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Thread: how to run test deca combo?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    how to run test deca combo?

    I could use some advise on how to run this gear: On hand I have 2 vials (10cc each) of Test cyp dosed at 250mg/ml and One vial (10cc’s) of Deca dosed at 300mg/ml I have cycle minimal cycle experience ( 2 decent test only cycles over the past 2 years or so and a cycle while in college of Sostanon. I am currently 5 ft 11ish and 187lbs with about 15% bf (maybe slightly less) and I’m 39 years old. My diet is protein heavy and fairly clean with BCCA’s and complex carbs (oats). I am looking at doing a bulking cycle and am kind of of confused at to how much and when to start stop the Deca and what dosage to pin weekly. Normally I’d take the test at 500 to 600mg every 7 days but I’m not sure with the Deca. What can I expect from the Deca / test combo? PCT is lined up with Clomid (any other recommendations???)

  2. #2
    baseline_9's Avatar
    baseline_9 is offline The Transformer ~VET~Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    well you probably could put more weight on without a cycle, only 187lbs at 5.11.

    you have enough to run test a 500mg per week for 10 weeks but you should discontinue the deca 2 week before the test and 8 weeks of deca is a little short from what i have read.

    if i were you i would read up about diet and try and make more gains withou a cycle.

    you would need a good PCT for deca also, so clomid nolva and an AI,

    post up a sample daily diet

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Might want to run some HCG too. Definitely would be better if you could get a little more test and deca and run the test 12 weeks and the deca 10 weeks. I think 300mg/week deca is a little on the low side too.

  4. #4
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    All the goods in hand. Will pin on monday and I will keep the diet high in protein. Low fat and good carbs. Trying for about 2800 cal a day on a bulk cycle. Here's a pic of the gear. 20cc of test cip and 10cc of deca. Looking to run it together for good reasons.

    Thoughts on dosages ?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Since it doesn't look like you got any more gear, how are you gonna run it?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    2800 cals wont be a bulk for need maybe around the same size a little smaller and i need 3300.

    Combine the test/deca into the same pin, shoot half doses every 3.5 days.

    Pct nolva and clomid.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Asking what doses I should take of the stuff. And 3500 cals?

  8. #8
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    I agree 100% with Baseline here. Your stats speak very poorly of your diet. I'd start there before beginning this cycle. The diet section is where you wanna be. Good luck.

  9. #9
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeepers View Post
    I could use some advise on how to run this gear: On hand I have 2 vials (10cc each) of Test cyp dosed at 250mg/ml and One vial (10cc’s) of Deca dosed at 300mg/ml I have cycle minimal cycle experience ( 2 decent test only cycles over the past 2 years or so and a cycle while in college of Sostanon. I am currently 5 ft 11ish and 187lbs with about 15% bf (maybe slightly less) and I’m 39 years old. My diet is protein heavy and fairly clean with BCCA’s and complex carbs (oats). I am looking at doing a bulking cycle and am kind of of confused at to how much and when to start stop the Deca and what dosage to pin weekly. Normally I’d take the test at 500 to 600mg every 7 days but I’m not sure with the Deca. What can I expect from the Deca / test combo? PCT is lined up with Clomid (any other recommendations???)
    That would give you 10 weeks at 300 mg's per......and you have 10 weeks worth of test at 500 mg's per...the problem I see is that you need to run the test for 2 weeks more than your last deca which case you'd have to dose the test lower to do that.You'd have to run 400 mg's of test for 12 weeks..IMO 10 weeks of deca at 300 will be ok but I usually don't feel the deca till week 10 -12 anyways...and thats at 500-600 mg's per week.

  10. #10
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    I actually feel decent about my weight condition for 39 years old not looking to be a body builder. Just get bigger and stronger for athletics.

    I figure this.

    I have enough gear to run 12 weeks or test at 400 a week and 300 of deca for 10 weeks. Or I could do 500 of test at 10 weeks and 375 of deca at 8 weeks. I am confused as to the ratios of deca to test


  11. #11
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeepers View Post
    I actually feel decent about my weight condition for 39 years old not looking to be a body builder. Just get bigger and stronger for athletics.

    I figure this.

    I have enough gear to run 12 weeks or test at 400 a week and 300 of deca for 10 weeks. Or I could do 500 of test at 10 weeks and 375 of deca at 8 weeks. I am confused as to the ratios of deca to test

    The problem is that an 8 week deca cycle is too short IMO. As far as the ratios...they can vary as the individual does. There are different schools of thought on that...personally I like to keep them even..or sometimes the test slightly 500 -750 test/500-600 I said before the deca doesn't fully kick in till week 10 (at least thats been my experience)'ll get some benefits out of an 8 week run...but not like a 12-14 week run.

  12. #12
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    Thanks for the advice Inky. I apeiciate it!

    Gonna run what I got. My source is very reliable on the legitness of the gear. He better be or ill tell our mother!

    I've been interested in tren. But cannot get my fingers on it ever. So I stick with what I can get. Usually test. The deca comound is new to me. That's all.

  13. #13
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeepers View Post
    Thanks for the advice Inky. I apeiciate it!

    Gonna run what I got. My source is very reliable on the legitness of the gear. He better be or ill tell our mother!

    I've been interested in tren. But cannot get my fingers on it ever. So I stick with what I can get. Usually test. The deca comound is new to me. That's all.
    No problem bro....thats why we're here...if you're unsure of stuff...ask....its better than to dive in uninformed....I personally like deca.....its great for the joints as well as muscle mass far as tren...for me..its the best gear for mass muscle building...I packed on 30lbs last tren/test/gh me if you have questions during cycle...and good luck.

  14. #14
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    Try to get a little more gear if you can. If not I would lean more toward doing 400mg test for 12 instead and deca for 10 instead of deca for 8 and test for 10.

    Good luck

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by EZ E View Post
    Try to get a little more gear if you can. If not I would lean more toward doing 400mg test for 12 instead and deca for 10 instead of deca for 8 and test for 10.

    Good luck
    I will have to do the 400 test for 12 option. What kind of difference should I expect by running the two compounds aside from just test. And is 400mg of test a week enough?

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Thinking I'm going to carb deplete and limit calories this week coupled with some hard cardio work. Drop about 5 lbs and pin on the following Monday.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Bought another 10cc of test

    Did my 1st dart yesterday

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