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Thread: Not sastified with current cycle...AT ALL

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Not sastified with current cycle...AT ALL

    Current cycle:

    Test: 800mgs/week
    DECA: 600mgs/week

    Alright well im about 7 weeks into my cycle, and so far the gains are nothing like I anticipitated. As far as actual weight gain it has been minimal (2-3lbs), the source is legit so thats not an issue. My diet ISNT AMAZING I will be the first one to admit that, actually I am kind of pissed off about that part because I usually do alot better. But my diet is not terrible either 6 meals a day around 200grams of protein. Diet varies because I eat at a university dining hall, but honestly while my diet maybe hampering me from getting MORE OUT OF MY GAINS it shouldn't prevent this much of a drastic change because like I said my diet is pretty good just need to be more consitent. But I have been busy with class workload and the gf so its been kind of hard to be 100% consistent day in and day out. But still the results are nothing like I got on previous cycles (last cycle Test 500mgs gave me around 20lbs)

    Now I am seeing changes, I am leaner, muscles feel fuller, I am wider, people have commented my stomach area is alot leaner which it is its completely flat and I see changes in my chest, back, and shoulders. But no real weight gain.

    Took 5 days off in case I was over training to much (which I sometimes tend to do when people see my workouts)

    Hopefully something happens the next 5 weeks, because its weird I am getting leaner instead of getting bloated off the deca. I 100% trust my source so I highly doubt the gear is bunk or underdosed.

    200lbs (Mostly All upper body, I don't do legs cuz of knee problems people always say I look alot more)
    bf% 9-10%
    Last edited by Immortal Soldier; 11-27-2009 at 02:48 PM.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Different for everyone some have little gains for 5-6 weeks then blow up the next 4. Some gain in the first 6 weeks then just solidfy it the next 6 weeks.
    That kind of thing can make you start doubting everything: just hang in there man.. It may just be slow out off the line for you. Give it another week and hold the course.

  3. #3
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    On this site...
    Is it Test E?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Ender- View Post
    That kind of thing can make you start doubting everything: just hang in there man.. It may just be slow out off the line for you. Give it another week and hold the course.
    True, but test-e usually works quick for me and I get some solid weight gain especially since this si the first time i bumped up to 800mgs/week.

  5. #5
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    I would add in another meal if you can and down 2 more shakes..... It definately should be kicked in by now so increase those calories......


  6. #6
    You aren't eating enough, it's that simple. You have more muscle mass to feed than before, if your diet was complete SHIT but still managed to take in more than you put out, you'd gain weight, and the same for if your diet was Pro BB material.

    Diet quality's affect is only a change in the ratio of fat vs muscle gained of the TOTAL weight gained, however quantity is always the limiting factor and gains have to be made through quantity while quality takes care of what is actually being gained. Might sound confusing, but eat more, and eat better. Unless you're getting like 4hrs of sleep a night, and you train like a yoga instructor, diet is the only thing holding you back.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I would add in another meal if you can and down 2 more shakes..... It definately should be kicked in by now so increase those calories......

    Yeah I am going 14 weeks (well I stop by the deca 2 weeks before)

    Hows yours going?

    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    You aren't eating enough, it's that simple. You have more muscle mass to feed than before, if your diet was complete SHIT but still managed to take in more than you put out, you'd gain weight, and the same for if your diet was Pro BB material.

    Diet quality's affect is only a change in the ratio of fat vs muscle gained of the TOTAL weight gained, however quantity is always the limiting factor and gains have to be made through quantity while quality takes care of what is actually being gained. Might sound confusing, but eat more, and eat better. Unless you're getting like 4hrs of sleep a night, and you train like a yoga instructor, diet is the only thing holding you back.
    This is true, but another thing is I have been bulking all my life so I have reached the point where my body HATES FOOD, when it is time for me to eat I literally rush through it because I view it was a job rather than something I want to do. I hate it, but I force it and consquentely the amount of food I can take it per meal has fallen from a year ago just because my body doesn't want it.

  8. #8
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    You really should grow from this cycle. If you have a flat stomach I`d say your on a diet. Post your food intake.

  9. #9
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    I was dissapointed in my cycle im running now until about week 8. the first 8 i only gained about 5-8 pounds. over the last 4 something clicked( tweaked my diet a little) and now overall i have gained close to 18 pounds on this cycle going into my last week

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    True, but test-e usually works quick for me and I get some solid weight gain especially since this si the first time i bumped up to 800mgs/week.
    bro if you are or have been running trt at 250mg ew that is where your problem is, I noticed after six months of trt it takes more test 1000mg ew or up to 1250mg ew to get the body to react the way i like it to. I would up the test at least 200mg ew and see how much of a change it makes....jmo

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by *RAGE* View Post
    bro if you are or have been running trt at 250mg ew that is where your problem is, I noticed after six months of trt it takes more test 1000mg ew or up to 1250mg ew to get the body to react the way i like it to. I would up the test at least 200mg ew and see how much of a change it makes....jmo
    Yeah thats what I was thinking, that because of 250mg trt my body is used to it. But still 800mg should be enough for gains especially when run alongside 600mg of deca.

    But yeah I am getting leaner which is not my goal, this tells me I am not eating enough. I try though its not like I juice and sit around for it to work.

