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Thread: Severe acne 5 weeks out of pct wtf??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Severe acne 5 weeks out of pct wtf??

    As i mentioned in another post im 5 weeks out of pct and my acne is awful.

    Ran test for 10weeks. PCT nolva and clomid. Not much acne on cycle, loads in pct and now its worse than ever. Doctor has referred me to a skin specialist.

    Just wondering what the hell is causing this and why when im this far out of pct is it still so bad? Also has anyone tried accutane and can it be ran alongside orals as they are both very hepatoxic?


  2. #2
    Unfortunately acne is one of the most common side effects during PCT / after PCT.

    That's because during this time your hormone levels are going to be fluctuating the greatest, and as a result your skin can become very oily.

    Running accutane at a low dosage throughout your cycle is a very common protocol for avoiding this. I find 10mg each day for the duration of the cycle will prevent acne.

    Read Hazards thread on accutane. it'll help you out a lot..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Thanks man.

    Im terrified of that drug. In northern ireland (homeland) it is a very strictly used drug and most people turn it down. Iv had friends run it and feel suicidal it was awful to watch. But it looks like my only option. Any input on if this acne will subside in due course? or am i now stuck with it?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    It will get better when your body goes back to a stable hormone level.

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