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Thread: Prop 200: Testosterone Propionate

  1. #1

    Prop 200: Testosterone Propionate

    Hello everyone. Well first off, I actually did research this quite a bit, and I have had a very hard to finding any solid information. I've heard a lot about how knowledgeable many people on this site are, so I thought I'd come here.

    I'm starting my first cycle ever of Testosterone Propionate, name brand is Prop 200. My first injection was given on my right upper glute. It didn't hurt at all at the time, but 4 days later I'm in extreme pain. I understand I have "virgin" muscles when it comes to this stuff, but also, I'm completely new and need all the advice I can get. The shot was only 1ml (100mg). I'm thinking maybe for now on I'll do 50mg every other day.

    My questions are: Is 50mg a day sufficient?

    Is there anything I can do about the pain? (Icing or heat etc)

    What are the best injection techniques? And sites? (I'd like to switch the sites up for obvious reasons...ouch!)

    And how long after IM injection is this stuff active in your system? (I've heard ALL sorts of different answers)

    I've spent hours researching, and did the best I could for my first dose. But still, I'm left with so many unanswered questions.

    Thank so much in advance!!

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    How long have you been training for?
    What is your diet like?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    How long have you been training for?
    What is your diet like?
    Thanks for the quick reply!

    I've been training pretty intensely for about 4 months now. I mix it up often, different body parts for different days, heavy days, light days etc.

    My diet is high in protein, a good amount of calories, and some carbs.

    Eggs, chicken breast, black/refried beans (fat free), brown rice. Those are a few things often used throughout my daily diet. I also use protein shakes throughout the day. And Monster Amino which I drink before/during/after my workouts.

    I'm 23 years old, closer to 24. 6 foot, 185 lbs. Not sure about exact body fat, it's not too high anymore. Some definition (outline) of abdominal area. But not ripped, by any means.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    How many injections have you done so far?

    Have you only been training for 4 months? How much before that?
    IMO you could have put on another 20lbs naturally before starting this or any cycle.
    What are your goals?
    Are you only running Prop?
    What is your PCT?

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You need to stop taking steroid, you have only been training for 4 months, this is no foundation for taking gear, i know this is not what you want to hear but its the correct advice, stop taking gear now!!

    You need to go down to the diet section and design a proper diet, this will be far better than any steroid at this stage...

    stop taking gear and sort your diet out, train hard for another 2 yrs at least.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    How many injections have you done so far?

    Have you only been training for 4 months? How much before that?
    IMO you could have put on another 20lbs naturally before starting this or any cycle.
    What are your goals?
    Are you only running Prop?
    What is your PCT?
    I've been training for about 6 years. I took some times off, and have been going back at it for 4 months. I can still bench (rep) over my body weight, etc. I was already in decent shape before starting back 4 months ago, just gained a little fat during my time off (which was about 3 months over the summer).

    My goals are to gain strength, and become more cut. I heard this is good gear for cutting. I've only injected 1 time so far.

    I'm running Prop by itself, and don't really have any plan for a PCT. I could use advice for that too.

    Also, I should definitely mention my test results from roughly 2 years ago stated my test levels were significantly low for my age. (Around 17 something if I remember correctly, but I'm not really sure what that means.)

    So a test supp has been recommended in the past, but nowadays I'm without insurance. So this is the cheaper option.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You need to stop taking steroid, you have only been training for 4 months, this is no foundation for taking gear, i know this is not what you want to hear but its the correct advice, stop taking gear now!!

    You need to go down to the diet section and design a proper diet, this will be far better than any steroid at this stage...

    stop taking gear and sort your diet out, train hard for another 2 yrs at least.
    That's excellent advice. I replied to other post before this one, but like I said, the 4 months is me starting back up after only 3 months off. (Because I easily turned into a fat slob during summer lol)

    I was only able to gain so much, my former Dr. said this was due to the naturally low test levels I had. I'm not positive if that was it or not, but without insurance, I'm looking for an alternative to help the test problems.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I think when i asked you how long you been training you wouldnt of put 4 months if you had been training for 6 yrs previous, so i am kind of not believing you to be honest,

    I think your trying to tell us what we want to hear,

    my advice still stands, am out!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I think when i asked you how long you been training you wouldnt of put 4 months if you had been training for 6 yrs previous, so i am kind of not believing you to be honest,

    I think your trying to tell us what we want to hear,

    my advice still stands, am out!
    That's fine, I apologize for the lack of information at first but everything I've said so far has been honest.

    Anyway, if anyone has any other helpful advice it'd be greatly appreciated!

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