Hey guys I ve been quietly watching this board for some time. First off Id like to thank you all because ive gotton a great deal of valuable info that is hard to find in even the best medical textbooks. Ive been lifting for about a year and a half seriously. Im 24 yrs 5'9 152lb at about 7-8%. I have a very light bone structure with a 28 inch waist so ive been told I look a bit bigger than 152. Im about to start the following cycle it will be my first
primo 200/wk wks 1-8
papervar 25 ed wk 4-12
proviron 25mg ed wk1-12
clomid after the var with nolvadex on hand just in case
Attached is a photo of what I would ultimately like to achieve. What do you guys think of the cycle considering my goal. Furthermore what do you think i would have to weigh and at what bodyfat to have this look.
Thanks for your help!