  12. #12
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    id b looking to take more than 200grms protein mate

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Current cycle:

    Test: 800mgs/week
    DECA: 600mgs/week

    Alright well im about 7 weeks into my cycle, and so far the gains are nothing like I anticipitated. As far as actual weight gain it has been minimal (2-3lbs), the source is legit so thats not an issue. My diet ISNT AMAZING I will be the first one to admit that, actually I am kind of pissed off about that part because I usually do alot better. But my diet is not terrible either 6 meals a day around 200grams of protein. Diet varies because I eat at a university dining hall, but honestly while my diet maybe hampering me from getting MORE OUT OF MY GAINS it shouldn't prevent this much of a drastic change because like I said my diet is pretty good just need to be more consitent. But I have been busy with class workload and the gf so its been kind of hard to be 100% consistent day in and day out. But still the results are nothing like I got on previous cycles (last cycle Test 500mgs gave me around 20lbs)

    Now I am seeing changes, I am leaner, muscles feel fuller, I am wider, people have commented my stomach area is alot leaner which it is its completely flat and I see changes in my chest, back, and shoulders. But no real weight gain.

    Took 5 days off in case I was over training to much (which I sometimes tend to do when people see my workouts)

    Hopefully something happens the next 5 weeks, because its weird I am getting leaner instead of getting bloated off the deca. I 100% trust my source so I highly doubt the gear is bunk or underdosed.

    200lbs (Mostly All upper body, I don't do legs cuz of knee problems people always say I look alot more)
    bf% 9-10%

    I was in the same boat as you. My last cycle was 600mg Cyp/600mg Deca. The gains were nothing great. 6'3" at 253lbs 16%bf. I think was like 247 before the cycle. The bottom line is, we're in over our heads. The gains are not gonna come like they used to. Were the same age ( I think) and I know for a fact that I am wayyyy balls deep into gear at such a young age, which has resulted in TRT. Just be happy with the few clean lbs you can gain off of the cycle. I'm at about 6500 calories right now with 380g protein. Like Haz said, if you cant up the cals, add in another whey and a casein.

  14. #14
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    I would also think not training legs would really handicap you as far as lbs on the scale go as well there is some serious weight down there once I started really hitting heavy low bar back squats my weight really jumped all natural and my legs are OK but nothing special either. You are not training half your body, weight gain will be much more difficult IMO.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    I would also think not training legs would really handicap you as far as lbs on the scale go as well there is some serious weight down there once I started really hitting heavy low bar back squats my weight really jumped all natural and my legs are OK but nothing special either. You are not training half your body, weight gain will be much more difficult IMO.
    and diet.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    I would also think not training legs would really handicap you as far as lbs on the scale go as well there is some serious weight down there once I started really hitting heavy low bar back squats my weight really jumped all natural and my legs are OK but nothing special either. You are not training half your body, weight gain will be much more difficult IMO.
    Yeah but i have bad knees, and honestly I dont wanna risk having even worse knee problems 15-20 years down the road. Legs just hurt way to much to the point I should probably wrap them, so I stopped.

  17. #17
    Meh, you just have too many excuses and we don't have any special answers for you or any condoning words. You already know what you have to do, so don't blame anything else.

    Eat more, train harder, rest better, and less excuses. There, your problem is solved.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymnerd View Post
    I would also think not training legs would really handicap you as far as lbs on the scale go as well there is some serious weight down there once I started really hitting heavy low bar back squats my weight really jumped all natural and my legs are OK but nothing special either. You are not training half your body, weight gain will be much more difficult IMO.
    Exactyl what gym nerd said . I was weighing190lbs, but when I started training legs seriously my weight jumped to 197lbs

  19. #19
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Yeah but i have bad knees, and honestly I dont wanna risk having even worse knee problems 15-20 years down the road. Legs just hurt way to much to the point I should probably wrap them, so I stopped.
    i had my left knee cap torn out when i was young and told id need a stick by the time i was 30, at 34 i now one rep max 270kgs on the squat and the stick hasnt been nessecary lol ( competition sub paralell squat tht is, not the usual 2" dip u c most "squatting")
    Last edited by dec11; 11-28-2009 at 09:56 AM.

  20. #20
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    You need more protein. 200g/day is not enough while on cycle.

  21. #21
    Not working out legs + Eating in a university dinning hall = sh*tty gains.

    Pre-cook some chicken and cruise around with it all day.

    And please no more of this rubbish about "hating" eating. suck it up princess.

    you aren't one of those boys who cries after you cum, are you??? LOLLL

  22. #22
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    agreed with all the things said about diet and legs.

    BUT number 1 IMO, and Immortal im sure this is gonna piss you off but bro you re on AAS year around! i think you re on your 2 or 3 "cycle" since i have even completed my last one in august

    if i remember correct you cruise on test and then throw other compounds in there for your "cycles". one of my buddies does that and has the same problem.

    im not even on cycle and am about 205 right now, bf% is about 11 and im actually cutting! im only eating 4-5 meals a day, pretty much my maintainence diet

    So IMO your tolerance to AAS is just too high man and you need a break just like anyone else would that runs normal cycles and doesnt cruise and blast like you do

    just my .02

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHUCKYthentic View Post
    agreed with all the things said about diet and legs.

    BUT number 1 IMO, and Immortal im sure this is gonna piss you off but bro you re on AAS year around! i think you re on your 2 or 3 "cycle" since i have even completed my last one in august

    if i remember correct you cruise on test and then throw other compounds in there for your "cycles". one of my buddies does that and has the same problem.

    im not even on cycle and am about 205 right now, bf% is about 11 and im actually cutting! im only eating 4-5 meals a day, pretty much my maintainence diet

    So IMO your tolerance to AAS is just too high man and you need a break just like anyone else would that runs normal cycles and doesnt cruise and blast like you do

    just my .02
    Ah...that would shed some light on his situation! Yeah dude...take a break. I finished my cycle in early August and won't be starting up again until late April.

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