can help boost your performance in that particular sport, in terms of improving your cardiovascular endurance and maybe even increasing your speed?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Winstrol is the most common for track and field. Like a Dbol without water gain...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Are winstrol tabs any effective?

    As I dont think im quite ready for injections just yet!

    Wihat can i exactly expaect from winstrol?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Baton Rouge
    Div 1 associate of mine who will probly go 1st round this year used Winstrol and prop. cycle for 8 weeks straight. I advised him against the long term winstrol usage but he insisted otherwise. He turned out just fine with no side effects but his 40 yd time went from 4.81 to something like 4.73 after only 8 weeks. That is also considering he gained 15 pounds off of the cycle. His weight increased to 273 total running a 4.73 40. Oh yea he's a tight end. Not sure exactly what he's running his senior year now but I do know he has been on multiple cycles since. I only know about his first experience b/c of all the bragging afterwords

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Whats prop bro!

    Please elaborate

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Baton Rouge
    Ok sorry for the multiple posts but I just spoke with him and he said that he is now 6'4 289 pounds and running a 4.71. He said that he has ran a total of 4 cycles and the first three were the prop and winstrol and this last cycle he ran Test Enathate, Equipoise, Prop to jump start, and also Winny at the end. After cutting down from 303 pounds he is now 289 running a 4.71. Dont quote me on this b/c he is the type to overbrag but he sounded pretty sure when he stated the facts.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Baton Rouge
    Click on Search engine and type in " Test Prop"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    That sounds good man, Im not really interested in bulking but I just want to have a good physique-cut-up/ripped..know what I mean?

    My diet is good, but i just need something to kickstart me a little extra!

    Hey everybbody, any suggestions!

    Are there any amateurs, or even pros that have taken AAS to increase speed etc, or sports performance!

    Help will be greatly appreciated

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york
    Increasing your speed is a matter of training not gear! I don't care how much or what kind of gear you use, if your not training correctly you will not see good results. Speed is a function of neuromuscular coordination, getting all the involved muscles to fire together and in systematic order this can be attained by training not steriods.

    Speed can be broken down into a few areas --

    Starting strength: The first two steps of a race (play)

    Acceleration: Starting strength plus the next ten steps of a race.

    Max. Velocity: top speed only held for a few seconds. you need not worry about this because you seldom attain max velocity during a game.

    Lateral speed and agility: The ability to change directions as quickly as possible while maintaining body control and mechanics.

    Power endurance: The ability to perform maximum explosive effort for repetitions.

    I hope this helps.

    Last edited by xxxl83; 01-08-2003 at 06:23 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Get yourself a pair of strength shoes. They work very well...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Originally posted by xxxl83
    Increasing your speed is a matter of training not gear! I don't care how much or what kind of gear you use, if your not training correctly you will not see good results. Speed is a function of neuromuscular coordination, getting all the involved muscles to fire together and in systematic order this can be attained by training not steriods.

    Speed can be broken down into a few areas --

    Starting strength: The first two steps of a race (play)

    Acceleration: Starting strength plus the next ten steps of a race.

    Max. Velocity: top speed only held for a few seconds. you need not worry about this because you seldom attain max velocity during a game.

    Lateral speed and agility: The ability to change directions as quickly as possible while maintaining body control and mechanics.

    Power endurance: The ability to perform maximum explosive effort for repetitions.

    I hope this helps.


    Read this bro cause he's right.... It's all about how you train!! Also don't use AS just because you want to show your friends up in flag football it's not worth the risks. You can get fast and cut up with diet and training.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Steroids are either testosterone, or derivatives of testosterone. All steroids are performance enhancing. However, you may want to avoid a steroid like anadrol or even high levels of testosterone which can cause a lot of water gain, which could theoretically make you slower. So you probably are looking for just about any steroid that does not cause significant water retention. You are also probably looking for a steroid that increases aggressiveness and is highly androgenic. So anadrol will make you too heavy and slow, and primo will not make you aggressive enough. Therefore, I would recommend trenbolone aka "fina." It is fairly cheap, too, so it is your best bet.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Cheers sig, Il look in to that

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    winstrol and good diet

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You've got to run, when training for speed... Muscle memory will come into play the more you sprint.
    If you want speed you need to train your legs on the track..
    Warm up of 2 to 3 laps and then high knees and butt kicks first 50 yards of one then 50yrds of the other. 3 sets
    Stretching is another key after and before warm ups then start your sprints at 1/4 speed @ 100meters 2 or 3
    The 1/2 speed @ 100meters 2-3
    Then 3/4 speed @ 100meters.
    Then stretch
    Try this three times a week before you start going full speed at the end of 3/4 speed.

    If there is a slight hill in your neighborhood this can be use full for muscle memory, sprinting down hill will get your legs use to a long hard stride. and the quick foot power also.

    Remember this you have to run, increasing your speed isn't an easy task, most cant even stick with it for a month or two. But if want to be fast your gonna have to work for it.... winny, test-suspension, primo-depot,
    But another thing is strength to body composition. Some guys are heavy but have the strength to move some guys are light and cant build up power.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Originally posted by MBaraso
    Get yourself a pair of strength shoes. They work very well...
    Strength shoes is a rip off if you aks me... They only thing they do is overload the calves. Which is only responsible for 15-20% of a vertical jump height and even less in a 40 yard dash... So Plyometrics YES!! But without the platform shoes! Not to mention their routine is nowhere near optimal....

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