Current stats as of 10 min ago. Ive been sick past 1.5 months up until 2 weeks ago.
175 lbs
14.5% bf
am going to do a cycle of test prop 500 week 1-12
dbol 40 a day 1-4
previous cycle exp.
sustanon 12 weeks
I am working on cleaning up my diet now before I start my cycle in the first week of Jan. I plan to be:
12% BF
With my previous cycle I had crazy water reten. and everyone was always asking me if I was on AAS. It was really obv.
I would like to keep it at a minimum on my next cycle without losing any gains.
Any advice?
The reason why I want to keep it down is because I dont want it to be obv. to anyone that I am on AAS. For personal reasons.