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Thread: About to take D-bol...need some help...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Question About to take D-bol...need some help...

    I'm currently at 150 lbs. I have been eating right for a month now and been training on and off all year. I am actually starting to gain some size, but I decided to take approx. 150 5 mg D-Bols over a 6 week period.

    I have a few questions: Should I be taking Nolvadex at the same time as the D-bols or take it afterwards? What is a sufficient amount? I got it in the 10mg pills. I was told that it holds back size when you take it at the same time. I am actually trying to avoid the "obvious" look of someone who took D-bol such as the blown-up cheeks or neck. Obviously, you cannot help that, but I am just asking which would be better for me: Take with, or after.

    Next, I am taking Clomid when I am off. What is a sufficient amount and for how many days?

    Last, is there an herb or any suppliment I can take to help out my liver. D-bol fucks up your liver, so if you know of anything please let me know.

    I am new to this so please help out...thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    You are 17 @ 150lbs? IMO - throw the shit away... I am out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    For # 1 don't do d-bol alone. You'll lose most of your gains when you go off regardless if you take clomid or not.
    You need to stack something w/ the d-bol, like Test.
    Do alittle reasearch on D-bol - test cycles...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Originally posted by Warrior
    You are 17 @ 150lbs? IMO - throw the shit away... I am out.
    I didn't see he was 17.
    Go w/ Warrior's advice...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    If you are 17, work on your diet/training. No need for juice for a couple more years at least.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003


    18 is right around the corner, still think I should fuck it? All my buddies are on there 2nd and 3rd cycles....stupid? thanks for the replies.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Agreed with what was stated above, you said you are starting to see some gains. Why would you stop gaining naturally? Save your first cycle for a year or two down the road. Do some research, stick around and learn from others experiences and then when your knowledgable enough to have a cycle put together to best suit your needs then giver!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    BRO IF UR 17, THEN UR ABOUT TO MAKE A BIIIIIG MISTAKE!!!!! U cant use A.S. at age 17, ur body hasnt set its set point, joints havent fully matured, ur test is naturally high, ull stunt ur growth, ull have NO NUTs when ur 21, anything else u wanna now Wanghip??????????? Take warriors and everyone elses advice since we know what the hell were talkin about and were also here to help each other so dont be stupid, GET RID OF THE SHIT!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Oh, and your first cycle If done right will be your best cycle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Thanks guys, I appreciate it.

    I will put it away for future use. When would it be a good time to take it? Also, after watchin my buddies shoot up, I refuse to do it!!! That is why I was in favor of D-bol. I know, "take it like a man" ...I am sure you get used to it after the first time anyway, so fuck it.

    Is there anything I can take to help gain? I have been eating like crazy and drinking lots of water. I am currently on IDS ProAndrogen and IDS Durabol...andro-based products from GNC...supposed to be the best out there...It do not think it has done anything for me, nor has CellTech? Since D-bol is obviously not the answer, anything legal you suggest?

    Also, just out of curiosity what is Tribulus?

    Thanks again.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Don't waste your $ on that shit from GNC. It's garbage.
    You can use Creatine and Protein. Both can be bought very cheap at
    Just eat alot, train hard and you'll grow.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    You need calories buddy. Put your pic up and let in the members forum and we can help you with your diet and training split... and see what we are starting with - sounds like you are an ectomorph, a hardgainer.

    Not only put the stuff away - but get rid of it. Don't leave it around to temptation. I started training at 17 and got very far naturally by educating myself on nutrition and training theories. Spend your money on books, food, and OTC supplements. I didn't take my first shot until 24. You seriously don't need it...

    As far as a supplement grocery list: Timed Release Multi Vitamin (I like GNC Ultra Mega Gold), Vitamin C, L-Glutamine and some Myoplex Mass to fill in your meals during the day (it will give you quick calories that require no cooking, and even better no dishes... and I think they all taste great... just mix it in a shaker anywhere you are at - you can do it in detention if it causes you to miss a meal ).

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Agreed that 17 is too young. You say you've been training on/off for about a year? That's a good start, but it's not very long. Hit it a lot harder and be more consistent. Workout at least another 2 or 3 years NON STOP (with occasional one or two week breaks as needed). After then think about juice again. For all you know you might be doing SO good naturally that you won't even want to juice.

    And those friends of yours, if they aren't very careful, and just keep juicing up at really high amounts, won't be where you will be at the age of 25 or so. They all mess up their growth and natural process, you'll see that in the long run you can hold more mass and all that. Of course it all depends on genetics too, and not everyone can be Ronnie

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    wanghip-it sounds to me like your diet and training aren't on point enough for you to start AS, not to mention what everyone're too young. Get your training on a more consistent schedule, not "on and off". Also, what's an average day for you with your diet? Dial that in and lift naturally for another few years, you'll grow, trust me, then begin a cycle when you plateau. And forget about an oral only.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Thanks for all the honest replies....
    To Warrior and the rest you guys, here is my schedule:

    Today for example: (its a bitch b/c of school)

    *Breakfast- 2 Packets Oatmeal and bowl of fruit, Lactaid Milk

    *Snack- 2 hrs. later - (2) Peanut Butter Sandwich's and a REAL PROTEIN Bar.

    *Lunch- Big Turkey Sandwich, Sweetened apple sauce

    *Snack-2 hrs. later- Big Cheesburger, REAL PROTEIN Bar

    *Snack- 3 hrs. later- Big Turkey Sub from SUBWAY

    *Dinner- Chicken wrap

    *Snack of some sort

    I drink approx. 5-6 Liters of water everyday.

    I have been working out hard for 3 weeks now. I currently taking a Multi-Protein Vitamin, very similar to the GNC one. I am also on IDS ProAndrogen(e) and Durabol(e), and was taking CellTech. So far, basically no results. Since the new diet and hard training I have gained a little size. But yes, its hard to put on mass. I will post a pic tonight or tomorrow. Please write back with suggestions, or maybe when you see my size like Warrior said you can further help me.

    Later and thanks again.. -wanghip

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