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  1. #1
    sfour_tay is offline Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    pct and gear availability in costa rica

    im going to visit my fam in costa rica for 11 days next month for the holidays.

    i know that my fam can get alot of script drugs there with out scripts and for cheap so i was wondering that they had there as far as pct chems go and gear.

    i know you can get preloaded sust syringes and maybe deca .

    what i really want to now is if i can get some clomid, nolva, armidex, letro and maybe some clen .

    mostly the nolva and clomid but if they have others then that would be awesome.

    ill be on the coast but going into san jose is no problem if they have stuff.

    just wondering if any one has had experince getting stuff while they were there.


  2. #2
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
    Dont wanna be old is offline Knowledgeable Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Zero knowledge here .

    I have wondered if I was to travel if I could mail myself a couple packages .

    You would have first hand knowledge if package was tampered with , no signature needed . Name on package slightly different than yours . labels could be altered to real contents or ******* packaging . As long as drug dogs can't sniff out drugs .

    I would want to keep my self distance from any legalities or drawing attention to myself .

    Good luck and enjoy your vacation .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    a trash can
    The only thing I saw in CR is Sust and Deca preloads, and believe me I went to every pharmacy in San Jose to see what they had. I didn't ask about any PCT chems, but I'm pretty certain they would at least have nolva and clomid. You might be able to get some vet grade gear from the veterinarians, but I had no luck, but I could of looked a little harder. I know I checked a website and there is a pretty big vet grade company that distributes down there.

    If you would like some ideas on where to go you can PM me.

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